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ISAC Discussion Thread


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I dont have access to any of the older versions of the software any more to see if its a bug in the latest software. I MIGHT have an older version on my home PC but Im not sure. Shane has the old BWR computer and it had all the different versions of the ISAC software in it. Ill try to get up with Bob and find out if its a software issue or a mistake in the manual.
I think this is your answer on the wiring question, which is Eric's response to my original question.

"I believe the instructions might have things reversed between the switch input 1 and input 2. I have the grey/orange wire running to the low level of the tank as well, but I did the selection on the ICC for the low level as switch 2."

I'm not sure how you could tell it wasn't working unless you had it going for awhile, got comfortable with it, then it crapped out on you. I finally got mine up to speed -- boost control and alky -- and it definitely works as advertised. My advice would be to stick with and keep pestering Bob and Jay. It"s an awesome device.
I have the latest ICC 1.9 and the only two options for input in the SW are Pressure Switch and Boost/Gear reset.
Looks like I have it figured out, at least enough to verify that boost and alky are working. I suppose a proper RPM reading would work. I also mistook the flashing trig light as an issue, I stayed in it and it went solid and I could feel the alky spray. I was also under the impression that the spray light was supposed to come one and not the Trig light. Is that true? I love the idea of this controller, it is a damn shame it didn't make it.
Looks like I have it figured out, at least enough to verify that boost and alky are working. I suppose a proper RPM reading would work. I also mistook the flashing trig light as an issue, I stayed in it and it went solid and I could feel the alky spray. I was also under the impression that the spray light was supposed to come one and not the Trig light. Is that true? I love the idea of this controller, it is a damn shame it didn't make it.

The ISAC isnt dead. Unfortunately our marketing vehicle was Big Wood Racing and since the shop manager was robbing us blind, kind of hard to keep the place above water like that.

Im hoping at some point Shane wants to make another run at it and we bring the ISAC back to market. Its a phenomenal unit, made huge power for us at BWR and has been rock solid for the most part. We've looked into having our own alky pump manufactured so I wouldnt say that its a completely dead issue.. But.. I have a full time IT support job now so that kind of limits the amount of time I have to invest in the ISAC. Most of my off work time thats not spoken for is used to keep this place running.
Two issues, the ISAC for whatever reason is not saving the settings. Whenever I start the vehicle I have to re-load the file. Also, when I try and reflash the unit with the newest version it says I am missing a file. Any thoughts here?
what file does it say it is missing?

what version of ICC (the pc software) are you running?

Have you flashed it before? There are drivers that get installed during the first time you flash, that handle the flash process.

what file does it say it is missing?

what version of ICC (the pc software) are you running?

Have you flashed it before? There are drivers that get installed during the first time you flash, that handle the flash process.


Says it is missing LIBUSB0.DLL Funny thing is the file is in the folder for reflash drivers but they dont have .dll extensions but are listed as dll files. I added the .dll for ****s and giggles and nothing. I have tried 1.1.1 and 1.9.1 and have had no luck with either. I have tried flashing it several times but never had any luck. The unit itself seems to work fine but it just wont save the file I load in to it. I was reading another post of a guy who couldn't re-flash either and said something about his work computer but this is mine and I cant imagine what setting on my computer would stop this from working.
windows sometimes hides the extensions of known file types. so you have the DLLs. (you can change this 'feature' in windows in the folder properties dialog)

If you hold the test button when powering on the ISAC it will put the unit in reflash mode, which should make windows look for drivers. Once you get the drivers installed it should reflash fine.

use the latest ICC.

you may have to run things as "administrator", windows gets wierd with permissions sometimes.

The ISAC control console has to be connected before it will update. If you make changes in the SW and then connect the unit will ovewrite the SW
ON light changed colors again

Yesterday I also had another incident where the ON light changed color from Green to a Yellow color. It stayed Yellow for quite a long time, but eventually changed back to Green. Still no real explaination to what this means.

I'll bring this one back from the dead. The light is green when the pressure switch on the pump head is closed. If you disconnect the switch it will go yellow.
Is this unit still available? If so how much are they? I see the web site is down.
ok guys and girls, Im having some trouble getting this thing to hit target boost and stay steady across the board.

what are the details of what each boost gain will do? higher number does what? lower number does what?
post a logfile.

what version software is in the unit?

I will get that info tonight and try to post a log.

Can you explain what each gain setting does and what it will do if changed higher or lower?

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Ok, generally speaking, if you increase a gain setting the control should try harder to hit your setting. The control algorithm is a modified PID, which stands for Proportional, Integral, Derivative. I named the gains with more "human" names to try to make it more understandable.

There are some differences in the different software versions, mostly in the spool to run transition.

The unit attempts to calculate what the solenoid "base" dutycycle should be based on your target boost and solenoid settings.

Anyway, lets say you are cruising along and punch it. The unit switches into Spool mode, which kicks the solenoid on to 100% to help spoolup. As the boost approaches the target, the dutycycle is reduced back to the base dutycycle. Spool gain and anti-overshoot work here to get the boost up to the target as fast as possible. On these cars, the anti-overshoot does not do very much, the spool gain is the primary influence. Higher spool gain makes the dutycycle stay higher to try to get the turbo spooled.

once the boost gets close to the target, the anti-overshoot gain turns off, and the run gain turns on. (the spool gain is always on, but does not do much when close to the target boost) the run gain adjusts the solenoid dutycycle somewhat slowly to try to keep the boost at the target. Higher run gain will adjust faster.

For best operation, the solenoid characteristics need to be close, so the base dutycycle calculates close to the correct actual dutycycle, I will show you that in your log.
