"Guess the E.T." Contest!!!

ok, how about it's the best run of the weekend that counts (thurs, fri, sat) Look for the big grey enclosed trailer with "black magic racing" on the sides.
Stu, this'll be my first time going sub-10's, should be quite an adventure.

John, I knew it was him! He's my uncle! Jeez thanks for wanting him to get beat up...LOL J/K, Not all native americans know each other ;)

Everyone's times noted. Dang George, you'r on to me, i noticed the same times submitted, i figured if everybody guesses the same, and the time wins, you guys can all fight for it while i make off with the prize!! LMAO T

hanks for posting guys, trying to put some of the fun back in the nats and into this board. :D
so much for that idea.....

sorry for the false hope, but the "Event Horizon" won't be ready for the nats... :( But, i'll buy you guys a soda as a consolation prize :p
Due to the stall converter being totallly wrong for your combo. YOu need about a 4500 stall + with that to 60' the car. I say at 20 psi a 9.62@146.66
NOt with that stall converter thats for sure!
I know it's the best run of the weekend that count's,but here's how it's going to play out.1st run 10.48,run 2 9.44,run 3 9.01,run 4 will be 8.83@163mph.(yes I do have a crystal ball)Most of all Have Fun and Stay Safe,TAKE CARE,AL