Oct 5, 2007 #101 B Boost231 What's An Intercooler Staff member Joined May 26, 2001 Messages 16,741 TURBOPOWERED68 said: 30 vendors a built engine maybe Click to expand... someone needs to donate a nice light weight block for that car or a stroker kit.
TURBOPOWERED68 said: 30 vendors a built engine maybe Click to expand... someone needs to donate a nice light weight block for that car or a stroker kit.
Oct 5, 2007 #102 T TURBOPOWERED68 David Joined Jan 31, 2006 Messages 8,819 30 vendors a built turn key Engine
Oct 5, 2007 #103 T TURBOPOWERED68 David Joined Jan 31, 2006 Messages 8,819 Boost231 said: someone needs to donate a nice light weight block for that car or a stroker kit. Click to expand... i'll take it
Boost231 said: someone needs to donate a nice light weight block for that car or a stroker kit. Click to expand... i'll take it
Oct 6, 2007 #104 M Madcat455 True love Joined Jun 21, 2005 Messages 2,532 Bweavy said: We are not going to bust you over hours or minutes. The reason you have to be a member here & register on our site is for ISP user ID verification. Click to expand... OK... so it's 7days from first post, got it. I'm registered on your site... to check my past orders and such, is that the right area. If you're using your site to verify, should I re-register under my name and email that I use for this site (currently, I'm using my work email for your site). Thanks Brian, not trying to be a pest
Bweavy said: We are not going to bust you over hours or minutes. The reason you have to be a member here & register on our site is for ISP user ID verification. Click to expand... OK... so it's 7days from first post, got it. I'm registered on your site... to check my past orders and such, is that the right area. If you're using your site to verify, should I re-register under my name and email that I use for this site (currently, I'm using my work email for your site). Thanks Brian, not trying to be a pest