How Gas Prices Work

How exactly does raising taxes on oil companies "help the average Joe".

Taxes need to be paid. You can have a corporation that make BILLIONS AND BILLIONS pay or you can have the Joe Avg. Citizen pick up the tab.

In the REPUBLICAN WORLD = Profits over people (Pro-Business)

In the Democratic World = People over Profits. (Pro-People)
This chart from the same page shows the cost comparisons between Oil, gas, Nuclear, and coal. Notice the cost difference between Coal and Nuclear energy is pretty much the same. Although, they are coming up with much cleaner ways to utilize coal energy, coal is a huge polutant. This is exactly why our local plants have been retro fitted with their own Co-Gens, becuase they are relying primarily on Nuclear power and using their own Co-Gens as back up. The governments clean air/water acts make it harder for plants to comply, which is a good thing. The fact is that we are becoming less dependent on fossil fuels and finding alternative means for power.

You're not showing me you have any idea you know what you are talking about. It's kind of scary.

Over 60% of the electricity generated in the US is generated by burning Fossil fuels, maybe close to 70% on any given day.

There hadn't been a New Nuclear Power Plant license taken out since Jimmy Carter was President (until last year and those plants won't go online for 10 years).

The percentage of Power We get from Nuclear has actually GONE DOWN in the last 10 years, from 20% in 1996 to 19 Percent in 2006. It's not that hard to look it up. Maybe you should.
60-70% is correct for FOSSIL FUELS. Right now "COAL" is at 50% and decreasing, should I repeat myself??? "COAL" Jesus, give me a break. 20% down to 19%, wow what a drop in 10 years especially with our new fuel alternatives within the past 10 years. Did you read any info i posted? No license taken out since Jimmy Carter???? Are you saying we have no nuclear power plants online for another 10 years??? My god.

And back to your comments earlier about me being a tool saying we are becoming more efficient:

"Our cars are much more efficient, our houses are extremely more efficient, our industrial plants dont use half the fossil fuels they used to and relly on electricity more than coal. The plants electricty from nuclear power plants now. Excuses are like as$holes, look at the facts and follow the money trail. Thats the only way to get to the real answer. "

Your responce:
"You really aren't the sharpest tool in the shed, but you are a tool, I will grant you this.

The above sentences shows you have ZERO idea what you are rambling about. Seek professional help."

I suppose you are still driving a 1970 big block Wagon and living in a house full of Leaded "lime green" paint with and oil burner to heat it.

I think we can clearly see who is the freakin tool.
60-70% is correct for FOSSIL FUELS. Right now "COAL" is at 50% and decreasing, should I repeat myself??? "COAL" Jesus, give me a break. 20% down to 19%, wow what a drop in 10 years especially with our new fuel alternatives within the past 10 years. Did you read any info i posted? No license taken out since Jimmy Carter???? Are you saying we have no nuclear power plants online for another 10 years??? My god.

And back to your comments earlier about me being a tool saying we are becoming more efficient:

"Our cars are much more efficient, our houses are extremely more efficient, our industrial plants dont use half the fossil fuels they used to and relly on electricity more than coal. The plants electricty from nuclear power plants now. Excuses are like as$holes, look at the facts and follow the money trail. Thats the only way to get to the real answer. "

Your responce:
"You really aren't the sharpest tool in the shed, but you are a tool, I will grant you this.

The above sentences shows you have ZERO idea what you are rambling about. Seek professional help."

I suppose you are still driving a 1970 big block Wagon and living in a house full of Leaded "lime green" paint with and oil burner to heat it.

I think we can clearly see who is the freakin tool.

What are you saying? The above is a bunch of crap.

you posted this:
our industrial plants dont use half the fossil fuels they used to and relly on electricity more than coal.

MOST of the Electricity in the US comes from COAL, so if a plant relies on electricity, it by definition relies on Coal.

Read your own quote. You seem to have been saying that if a plant used electricity it DIDN'T use coal, which is whacked.

Fossil fuel use for Electricity generation ISN'T Decreasing (It's Increasing) and on an Percentage basis Nuclear ISN'T increasing and hasn't been for at least the last 12 years.

There have been no New Nuclear Power Plants in the US that weren't already planned in 1979... Thirty Years ago.

How many New Nuclear Power Plants were started under 8 years of Clinton?

I'll give you a hint, it was ZERO.
Are you trying to say the only way to produce more nuclear power is to build new plants? Do you have any clue the power of nuclear fusion? It's not a quantity type thing like Coal.


Have you heard of alternative fuels? Nuclear power, wind, water?
If you are saying I'm an idiot because I state we are becoming more efficient, Texas must be much different than Iowa.

I'll have to agree with the "Beating a Dead Horse" comment.

I'm done, no more waisting the skin on my fingertips about this.
Are you trying to say the only way to produce more nuclear power is to build new plants?

Uhhh Yes. This is why the percentage of Electricity produced from Nuclear Power has stayed at "20% or less" for the last 15+ years.

Do you have any clue the power of nuclear fusion?

No, please explain it to me. This ought to be good.

Dude, Nuclear Fusion is not and has not ever been used to commercially generate electricity, anywhere on this planet.

Are you suggesting we switch over to Nuclear Fusion for all of our Power needs, though no-one has EVER made a viable fusion reactor, even in a lab?



The US relies on Coal now more than it ever has in its History to generate electricity. More Megawatts are generated with coal in 2008 than in any year previous to 2008.

So even your revised statement is false.

Have you heard of alternative fuels? Nuclear power, wind, water?
If you are saying I'm an idiot because I state we are becoming more efficient, Texas must be much different than Iowa.

Texas has more alternative energy in the form of Wind farms than any place in the World. We are Number 1 in wind energy and will soon have more wind farms than all of Europe combined.

And yet, coal provides 60% of our electricity and when the wind stops blowing, it provides 70%.

Your are correct that Texas is much different than Iowa.

This is a very interesting thread, and I am impressed with knowledge backed up with statistical data gents- I have learned a couple of very important, and good basic points during the discussions.

Thanks for sharing good info UNGN and Jdpolzin- UNGN made some very good points though. Jd, you should relax a little though. You're going to burst a blood vessel! :eek: I have a lot of respect for what you're saying though JD... :cool:
If only we had a president who committed to a policy of weening us off dependance on Foreign oil!

Oh we tried that? that was Carter? oh yeah, Reagan REVERSED that policy and our oil imports have grown ever since...

If only we had a president who committed to a policy of weening us off dependance on Foreign oil!

Oh we tried that? that was Carter? oh yeah, Reagan REVERSED that policy and our oil imports have grown ever since...


If we would have switched to "alternative energy" 30 years ago, we would have paid $4/gallon back then while the rest of the world used the abundant, cheap foreign oil.

If only the federal government only had more control over our lives back then what a wonderful world we would have today....

Look at the lefty rants, and theories go out the window now.
Gee, it was all Wall Street.
Who Knew?
Post your facts? Maybe in your area but not in mine. We have 2 nuclear power plants within 2 hours from my house. Every plant locally except 3 has been retro fitted with either it's own Co-Gen or is directly run from the nuc. plants. It's not 1940 anymore. If you would like more info, look up Cordova Nuclear Power plant an Byron Nuclear Power Plant. Then look at its feilds for power supply, then look into MidAmerican energies substations, then look into it's web. If you can back up anything you are saying, please do, I'm definately interested in upgrading from a tool into at least a power tool. But hey, I'm only a Journey Lineman and a Journey Wireman, what would I know about power????????? Give me a fuc*ing break. Try to see outside of your political party and look into the well being of our country.

Nuke is not even close to coal:
Table 1.2 Primary Energy Production by Source, 1949-2007 (Quadrillion Btu)
Taxes need to be paid. You can have a corporation that make BILLIONS AND BILLIONS pay or you can have the Joe Avg. Citizen pick up the tab.

In the REPUBLICAN WORLD = Profits over people (Pro-Business)

In the Democratic World = People over Profits. (Pro-People)

I do not understand. Do you believe that $ is made by the government and businesses...and just how do those business get the $ to pay them taxes?

Does business exist to provide for the people?
I am just glad to see gas prices come down. I paid $1.99 a gallon yesterday outside of Topeka.
good point UNGN

"they'll raise oil prices" because even at $4.00/gallon, people still drive around in 10 mpg pick-up trucks and SUV's and act like gas is still $1.50/gallon.

They'll stop raising oil prices when we stop using so much of it.

No George Bush or Iraq war required.
this is why the GN was way ahead of its time; keep the foot in it and run 20+ psi and...

low MPG's and $5/gallon fuel 10 years ago - it was a way of life and the boost keeps getting bigger :)