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ISAC Discussion Thread


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Thanks Eric. The input is very much appreciated. I'm going to try erasing the ISAC memory (right click on log window) and if that doesn't work start digging into the wiring using the info you provided. I have the BWR alky system made for the ISAC and an external gate with 2 solenoids.

Even if I don't get it figured out I consider the posts a win b/c I figured out how to save and load a zip file. :cool:



Thanks Eric. The input is very much appreciated. I'm going to try erasing the ISAC memory (right click on log window) and if that doesn't work start digging into the wiring using the info you provided. I have the BWR alky system made for the ISAC and an external gate with 2 solenoids.

Even if I don't get it figured out I consider the posts a win b/c I figured out how to save and load a zip file. :cool:


Hi John,

I just pulled the alky tank off my car and situated it so the low level sensor was completely out of the alky. Turned the car "ON" and the low level indicator worked. So you probably have it wired correctly, it's the functions in the Manual that are reversed input one is for alky pressure and input two is for low level.

The above wiring setup uses Solenoid 3 for my alky injection that's more for a hotair setup, intercooled cars will not have that.

I'm also running a single solenoid for the wastegate. I was running two solenoids but was instructed by someone (that will go unnamed and I deeply trust) to run a single solenoid. I've attached the wastegate setup that I'm now running to this message.



Hi John,

I was just checking your config file and your start parameters seem on the low side to me. I'd also recommend not using the A/F control until you have the injection parameters set where you want them to be.

Here's a strategy I'm using to setup my car.
1) I turn off all alky injection and run the car on straight gas with a safe boost limit (my car it's around 13 to 14 PSI).
2) Took the car out for a spin and did a slow build up of boost and logged.
3) I saw that my car started going lean at around 12 PSI, so I decided to make 11 PSI my start PSI for the alky pump. The RPM and TPS start parameters I used the log to figure what to set them at.
4) The TEST button was my friend in figuring out what to set the initial flow % to. I'd use the test pump speed on the configuration tab to find the speed that the AFR numbers just start to dip. I initially found on my setup that around 15 to 20 was about right.
NOTE: The test button also was good in finding my ground noise issues. When I hit the test button the AF would wack out and the MAP would go nuts.
5) I'd back off the "Rate %/psi" when I would see the AFR dive when the alky came on and the boost would go up. for my car 2.5 to 3.0 seem to hold the AFR steady.
6) I'm not at this point yet, but once I have the AFR where I might turn on the AF control. I'm currently debating whether to use the ECM or the ISAC to control my AF target.

Everybody's car is different, so don't take the above as godspell. Just telling you what I've gone through so far and how I'm doing it.

I hope your not running into what I ran into. There's feelback from the alky pump going by into the ISAC. I had to separate out the grounds from the ISAC and run individual wires to the engine block. I'll post how I have a Alky control kit wired to the ISAC. Hope that'll help.

When you did this did you get voltage feedback on the J3 grounds I'm trying to debug my setup sans motor and the ISAC isn't coming on.

I appear to have 8V on the Grounds on J3
the J3 grounds are the main grounds. If you are reading voltage on them, then they are not grounded.....

When you did this did you get voltage feedback on the J3 grounds I'm trying to debug my setup sans motor and the ISAC isn't coming on.

I appear to have 8V on the Grounds on J3

I ran a dedicated ground wire from the two J3 black ground wires to the engine block, nothing else goes on the ground wire.

One of the mistakes I made was to run one ground wire from the engine and connected all my grounds to it. The ISAC, LC-1, MAP,etc... Now I have 3 grounds running from the engine to my ISAC with the purple ISAC ground wiring being a common shared ground for the LC-1, MAP, Scanmaster and a few gauges.
Something that I glossed over in the manual, but is really helpful is the ability to change the information on the graph. If you right mouse click on the scales beside the graph you can change it information to other datapoints that are being/or were logged.

For instance, if you set the trim knob to boost. You can set one of the graph datapoints to "T. Psi". Now when you adjust the knob you'll see a line that represents what your target boost is set to.

Another one that's nice to look at once in a while is the "Pump speed". You can see the Alky pump ramp up in the graph.

If you are using AF Control on the Alky, then you'd want to see "T. A/F" so you can watch where the ISAC is trying to drive the Air Fuel to.

Just thought I'd share this if you haven't played with it yet.

I ran a dedicated ground wire from the two J3 black ground wires to the engine block, nothing else goes on the ground wire.

One of the mistakes I made was to run one ground wire from the engine and connected all my grounds to it. The ISAC, LC-1, MAP,etc... Now I have 3 grounds running from the engine to my ISAC with the purple ISAC ground wiring being a common shared ground for the LC-1, MAP, Scanmaster and a few gauges.

So are the other grounds connected to the block at the same place.
So are the other grounds connected to the block at the same place.

Yep, they all go to the same spot on the engine. I know it's kind of strange sounding, but you're creating ground paths that aren't shared. Someone that has a better understanding can explain it better, I'm sure.
Yep, they all go to the same spot on the engine. I know it's kind of strange sounding, but you're creating ground paths that aren't shared. Someone that has a better understanding can explain it better, I'm sure.

I can do that I just figured since they were all connected to the same point it really didn't matter.
Hi John,

I was just checking your config file and your start parameters seem on the low side to me. I'd also recommend not using the A/F control until you have the injection parameters set where you want them to be.

Here's a strategy I'm using to setup my car.
1) I turn off all alky injection and run the car on straight gas with a safe boost limit (my car it's around 13 to 14 PSI).
2) Took the car out for a spin and did a slow build up of boost and logged.
3) I saw that my car started going lean at around 12 PSI, so I decided to make 11 PSI my start PSI for the alky pump. The RPM and TPS start parameters I used the log to figure what to set them at.
4) The TEST button was my friend in figuring out what to set the initial flow % to. I'd use the test pump speed on the configuration tab to find the speed that the AFR numbers just start to dip. I initially found on my setup that around 15 to 20 was about right.
NOTE: The test button also was good in finding my ground noise issues. When I hit the test button the AF would wack out and the MAP would go nuts.
5) I'd back off the "Rate %/psi" when I would see the AFR dive when the alky came on and the boost would go up. for my car 2.5 to 3.0 seem to hold the AFR steady.
6) I'm not at this point yet, but once I have the AFR where I might turn on the AF control. I'm currently debating whether to use the ECM or the ISAC to control my AF target.

Everybody's car is different, so don't take the above as godspell. Just telling you what I've gone through so far and how I'm doing it.


I appreciate the input -- I set the triggers low to make sure it was actually working properly after I was seeing a way high AFR and boost. I got scared about leaning out so I wanted the alky to come on -- I should have tried the test button. Now I'm pretty sure it's electrical or something related so I will increase them Thanks much for the tip on the turning off the alky, AFR and the test button. Will definitely try that.

Something that I glossed over in the manual, but is really helpful is the ability to change the information on the graph. If you right mouse click on the scales beside the graph you can change it information to other datapoints that are being/or were logged.

For instance, if you set the trim knob to boost. You can set one of the graph datapoints to "T. Psi". Now when you adjust the knob you'll see a line that represents what your target boost is set to.

Another one that's nice to look at once in a while is the "Pump speed". You can see the Alky pump ramp up in the graph.

If you are using AF Control on the Alky, then you'd want to see "T. A/F" so you can watch where the ISAC is trying to drive the Air Fuel to.

Just thought I'd share this if you haven't played with it yet.


This is helpful -- I didn't know it could do that. Cool little box.
Here is a log with crazy boost and afr.

Wow, that's some pretty crazy stuff. Is the MAP and AFR reflecting the same information in the BS3?

Definitely looks like a wiring issue. I'm just trying to think what might be causing those huge jumps after letting off the TPS. Could it be the fan(s) running?
Hey Eric -- It's the same config file that I posted above with the low triggers. I'm thinking my grounds need more attention.

Wow, that's some pretty crazy stuff. Is the MAP and AFR reflecting the same information in the BS3?

Definitely looks like a wiring issue. I'm just trying to think what might be causing those huge jumps after letting off the TPS. Could it be the fan(s) running?

The BS3 is showing rich on the logs and no where near that kind of boost. I think I need to follow your approach and have separate grounds to the block for the ISAC and one more for everything else (total of 3).
Well, I finally got around to looking at the wiring and discovered that the green MAP wire was wired into the LC-1 wideband wire. So with that fixed, the ISAC is working. I also wired it following your outline above Eric. Two terminal blocks, relay to the battery, etc. Should be good now.

I don't have the boost controller figured out yet. I have a TS gate with a 7lb spring and the car is only making 7lbs of boost. The increase solenoid goes to 49, but I'm guessing the hoses aren't hooked up right. I was reading another post about this recently, I will have to ask some questions in that thread.
We wired the grey/orange (switch input #1) for low level, but it isn't an option under the configure page. The options are alc pres switch and boost/gear reset for switch input #1. Something with version 1.3 maybe? It's an option under the config for switch input #2 -- the drop down menu options for the switch inputs are reversed from the manual.

I will upload the config file if someone will give me a little help on how to attach. Does it need to be a zip file? How do I convert it?

Thanks for any and all help.


Did you ever get this figured out? I noticed the same thing right off the bat last night when I used the instructions to get this thing started.

My other question would be, when the ISAC has a fault, what are you supposed to do about it and how are you supposed to know why?
Anyone? I PMed Jay about this as well and haven't heard back yet. Wish I would have known there would be no support for this thing before I spent $350.