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Isn't this a BUICK board and NOT Rustang help board?


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I meant 16oz Mello Yello bottles. My bad. I dont want anyone thinking I got the "cheap" system.:D
I read that about Jimmy D on the other board, what's the story there? guess I never really got the jist of it?
Wrong kinda Pop!

I was referring to propylene oxide--Jimmy D was widely believed to be dosing his fuel with it. Apparently it disappears very quickly from the fuel as it is highly evaporative and only lasts a short time when added to gas. It is called pop by us old's something from the fuel faq on it. It is very nasty stuff.

"Propylene oxide ( CH3CH(O)CH2 = 1,2 epoxypropane ) has apparently been used in racing fuels, and some racers erroneously claim that it behaves like nitrous oxide. It is a fuel that has very desirable volatility, flammability and autoignition properties. When used in engines tuned for power ( typically slightly rich ), it will move the air-fuel ratio closer to stoichiometric, and the high volatility, high autoignition temperature ( high octane ), and slightly faster flamespeed may improve engine efficiency with hydrocarbon fuels, resulting in increased power without major engine modifications. This power increase is, in part, due to the increase in volumetric efficiency from the requirement for less oxygen ( air ) in the charge. PO is a suspected carcinogen, and so should be handled with extreme care."

"Maybe some of you guys are just scared that a mustang with alky injection will beat your Buick"

Actually i think the mustang guys got sick of the buicks using alky to whip up on them and not have to run race gas to be in top tune.(without alky or gas, mustangs are at an advantage, since we have to run less boost.)

As for the mustake, i mean rustang, oh i meant mustang guys here on the board-there on every other BB more then there own, always looking to defend a kill against a mustang with, "well, that guy doesn't know how to drive" or "well, i got a mustang you can run, if you think your hot sh)it!" Meanwhile the cars they often refer to are pro-5.0 cars or trailer queens they often refer to as "streetable":rolleyes: :D .

Mustang guys=excuses=amusing=go to Http://

If they are coming on here for advice, thats cool, but after that i draw the line, that line is in the middle of my tail lights, mustangs so often see.

Shoebox(flame suit on)
Re: Hmm....

Originally posted by blackshoebox
"Maybe some of you guys are just scared that a mustang with alky injection will beat your Buick"

Actually i think the mustang guys got sick of the buicks using alky to whip up on them and not have to run race gas to be in top tune.(without alky or gas, mustangs are at an advantage, since we have to run less boost.)

As for the mustake, i mean rustang, oh i meant mustang guys here on the board-there on every other BB more then there own, always looking to defend a kill against a mustang with, "well, that guy doesn't know how to drive" or "well, i got a mustang you can run, if you think your hot sh)it!" Meanwhile the cars they often refer to are pro-5.0 cars or trailer queens they often refer to as "streetable":rolleyes: :D .

Mustang guys=excuses=amusing=go to Http://

If they are coming on here for advice, thats cool, but after that i draw the line, that line is in the middle of my tail lights, mustangs so often see.

Shoebox(flame suit on)

Thats a good one Shoe:D
Blackshoebox- Thats funny, I have NEVER read a flaming comment on this board EXCEPT for those derogatory remarks by SOME insecure buick drivers. For me, its not about brand name. its about automobile performance. The things that are being done with Turbo Buicks are incredible and fascinate me to no end. I love it. Will my Rustang outrun your blackshoebox? I dont know. Dont really care to be honest. All I know is that I want to piece together a water injection kit for my car, and THIS is the place to learn. So grow up man, you have a big boy car, start acting like a big boy.

Just out of curiosity what is a respectable time for the various GN's?

I can run pretty consistent 12.6-12.5's on daily driven 17 inch radial tires. That's with a 1.93 sixty and spinning all through first and second and after the shifts in 3rd and 4th. Trap speeds are in the 112-113.6 range at the end of last season. Car weighs 3500 pounds.

I've since worked on getting the w/a injection more suited to my setup, added ceramic coated headers, upped the boost 2-3 psi and retuned based on timing and mixture. I haven't dynoed since the mods. Car made about 360 rwhp before those mods. Tomorrow I'm ordering 26x11.5x15 Hoosier QuickTime Pros to fix that traction problem. I hope to be mid-high 11's this spring. That's also on pump gas.

So no, it's not the fastest thing on wheels but I now have the NHRA and IHRA safety regs to deal with so money will be going there for a while. I'm also starting a short block build up to handle more boost. Also kinda worried about the stock axles!!! Already got a spare 5 speed tranny.

I know most of you don't really care, but I share this for compairison purposes.

Thanks guys,

This has been a very interesting thread since I started all the hoopla a few weeks ago.
What I now find interesting is that as the discussion progressed, the true colors of our non-turbo (mainly Mustang) posters is starting to show through.
My initial post was a simple question that only required Jason to make his post stating this board was open to all comers. I didn't thrash on anyone in my post, simlpy asked a question but I sure caught flack.

I do want to thank all the people that privately e-mailed me supporting my thoughts but who were afraid to post them publicly. Also thanks to the few who did post on here agreeing with me. I joined this message board to talk BUICK stuff, NOT read countless posts by non-buick drivers trying to reinvent the wheel. I can understand a question now and then, but I don't even feel like this is a buick board anymore. And now when someone questions their presence, look at the attitude they develop.

Yellow95 - "Little man syndrome?' (Mustang owner)
WFO - Don't be such a prick (no sig so who knows what he drives)
Silvver sleeper - lighten up (Buick owner)
WolfJ359 'Some Buick owners scared a Mustang with alky will
beat them (not sure what he drives)
FastlaneGN finally makes a post agreeing with me and
immediately gets ragged on by Yellow95 - 'Join US Big Boy' - like
we're on HIS board???
Wiplash - Pot calling kettle black and some comment about
mature car owners
Yellow95 - insecure Buick owners

What I also don't understand is one person said we should help out the Mustang owners as long as they aren't riced out. So does this mean we can be discriminatory on who we do and don't help?

OK, let me restate my feelings on this and WHY I have them and we can have at it for another couple of weeks.

I AGREE - I LOVE all cars no matter what the make. AND I will go out of my way to help anyone no matter what they drive if they appreciate it.
NOW - in case no one noticed, I LIVE in the same town as Yellow95. I have never personally met him BUT I do know the Mustang community in this town is made up of your typical Mustang owner. MUSTANGS RULE and ANYTHING ELSE SUCKS. They rag on the turbo cars at every car show, at all the races, at all the cruise ins and can't stand the fact that probably the two quickest street cars in this town are Turbo Buicks. (PLEASE dont go there, I mean REALLY street cars. My friend just pulled 515 hp and 640 ft lb Saturday on his daily driver GN - STOCK BLOCK AND HEADS never been off the car.)

I don't need to say more on that - we all know the attitude.
Funny, I might even like Yellow95 if I met him and probably would even enjoy working on cars together. BUT being an immature 54 year old insecure Buick owner who has raced drag cars and drag hydros since the late 60's, I doubt it.
Unfortunately I have gotten my attitude about Mustang owners from the way the majority of them behave. The cars are neat, cool looking, run good but most of the owners can really be pricks. AND I DIDN"T call anyone on here a prick so don't jump on my case. If you want some respest from the Buick community, friendly rivalry is fine, BUT get the rest of your fraternity to grow up and quit acting like spoiled brats.

JASON - I'm sorry if I am stirring up the waters again. Maybe I should have just kept my opinions to myself several weeks ago, but I have an SCM kit to install this next weekend and I enjoyed reading all the post until the board turned into an Mustang Help Line. BUT you have to admit, the various opinions on here are interesting.

OK, I'm ready for this - triple layer flame suit on, fire extingusher handy, etc.
Originally posted by yellow95
Blackshoebox- Thats funny, I have NEVER read a flaming comment on this board EXCEPT for those derogatory remarks by SOME insecure buick drivers. For me, its not about brand name. its about automobile performance. The things that are being done with Turbo Buicks are incredible and fascinate me to no end. I love it. Will my Rustang outrun your blackshoebox? I dont know. Dont really care to be honest. All I know is that I want to piece together a water injection kit for my car, and THIS is the place to learn.

Do me a favor, read the post carefully before you start shooting off your mouth. My post included this line..

"If they are coming on here for advice thats cool."

I'm going break this sentence down for you, you can come on here for advice, and i have nothing wrong with that, understand??

As for this statement, "So grow up man, you have a big boy car, start acting like a big boy."

I guess i'm not a big boy since I'm not a fan of mustang owners coming on other boards and raiding the kill section looking to start flame wars. :rolleyes: Which i clearly stated was my only problem with mustang guys on here, again if you come on here for advice, ITS COOL.

Jezz, mustang guys are the same in person as they are on the internet, insecure and defensive, yet im the one who needs to grow up, LMFAO! :D

Good luck with your car yellow95,
Still havent seen a flame here. I have read ignorant statements from 2 posters. you know who you are. The fact is, you are the minority on this board, not me. The majority of us are here to learn about w/a injection regardless of who we learn it from. Is your SMC kit different from Ed Clarks (Rustang Driver)? I dont think so. Do Buicks take different pumps and nozzles then Rustangs and Turbo Trans am's? I dont think so. Did my calling you a little man hurt your feelings? Didnt feel real good did it? Think about that next time you feel the need to spout off for no reason. You said you never met me, but you catogorize me with the Rustang crowd that you do know in Ft Myers. Sounds close to prejudice. Are you prejudice. The fact is i dont run with any Rustang crowd. I am an adult. I dont even have friends with Rustangs. My life doesnt revolove around it. I like it, but I have a wife and a child with muscular dystrophy at home that i chose to spend my time with. If you represent the majority on this board, then I wont fight it. I have learned a great deal, and I appreciate those that have helped.


ps- Does 500hp make a car fast? If so then a tractor trailer will definitely eat my lunch. Imagine what it would do with with water injection.;)
Originally posted by yellow95
[/The fact is, you are the minority on this board, not me"B]

Whatever buddy, i'm not the one on here that drives a mustang :rolleyes:

"I have read ignorant statements from 2 posters."

Your an adult that maybe didn't graduate high school and pass a basic english course by the sounds of your english. "2 posters", i think you meant "2 post"

"Did my calling you a little man hurt your feelings? Didnt feel real good did it? Think about that next time you feel the need to spout off for no reason. You said you never met me, but you catogorize me with the Rustang crowd that you do know in Ft Myers. Sounds close to prejudice. Are you prejudice. The fact is i dont run with any Rustang crowd. I am an adult. I dont even have friends with Rustangs. My life doesnt revolove around it. I like it, but I have a wife and a child with muscular dystrophy at home that i chose to spend my time with. If you represent the majority on this board, then I wont fight it. I have learned a great deal, and I appreciate those that have helped."

Ya, you hurt my feelings. :rolleyes: Am i prejudice? Boy did this converstaion go from a nice little "jouce" on the internet to prejudice, i am adult(which i am too), and my life is..blah, blah, and my child has muscular dystrophy(which im sorry to hear that, i don't wish any debelating disease like that on anyone). Guess you took my "sacasism" out of context man, but the fact is if your on here for advice its all good, i think ive said that before.

Im done here,
Yellow95, as a fellow Crudstang owner I think I should give you a little advice. I have been coming to this forum (alky) for more than a year and until now I can't remember there being any fighting like I am seeing in this thread. From what I have observed a couple of the newbie Mustang guys are being a little pushy in pulling advice from the regulars here. It is best to try and ask as many questions in one post and not a series of single ones in numerous posts. I can see how it may look to the regulars that the Mustang guys are running wild here.

The best way to prevent an arguement is not to argue. A single quick respectful post stating your position is fine but pulling the discussion down to the gutter by calling regulars here "little man" and telling them to "grow up" is going too far - even if you weren't the one to start it. You're starting to play the role of the stereotypical Rustang guy they describe. We are in THEIR house and if we have to take a couple of lumps here and there we should do it, bite our tongues and keep the discussion on nitrous and alky tech. If we can't do this then IMO we should leave.
Geezus! who the heck cares? This is the alcohol forum, not the frickin' flame forum. Nobody has said anything worth getting pumped up about.
Well obviously Shoebox, now he can't even keep our posts apart.

You said >> Does 500hp make a car fast? If so then a tractor trailer will definitely eat my lunch. <<
Since when is a tractor trailer a car??
And YES, I think 515 hp in ANY CAR (we are still talking cars or has this become a Truck/Alky board?) would make any car quick.

Let's see here:
I called them Mustang in my post and Yellow was derogatory and called the Rustangs through his post.

AND YES - I'm prejudiced. Mustang owners (those who try and hot rod them) IN GENERAL are a bunch of jerks. BUT I gave you the benefit of the doubt since you have never talked about racing you car or how damn fast it is and I've NEVER said ANYTHING derogatory about you personally. Even said I might like you. But then you let the true Mustang attitude show by taking any comment directed against your precious little pony cars as a personal afront.

I'm sorry you had to turn this issue personal.
I will still stand by my original statement that this should be a BUICK board allowing the OCCASIONAL question by an outsider. If we are going to host an Alcohol/Nitrous Help board on the internet for all comers, then someone should make another one so those of us that that don't give a rats about what someone is doing to their Mustang or Dodge or Jap Crap car don't have to read them.

Again - thanks guys for all the personal e-mails but HOW ABOUT sticking up for Shoe and me online.

Please take some time and read all of my posts and maybe even those of the others. I don't think you'll find much of the behaviour your accusing us of. But there are "bad seeds" out there. I just don't think they are involved in this thread.

Yup Yellow95 might have been a little energtic in his search for infromation, but he clearly wasn't trolling or looking for trouble. None of us are, look some of us even post with our names.

But check out this thread from the top, after being childishly being called names eventually you'll get somebody to start replying like you want. This post of mine maybe one.

You've stereotyped all mustang owners based a few goof balls you know. I hope you don't conduct the rest of your life like that. It's a very predudiced way of thinking.

Despite your desires we can't control other people just as the other GN owners can't control what you post.

I do plan to continue to contribute to the Alky section of this board when I feel I have something useful to share. Because looking at the title of the forum it doesn't say "Buick only Alcohol and Nitrous Tech" yet anyway! :)

Thanks for the forum,

Originally posted by tlturbo
AND YES - I'm prejudiced. Mustang owners (those who try and hot rod them) IN GENERAL are a bunch of jerks. read them.

Again - thanks guys for all the personal e-mails but HOW ABOUT sticking up for Shoe and me online.

Right, now...all the jerk posts are coming from us Buick guys.
No one should be sticking up for anyone here. This is a technical forum, not the romper room. Everyone try to act like they are mature enough to have a driver's license and knock the crap off.
Black Shoe Box, TLTURBO, FASTLANEGN- After calming down, i see how ignorant i am being by perpetuating this. Please accept my apology. Your are proud owners of Buicks, and that is good.

Steve Wood- Can you teach me that "Level Head" thing you do? I cant seem to get level headed.:D

Ed Clark- Doesnt it hurt straddlin that fence?;)

To turn this back in the right direction. Lets start with another dumb question.

On a w/a kit with a return line, what opens the valve for the return line, or does it stay open?


PS- I have heard some crafty names for Mustangs (ie Rustang). what are some for Buicks? Just curious. i have never heard any but "damn fast"
Return line systems usually use an alcohol rated regulator such as Mallory offers. I think some of them have a pressure port on them so the pressure will rise as boost comes up.

Check out Joe Tripodi's site...he sells all kinds of parts as well as kits and is a great guy.
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