I have something I want to say (all the turbobuick brotherhood please read)


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2001
There was an incident in the car for sale section awhile ago that has bugged me that I want to talk about.

There was a post for a car for trade/sale the poster was asked by Charlief1 to post a price per the rules and another posted an smart remark. Now I am a lurker most of the time, but this time I had to say something, so I did.

What I want to talk about is, I have always loved this site for the info and what I feel is a brotherhood of sorts. I am also a member of Yellowbullet and they are great people but they treat and talk to each other like garbage. I don't want to see that type of attitude here. I have on many occasions had people help me, send me parts to try for free, talk on the phone for hours. These are people I have never seen and probably never will. But the are many people here that will give you the shirt of there backs just to help.

And that is the way it should stay. I know we have our arguments from time to time.
I guess what I am trying to say is when we start treating each other like trash then our board will become something we don't want. People won't help when needed, people will sell junk that is described as gold. We have already lost several people for stupid things, and that should have taught things then.

We have people that I call our turbo elders ( even though I am older than some) they are the ones that have been there and done that type of guys and they are very valuable to our sport. We are here for the same reason, the love of our cars and our sport. We should treat each other with respect and try to be a tight nit group. If you can't do that then head to the bullet wher you can treat people any way you want.

I also want to thank all the people that have helped me in my journey with my car. The names are many and I respect them all. Thank you for a great site and the information.

Rant over. Larry
Excellent post!!! I have been on this board for a long time, and lurk 90% of the time. I am on here alot, just soaking up the info & atmosphere. I would hate to see the board became the playground of smart asses.:( A joke, or a little good natured quik wit is cool. Assanine, mean spirited comments should not be tolerated. Jumping off the soapbox.:rolleyes:
Thanks for posting this Larry.;) Very often there's some issue that you guys don't see and PM's or emails are flying back and forth between mods and admin. It's not so much as a bitching sesson as a "what should we do" situation. It's very few times that I've actually had to call someone and tell them "the sh!t's hit the fan, WTF!!!", but it does happen once in a while. The rules are there for all of us to follow and that includes mods and admin so keep that in mind. I've been taken down a few notches by Shane and Jay because I got in the middle of something that I was trying to straighten out, so if you get pissed, remember, it happens to all of us as well once in a while.:oops:

Treat other members like you want to be treated and be respectful is the most important thing that this board is about. I've lost my cool once in a while and jumped someone because I just got fed up, but not very often. I even got so pissed one night and posted about it in the lounge, which suprised a bunch of guys since I rarely get pissed off or say anything like what I posted. I've been on the board since Setember 2007 and hope I've helped with some of my posts because I've been helped a bunch of times, which is why I love the people on this board. 99% of the time we rib each other and bitch once in a while but this is the absolute best board on the net.:cool: Hopefully we can keep it this way.:D
Thanks for posting this Larry.;) Very often there's some issue that you guys don't see and PM's or emails are flying back and forth between mods and admin. It's not so much as a bitching sesson as a "what should we do" situation. It's very few times that I've actually had to call someone and tell them "the sh!t's hit the fan, WTF!!!", but it does happen once in a while. The rules are there for all of us to follow and that includes mods and admin so keep that in mind. I've been taken down a few notches by Shane and Jay because I got in the middle of something that I was trying to straighten out, so if you get pissed, remember, it happens to all of us as well once in a while.:oops:

Treat other members like you want to be treated and be respectful is the most important thing that this board is about. I've lost my cool once in a while and jumped someone because I just got fed up, but not very often. I even got so pissed one night and posted about it in the lounge, which suprised a bunch of guys since I rarely get pissed off or say anything like what I posted. I've been on the board since Setember 2007 and hope I've helped with some of my posts because I've been helped a bunch of times, which is why I love the people on this board. 99% of the time we rib each other and bitch once in a while but this is the absolute best board on the net.:cool: Hopefully we can keep it this way.:D

Charlie I am glad you posted. I just wanted to say to you I didn't want to step on your toes when that deal went down that day. But I understood what you was saying and it wasn't a big deal but that other guy rubbed me wrong when he butted in with his comment and for some reason I had to say something. I think you guys do a great job with this board and I know it is hard work.

Like what was said. Treat like you would be treated

Can't we all get along. LOL
if this has anything to do with charlief1's crossdressing escapades.....all I will say is that what he does on his own time is his own business!
I still think he's a good guy
if this has anything to do with charlief1's crossdressing escapades.....all I will say is that what he does on his own time is his own business!
I still think he's a good guy
LOL I'm not the one who's Ex talked in to wearing a dress and heels so you could show your hollow weenie.:eek::p:D
hope your doing well charlie!!!
good to see your still around!
wait till you see what I did with my 84's lear interior. I think you'll like it!
hope your doing well charlie!!!
good to see your still around!
wait till you see what I did with my 84's lear interior. I think you'll like it!
Looking foward to see what you've done. Send me your info and we can chat later.;) BTW, where the hell have you and the lady been hiding? both of you need to get on a little more.:p
I have to agree with the OP.
I've noticed a change in attitude on the board lately.
not sure if its because times are tough, or just alot of newbies with attitudes,
or the old guys getting tired of answering the same question over and over.
what ever it is, NO ONE forces you to post on here.
and I'm not going to tell anyone what they should or should not post.
but what I would ask of everyone, is........ be civil, and realize not everyone thinks
the same way.
I don't care for 22" wheels on a GN. but if you do, it's your car!
basically, if you don't like something, your free to comment, but then let it go!
I'm one of those who had a difference of opinion with Charlie, we took it off the board, and
I feel ,resolved it,(wasn't a big deal)
and I still think he is a vast resource of information! again we all think differently!
I've had words with williamsGN, but I come to realize he is very knowledgeable in
the GN world, and provides alot of good info ,and advice.
and of course the one who shall remain un named, LOL again a good source for valuable info!
my point........ if you like these money pit cars......... learn to accept we all have our own ideas.
and try to be helpful not harmful.
All comments above- well said!! I have to agree I've learned alot on this board and hate to see when someone slanders another, weather the part is overpriced, or have different points of view- don't comment on the thread!!
When there are "newbies" (we've all been there- and I'm no expert) I have sent related links to newbies via a "conversation" and they appreciate it. I feel I help someone- the junkyard list was composed by Several people that have helped me put the info together. Let's continue to share the hobby, in a civilized matter...
one question, and i ask it not to be a dick or anything: why do people look to other people that happen to own the same kind of car for "brotherhood"? and why do people expect to find this brotherhood on an internet site dedicated to that particular kind of car?
one question, and i ask it not to be a dick or anything: why do people look to other people that happen to own the same kind of car for "brotherhood"? and why do people expect to find this brotherhood on an internet site dedicated to that particular kind of car?

I don't know, perhaps it's because rivalries and dislike for one another is so much more difficult and energy consuming........ I just don't have time for that stuff....;)
one question, and i ask it not to be a dick or anything: why do people look to other people that happen to own the same kind of car for "brotherhood"? and why do people expect to find this brotherhood on an internet site dedicated to that particular kind of car?

I don think anyone went looking for a brotherhood. Like I said I mentioned all the elders and we are all working toward the same goal. The love of our cars and our sport. I called it a brotherhood because of how most of the people on this site are.
I'm one of those who had a difference of opinion with Charlie, we took it off the board, and
I feel ,resolved it,(wasn't a big deal)
and I still think he is a vast resource of information! again we all think differently!
The funny thing is I don't remember it at all.:oops:

I've bumped heads with a few members and try to be civil when it happens. I also try and take it to PM's so it doesn't infect others and get "one of those threads" started that gets killed off.;) We've got a lot of data on the board and while some threads get killed, most, even those really irritating threads that you hate, stay alive. I've had guys give me things and offer me deals on parts and I've offered parts as well as my personal number to help just in case someone wants to be talked though something. How may other boards do this? Very few of them, so that makes this board unique and that's where "the brotherhood" comes from. We try and treat each other like a family.:cool:
one question, and i ask it not to be a dick or anything: why do people look to other people that happen to own the same kind of car for "brotherhood"? and why do people expect to find this brotherhood on an internet site dedicated to that particular kind of car?

I would say we have a brotherhood because we all exchange information freely and everyone takes their own personal time out of their lives to answer strangers question whom we never met or may never meet! I talk to people on the phone all the time and try to help them out knowing that maybe only 1/3 of them will buy parts off of me even though I run around and take pictures and tell them where to buy new parts that I don't have. Also the other part of the brotherhood is us doing more with less for example us with 231 cu in vs everyone else with bigger cu in and usually way more bolt ons.

This is my opinion on why I feel the way I do! Bison took me under his wing in the beginning and taught me a bunch of stuff for no other reason that I think other than the brotherhood so I try to do the same!!!!
Bison still answers my questions when I call too! And once again thank you Brian !!!!!
There's always drama on these forums. Just the way it is. This one usually has the least amount of BS becuase we are a small community and we are getting smaller and smaller by the day. Lots of the owners are older but the younger guys come in once in a while and throw a bone in things. If you go to some of these drama debates and re-read a while later, you will realize how dumb they are and how people go back and forth for no reason. I've been pissed a few times but it's best to just let it roll off your shoulder and not worry about it. People act differently online than in person face to face.
every forum dedicated to every model of car is always "the best forum on the internet" with "the best people" and their particular model of car is always "the underdog". people say this on every automotive forum that i'm on, and honestly, they are all right.
every forum dedicated to every model of car is always "the best forum on the internet" with "the best people" and their particular model of car is always "the underdog". people say this on every automotive forum that i'm on, and honestly, they are all right.
It's obbvious that you've never been on one of the Olds boards then.;) I can tell you personally they're mostly asses when a new guy comes on and even treat each other poorly.:oops:
wanna see some real D!cks, visit the hamb, never in my live have I seen a more nazi run forum!
if the owner disagrees, he bans you, PERIOD!
I made one post, got banned , no foul language, no name calling , just asked a question, and bang!
so I let everyone know! LOL