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Contact both Hagerty AND Grundy. I went with Grundy because the quote I got from Hagerty was $100/yr higher than Grundy.

Check them both.
Make sure you ask a lot of questions about limitations of using your car. I like to be able to drive the car for other reasons besides just going to and from car shows and cruises. Some of the insurance companies frown against commuting to work or running to the store. Just my experience when I was shopping around for insurance.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
He did have a FAST, and no MAF, but its burnt. Another vendor is working on getting it replaced.

Clay, please send the xfi to me when you get the chance

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using TurboBuick Mobile mobile app
Clay, please send the xfi to me when you get the chance

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using TurboBuick Mobile mobile app

It'll be on its way to you in about an hour. I'll call Holly to confirm the shipping address. The address I got is from your website.

Yeah Dave I'll check Hagerty and Grundy.

Thanks guys any other companies that you all recommend will get a call as well.
Ok Guys,
Major News...
87gnguy...Casey, has contacted me and informed me that he will pick up Clay's burnt car and get it to ScotW in Knoxville. This is HUGE!!! Scot can deliver it to Shawn in Pittsburgh. Once Shawn has both cars in the shop...he will be unhindered for the small items he may need to complete the car.
We will be calling on you members who have offered items already.
I'll be able to rest better knowing this.
It's on now!!!


Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Great Job Guys. This is such a great thing to see come together. It's nice to see all the hard work and positivity involved. Two thumbs up for all the awesome outstanding members involved.
OK guys we have good weather forcasted for the rest of the week. I have Dr. appts today so I should get to the car this afternoon and be able to finish getting it ready for transport. I'd forgotten about the Dr's. appts I had today but they are to important to miss/reschedule. I'll get back on the title and insurance mission tomorrow. Yesterday I got the garage cleaned so that I'll have my car's spot back and have room to work on stuff for the car. Its amazing how much chit can accumulate in a parking spot. I can't believe it took all day to get that crap cleaned out. Got the engine stand out of the shed.
Coach, any thoughts of having a meet one weekend at Shawn's where everyone who shows could bring a dish? That way everyone could lend a hand on the car and eat.
That's not a bad idea. I'll check

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
OK guys I got the title taken care of today. This car will have a personalized plate on it that pretty much says it all. That being said, the title guy didn't apply for a plate for it as he couldn't do personalized plates. I have to wait for the new title/registration to come in the mail to move on the insurance and the plate. Just keeping you updated. Tomorrow is free and clear so I'll be pulling the engine & tranny tomorrow. I spoke with 87gnguy today and we have a tentative plan to transport the car up to Scot W's place on the weekend of Sept 28th. I can't thank you all enough for making this happen.