I need advice from a turbo waste gate specialist!!


Test Fit officianto
Dec 9, 2011
I have a pain in the ass noise that I have tracked down to the wastegate in one way shape or form.

I know its waste gate related for these reasons

I screwed the rod way in like 6 turns past 1/8" tension on the puck swing arm. The noise was there, it got worse as I built more boost like it did earlier. Backed off a few turns, still there. Put the rod at 1/8" tension...still there.

I then screwed the actuator rod way out to where it was holding the puck open say..1/8"-1/4", no noise....I realize I am not building boost however it eliminates the noise I thought may be from the trans or rotating assembly or valve train. If I absolute floor it and get going to about 10lb....slight noise but nothing compared to when the actuator rod is holding the puck tight.

I have an HD actuator, is the actuator not holding the puck tight? Is there a bench way for me to test and verify the actuator is accurate and correct? I have a pressure tester and the actuator rod did move out slightly at 15lb and moved more as the pressure was higher and stopped moving at 25-30 lb

The damn puck is somehow making contact with the turbo and rattling against it. It did it with the stocker, the 61.5 turbo, so It is not blades hitting the housing....which is verified....again....ugh

p.s. internal wastegate RJC setup..3"
Pull downpipe off and take a look. Maybe the arm is bent/broken/loose? Too thick/wrong downpipe gasket keeping the puck away from the turbo flange?
you arent running a gasket between pipe and turbo are you ?
gaskets throw off the puck angle and can prevent the puck from seating fully
nope, no gasket just some copper spray. Here is a short video of the puck vibrating with my hand.

The puck is just along for the ride, the actuator is what moves it or not?

HD or stock, actuators do not live forever and many of them are being replaced recently.
its only 500 miles old. Tested it with a mityvac pressure tester. I guess I am looking for something wrong the actuator is doing by bench testing. starts to lengthen at 15lb, goes further at 20, even further at 30....idk....