Greatest Idea EVEEEEEEEER!!!!!

Wow, my buddy and I just sat here and laughed about this for 10 minutes and just made fun of the guy.........he even had a picture. He was so sure he was onto something too:eek:
Nothing wrong with "Out of the box thinking", but that does not change the laws of physic.
I think he should try it ............ :rolleyes:
WOW, i seen and heard some crazy stuff in my time... but that has to be the crazyest and most funnyest thing i have seen.....:biggrin: :eek: :biggrin: .. thanks for the laughts......
That was priceless. Hard to believe somebody is that stupid!
i thought about sending the guy an email telling him that i already have a patent on just such a setup and, if he persists in trespassing on my multi-billion dollar invention i'll sue!:cool:
I laughed harder at the replys.:biggrin:

He's alot smarter than I am. No sure what a CFI is.:confused:
it will work it will work hahahahahahha I sure hope he was just joking. Daniel Ray
That was the funniest thread I've seen in a long time... simply hilarious!!

Here's the picture of what they did to his invention.... :biggrin:

No sure what a CFI is.:confused:

Maybe it's 'Can't figure (out) Ignorance"? :biggrin:

I think this has to be a joke, I mean seriously who in their right mind actually would think force feeding dirty polluted burned air into an engine would actually make any power?

Though I see this is the hot topic across all automotive web boards.