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How much boost?


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Jul 21, 2004
Right now car is running perfect 23psi no knock 810's top of third 23/21 timing. Knob is set at 5 dual nozzle. I don't have a wb yet should I wait till I get one to turn it up a little more, I would like to run 26-27psi and then start messing with the fuel and timing in the TT chip. I would like to keep turning it up as it has been perfect so far, haven't seen any knock excepct on 2-3 shift once or twice and it was .5. Keep turning it up or what.
Whats your motor/mod/mileage setup? How fast do you plan on going or are you going now? My motto is better safe than sorry, but thats just me. Iv had my mustang lose a piston cause i got greedy with boost. I say if its somewhat in the performance range you want it to be leave it. But then again iv seen people run 25+ with a stock block and be fine. One thing iv learned over the years with forced induction cars is (its all in the tune)!
Right now car is running perfect 23psi no knock 810's top of third 23/21 timing. Knob is set at 5 dual nozzle. I don't have a wb yet should I wait till I get one to turn it up a little more, I would like to run 26-27psi and then start messing with the fuel and timing in the TT chip. I would like to keep turning it up as it has been perfect so far, haven't seen any knock excepct on 2-3 shift once or twice and it was .5. Keep turning it up or what.

Greed is what does everyone in.

If, "Devils advocate...." if its running fine leave it alone :eek: :D

Based on the numbers, you can add a few extra lbs and lean it out a tad. But again.. remember the old saying.. Candle that burns so bright, doesnt burn for long. The higher the boost, the higher the stress, the sooner a problem.. alky or not.. I typically set the boost to 21-23 for a street tuneup and then turned it up at the track.
Motor is 20 over stock crank,rods billet centers ARP hardware 215/220 FTS roller, GN1 aluminum heads,70 p-trim, 3 in full exhaust downpipe back, 3000 AC nl ( needs a 3600-3800) built trans. I think I am going to give it a few more pounds and see if I can get it to the 25-27 I want to see and then start to adjust the fuel and timing if need be. Razor it does feel great at 23 but I want a little more, car feels a lot faster now on the street then it did at the track last time and it went 11.43 at 122 on 19 psi. I'll let you know it what it does.Thanks again