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if your spouse lied to you....


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That Guy
Sep 16, 2004
If your significant other lied to you about something important, finances, cheating, anything along those lines and they didnt know that you knew about it how would you confront that individual?
Tough call. Depends on the situation and how that person reacts when confronted... Don't let it build up inside of you, the quicker you get it out the better you will feel...
I let it out immediately on finding it out. In fact, just found out my wife lied about sending money to her dirtbag alcoholic sister who is basically living rent free in the house we inherited in FL. This girl is in and out of rehab and has no intention of getting a job. Wife sent her 5K so she could "pay her bills".

The house was my mother in laws and she passed away in 07. Just received an insurance payment for a sinkhole that appeared in the side yard and it was for more than the house was worth! House is paid off and we got the balance. Since her sister needs a place to live, I am trying to convince the wife to just quick claim the house over to her then all she needs to do is get a freaking job at McDonalds to pay the utilities.

I don't feel like being an absentee landlord for a house that doesn't generate any income and since it has a sinkhole, (very minor one) it won't sell for much anyway. Had the thing on the market for over a year BEFORE the sinkhole deal and never got even a lowball offer.

The sister has quite a history and has two kids in state care because she can't take care of them obviously. The father is another dirtbag and that is a whole other story. They could really make the Maury show without a problem. 38 years old and has never held a job longer than a month in her whole life. She just mooches off people until they find out what she is all about.

She should have just sent the money to her local liquor store. :mad: :mad: :mad: Needless to say things are a little tense around here lately.
I let it out immediately on finding it out. In fact, just found out my wife lied about sending money to her dirtbag alcoholic sister who is basically living rent free in the house we inherited in FL. This girl is in and out of rehab and has no intention of getting a job. Wife sent her 5K so she could "pay her bills".

The house was my mother in laws and she passed away in 07. Just received an insurance payment for a sinkhole that appeared in the side yard and it was for more than the house was worth! House is paid off and we got the balance. Since her sister needs a place to live, I am trying to convince the wife to just quick claim the house over to her then all she needs to do is get a freaking job at McDonalds to pay the utilities.

I don't feel like being an absentee landlord for a house that doesn't generate any income and since it has a sinkhole, (very minor one) it won't sell for much anyway. Had the thing on the market for over a year BEFORE the sinkhole deal and never got even a lowball offer.

The sister has quite a history and has two kids in state care because she can't take care of them obviously. The father is another dirtbag and that is a whole other story. They could really make the Maury show without a problem. 38 years old and has never held a job longer than a month in her whole life. She just mooches off people until they find out what she is all about.

She should have just sent the money to her local liquor store. :mad: :mad: :mad: Needless to say things are a little tense around here lately.

5K:eek: You could have bought a TR:eek:

Seriously that would make me mad too... I don't mind helping anyone. Anybody that has ever met me will tell you that. However I am not going to support someone that will not help themselves...
The thing is me and my wife have a great relationship we have been married 7 years now and last year we were apart for 10 months due to military deployments(6 months this year also as i am gone again right now) so i have to talk to her over the phone or computer and its just not what i want to do. I have been worrying about this for far to freaking long and i feel like my soul is about to explode. If i find out she lied to me man i am gonna be crushed.
I let it out immediately on finding it out. In fact, just found out my wife lied about sending money to her dirtbag alcoholic sister who is basically living rent free in the house we inherited in FL. This girl is in and out of rehab and has no intention of getting a job. Wife sent her 5K so she could "pay her bills".

The house was my mother in laws and she passed away in 07. Just received an insurance payment for a sinkhole that appeared in the side yard and it was for more than the house was worth! House is paid off and we got the balance. Since her sister needs a place to live, I am trying to convince the wife to just quick claim the house over to her then all she needs to do is get a freaking job at McDonalds to pay the utilities.

I don't feel like being an absentee landlord for a house that doesn't generate any income and since it has a sinkhole, (very minor one) it won't sell for much anyway. Had the thing on the market for over a year BEFORE the sinkhole deal and never got even a lowball offer.

The sister has quite a history and has two kids in state care because she can't take care of them obviously. The father is another dirtbag and that is a whole other story. They could really make the Maury show without a problem. 38 years old and has never held a job longer than a month in her whole life. She just mooches off people until they find out what she is all about.

She should have just sent the money to her local liquor store. :mad: :mad: :mad: Needless to say things are a little tense around here lately.
I was gonna ask if this was Florida,then re-read the story....the whole State of Florida is riddled with trailer park trash,,maybe the whole state is TPT,except TR owners.:) :)
5K ,my wife would have a lot of making up to do:eek: ;)
If your significant other lied to you about something important, finances, cheating, anything along those lines and they didnt know that you knew about it how would you confront that individual?

hope it works out for you
The thing is me and my wife have a great relationship we have been married 7 years now and last year we were apart for 10 months due to military deployments(6 months this year also as i am gone again right now) so i have to talk to her over the phone or computer and its just not what i want to do. I have been worrying about this for far to freaking long and i feel like my soul is about to explode. If i find out she lied to me man i am gonna be crushed.

Man that is aweful bud... I feel for you. I can't imagine being away from my wife and having to confront something like that. God Bless you for protecting us man!

Good luck brother!
There is a lot of truth to the phrase "Time heals all wounds"

Took me a while to figure out they wern't talking about Gun shot wounds.

I hope you sort this out with your wife. You need to focus on other things right now. most importantly making it home safe.

Good luck

Tough Call man, I wish the best in your situation. Get it out in the open ASAP, deal with it, just keep ypur head on straight.

You have a great relationship and that is one thing my wife and I have. We made the promise to never lie to each other no matter what happens and we have stuck to it. There have been some things that really hurt but we have made it thru because we get it out in the open. It will be harder over the internet/phone but at least talk to your chaplan (sp) about it so you can at least get it off your chest. Prepare as you know how she will react and we don't. Just be honest with each other and take it as it comes. My wife and I have been married 18 years, been together 20 and known each other 26 years. We don't hide anything from each other. Good luck and God Bless you both.
Thanks guys. I talked to her and i talked to the guy that was rumored to have been doing this stuff and when i get home i will have to see if i can readjust to things. Last time was hard for me because of the long separation. I think i will be good though. It just dont need this stuff right now in the enviroment i am in because if my head isnt in the game i can get hurt.
First, thanks for serving and your sacrifice son.

Don't react and do anything you can't take back.
Don't make decisions based on what you think is happening or hear say. Make sure you have the whole story and the truth.

Then talk out solutions.

I hear you on that. We talk about everything. We have a very open communication relationship. It just seemed that when i brought it up she was a little stand offish. She assured me that nothing happend but the guy has a history of married women if you know what i am saying. I talked to the both of them today and came to a conclusion that it is indeed hearsay and all is well for now. All i know is everything comes out in the wash and if anything did happen time will tell and i will deal with it accordingly.
Cmon guys have a heart, dont make smart ass comments here. What the **** would you think if we were doing to you in this situation:rolleyes:
If you even have to think that she may be lying then you are really in a bad situation. If she indeed did lie and you already know it then you should prepare to leave her. I have no tolerance at all for lying. If my gf lied to me and was caught i would end it immediately. Ive done it before. If she did lie and admitted it or the proof was thrown in her face then you will always wonder if she lied before and what else she may and will lie about in the future. I was with my ex gf for 5 years and i never told her one lie or cheated. If you dont have trust you dont have anything in a relationship.