I have something I want to say (all the turbobuick brotherhood please read)

wanna see some real D!cks, visit the hamb, never in my live have I seen a more nazi run forum!
if the owner disagrees, he bans you, PERIOD!
I made one post, got banned , no foul language, no name calling , just asked a question, and bang!
so I let everyone know! LOL
Gotta agree here. I have posted there and posted 2 questions on 1 post. Got my answer to 1 and they promply closed the thread telling me not to ask again.:mad: No directions to the info and very little help over there. There's some really neat stuff over there but it's just not worth it to me.;)
wanna see some real D!cks, visit the hamb, never in my live have I seen a more nazi run forum!
if the owner disagrees, he bans you, PERIOD!
I made one post, got banned , no foul language, no name calling , just asked a question, and bang!
so I let everyone know! LOL
That must of been some question? How did that conversation go?
I think the brotherhood comes from the fact that we are all a bunch of wierdo's that like to make small engines go fast.

The brotherhood is like when you go to a cruise in and see another TB and feeling compelled to talk to them.

I have met several members and I now consider them as friends and would help them if they needed it. Kinda like the way I would help my brother.
Here is an example.

I have my T, and the original color of the interior is grey. The old owner added some black aftermarket D/P seats in it. They are nice and I liked them so I dyed the back seat to black to match. Well I have been looking for a black carpet to go with the seats, don't care for the grey. Anyway the job situation has been rough on my my wife and I so it would have to be on the cheap.

I had a fellow member PM me he had one. I told him I would have to wait because I didn't have the money. Hearing about my situation he gave it to me to help me out.

That's what I'm talking about. I don't really know him but I see his post alot and, he seemed like a good guy, and if there is anything he needs I would be more than happy to return the favor. Thank you sir for the carpet it will look great in the beast.

That's what I am talking about when I said it's a brotherhood. Guys who go out of there way to help others.

I am proud to be part of this community.
Everybody keeps saying "Charlie." Who's Charlie? o_O Is it that guy that they named "Chuck-E-Charlie" after?

What's going on here?:rolleyes:

Bruce '87 Grand National
nice post . ive been a member here for a while and everynow and then their are some controversial posts that end up going no where. this forum is awesome and ive met some real nice cool guys on here that give me parts when needed or sold them to me for a little bit of nothing they just want to see my car on the road. same for me i gave so many parts away just to see my friends car on the side of me on the street ... everybody has their own opinions and are free to express them here i think its really up to you to take it personal. now if someone sold you something a piece of chit item and was described as mint. they should be put on the spot for not being real ..
I think of all ya'll as my imaginary friends. Even the ones I don't agree with and those who don't agree with me.

I'm just glad the powers that be let me keep coming back. Hamb and its disfunctional cousin garage j can die for all I care. I like garagegazette . Com for my tool addiction . Those who know, know why and those that don't don't and ill leave it at that.