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ON light changed colors again

Yesterday I also had another incident where the ON light changed color from Green to a Yellow color. It stayed Yellow for quite a long time, but eventually changed back to Green. Still no real explaination to what this means.
Well, turning the injection off but leaving the A/F control on didn't do anything.

Here are the ISAC config, powerlogger log and ISAC logs files from that run.


Here's a run with the A/F control on and Injection on from this past monday.

This is just the ISAC and Powerlogger logs, I didn't save the ISAC configuration file (goof on my part)


What firmware/PC software versions are you running?

Also, did you verify that the ISAC is correcting? If you change the customizeable fields to Target AF, Actual AF and Correction %, you can see whats going on.
What firmware/PC software versions are you running?

Also, did you verify that the ISAC is correcting? If you change the customizeable fields to Target AF, Actual AF and Correction %, you can see whats going on.

I'm running version 1.3 that I downloaded after you posted it up. I found the customizable fields and that the helps a whole lot. I can see what the ISAC is trying to do now.

Apparently the Injection Enable has to be checked as well as the A/F Control Enable to get A/F correction to work. So I did learn that today.

So when A/F control is enable do the injection parameters get ignored?? Do the Pump Rate sliders get ignored too?? Just making sure that I really don't really to mess with them if I'm shooting for A/F correction.

Here's two more ISAC Logs, Config Files and Powerlogger logs.

The A/F correction starts climbing when the turn on happens and seems to peg at 15.0 The pump speed goes up, but does reach what I'm guessing the max is. I've max out the gain at 30 to see if the speeds up the correction, but it doesn't seem to keep up with with what is needed.

My next guess is to add more fuel into the TT Speed Density chip and see if that helps out.


Here's one last set of ISAC, Powerlogger logs and ISAC config. I increased the fueling and all my knock went away, but the ISAC A/F correction still climbs from 0 to 15 and the alky pump max'd at 32


You're missing how this thing is supposed to tune out. AF control is simply a trim. If you're seeing it max out at 15% then you need to get your actual alcohol curve closer so the correction can actually do it's thing. Let me take a look at your config.
Try this... looking at your config, you dont seem to have a good grasp on how to tune this thing ;)

You need to set up your linear curve, which you did. I think you're rate/psi was a little low so I raised it. What you need to do next, looking at your logs, is start tweaking the sliders for the alcohol control. Add say 15%, log it and see how much correction your wideband is doing. Keep in mind that 15% is the hard stop. Once you go outside that window, it wont correct anymore.

So.. tweak your rate/psi first, tune your curve with the sliders and let the AF control handle the trimming. Once you get the AF control down to where its not doing much of anything, you can disable wideband control if you want.


This ISAC module looks a little to complicated for what I wanted to do (reading this thread).. I just wanted something I could use to switch modes, for instance: Running alky and high boost, then another mode that will run stock boost with no alky... Would this be able to do that? Or do you think I should just have an alky control and an in cabin boost adjust?
This ISAC module looks a little to complicated for what I wanted to do (reading this thread).. I just wanted something I could use to switch modes, for instance: Running alky and high boost, then another mode that will run stock boost with no alky... Would this be able to do that? Or do you think I should just have an alky control and an in cabin boost adjust?

The ISAC would do what you want and in one box. You could have an alky config which sets the boost where you want it and delivers the methanol and a low boost/no alcohol config. You'd just need to load them via laptop to switch between them. It would take all of 10 seconds once you load the ISAC software.
Try this... looking at your config, you dont seem to have a good grasp on how to tune this thing ;)

You need to set up your linear curve, which you did. I think you're rate/psi was a little low so I raised it. What you need to do next, looking at your logs, is start tweaking the sliders for the alcohol control. Add say 15%, log it and see how much correction your wideband is doing. Keep in mind that 15% is the hard stop. Once you go outside that window, it wont correct anymore.

So.. tweak your rate/psi first, tune your curve with the sliders and let the AF control handle the trimming. Once you get the AF control down to where its not doing much of anything, you can disable wideband control if you want.

Thanks Jay, I see where you're coming from now. The car's stuffed back in the garage for now, but give it another shot tomorrow.

I really don't mean for these posts to scare anyone away from this unit. It's a very capabily controller and I believe once I get the hang of it, my car will run better than it ever has before.
Switch Input #1 and #2

We wired the grey/orange (switch input #1) for low level, but it isn't an option under the configure page. The options are alc pres switch and boost/gear reset for switch input #1. Something with version 1.3 maybe? It's an option under the config for switch input #2 -- the drop down menu options for the switch inputs are reversed from the manual.

I will upload the config file if someone will give me a little help on how to attach. Does it need to be a zip file? How do I convert it?

Thanks for any and all help.

Second question. I was testing the boost control increase/decrease solenoids today to dial in the duty cycle and the AFR maxed out and the boost maxed out on the screen. I tried driving it a bit with some light throttle blasts, and the AFR reading and boost reading were wacky there too. My first thought is to recalibrate the LC1, but that doesn't explain the boost reading.

I know it's a false reading b/c I'm running BS3 and the AFR reading is staying in a comfortable range. Looks like I'm running a bit rich most of the time.

I have the logs and config, but not sure how to load them. This one seems a little hairy to diagnose on the Board (may relate to the setup/wiring), but I thought I would check and see if anyone else had this issue.
We wired the grey/orange (switch input #1) for low level, but it isn't an option under the configure page. The options are alc pres switch and boost/gear reset for switch input #1. Something with version 1.3 maybe? It's an option under the config for switch input #2 -- the drop down menu options for the switch inputs are reversed from the manual.

I will upload the config file if someone will give me a little help on how to attach. Does it need to be a zip file? How do I convert it?

Thanks for any and all help.


I believe the instructions might have things reversed between the switch input 1 and input 2. I have the grey/orange wire running to the low level of the tank as well, but I did the selection on the ICC for the low level as switch 2.

I haven't run low on alky yet, so not sure if this triggers correctly or if things are still reversed.

If you're running a recent version of Windows, just bring up Windows Explorer, find the config file, right mouse click on the file and select "Send To>Compressed(zipped)Folder". You should be able to attached the zipped file after that.

I've attached my config file so you can see what my current settings are.



Second question. I was testing the boost control increase/decrease solenoids today to dial in the duty cycle and the AFR maxed out and the boost maxed out on the screen. I tried driving it a bit with some light throttle blasts, and the AFR reading and boost reading were wacky there too. My first thought is to recalibrate the LC1, but that doesn't explain the boost reading.

I know it's a false reading b/c I'm running BS3 and the AFR reading is staying in a comfortable range. Looks like I'm running a bit rich most of the time.

I have the logs and config, but not sure how to load them. This one seems a little hairy to diagnose on the Board (may relate to the setup/wiring), but I thought I would check and see if anyone else had this issue.

I hope your not running into what I ran into. There's feelback from the alky pump going by into the ISAC. I had to separate out the grounds from the ISAC and run individual wires to the engine block. I'll post how I have a Alky control kit wired to the ISAC. Hope that'll help.
ISAC to Alkycontrol, Powerlogger, Scanmaster, LC-1 wiring

Here's how I have my ISAC, Powerlogger, LC-1, Scanmaster and 3bar MAP wired.

Positive and Negative Wiring
1 Engine Ground Wire running to ISAC J1 Connector Black
1 Engine Ground Wire running to ISAC J3 Connector Black
1 Engine Ground Wire running to an 8 Post Terminal Block
1 Battery Positive going to a Relay (Ignition fuse Add-A-Tap to activate) fused and then going to an 8 Post Terminal Block

MAP Sensor Wiring 3 Bar
Signal Wire connects to ISAC J1 Green and Powerlogger Input 2
Positive Wire connects to ISAC J1 Red (If wired to TPS, leave it that way)
Negative connects to 8 Post Ground Terminal Block (If wired to TPS, leave it that way)

Wideband (LC-1 6 wire)
White Wire (System Ground) to 8 Post Ground Terminal Block
Blue Wire (Heater Ground) to 8 Post Ground Terminal Block
Red Wire (12v Supply) to 8 Post Positive Terminal Block
Yellow Wire (Analog 1) to ISAC J2 Violet/Orange
Brown Wire (Analog 2) to Powerlogger Input 1
Black Wire (Calibration wire) to button and LED and then attached to 8 Post Ground Terminal Block

Red to 8 Post Positive Terminal Block
Black to 8 Post Ground Terminal Block
White to Powerlogger 7 post

Alky Pump
Red to 8 Post Positive Terminal Block
Black to ISAC J3 Brown/Light Green
Brown to ISAC J1 Brown.
Tan (Low Level) connected to ISAC J1 Grey/Orange.
NOTE 1: Power Injection Dash Bulb is powered between Red and Black wires
NOTE 2: Tan wire is connected to a low level dash bulb with the positive going to the 8 Post Positive Terminal Block

Alky Solenoid
Positive to 8 Post Positive Terminal Block
Ground to ISAC J2 Yellow/Green

Boost Solenoid
Positive to 8 Post Positive Terminal Block
Ground to ISAC J2 Brown

Other ISAC Wires
ISAC J1 Blue/White is tapped into ECM B5 Purple/Wire wire (Crank Reference High)
ISAC J1 Grey/Violet is tapped into ECM C13 Dark Blue wire (TPS Signal)
ISAC J2 Purple is attached to 8 Post Ground Terminal
ISAC J3 Pink/Dark Green is attached to 8 Post Positive Terminal