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Jim Romanello joins Ultimate Fighting... True/False??


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RCA: Home of the The Jack
May 25, 2001
Is this true? Think I saw it on the net.......gonna have to subscribe to pay per view to see for sure.

Guess he's ticked about his car being a Lifer in Location 2 and needs to take out his aggression somewhere.

Best of luck Jimmy go get em!!!!
Wow, This got out there Quick..
As of now theres a couple of "things" in the contract that need to be ironed out. But if it does my manager tells me I'm on the June card...But I'll be ready for the March card if nessesary;) .

Hopefully I get Paid the Right amount this time & don't get short changed...
Just got word that Jim's first match is against no other than Tito Ortiz.....WOW gonna be a good one.

I "heard" Jim just got himself a "Mike Tyson" like tattoo around his eye and forehead area..........It started out a a Turbo 6 emblem but the messed it up and now he's doing 10 minute oil changes at Jiffy Lube between bouts.

Go gettem Jimmy don't ever let anyone stand in the way of your dreams of..............changing oil.

Since I beat the heck outta my other partners, Why don't you step up & take your beating too??.

Oil changes? The only thing getting changed is your IV when I'm done beating you like the Cock did to Kramer .

Now go back to playing with your barbies...
Anytime buddy boy.......anytime.......just bring it on.

Oh and by the way nice job of vacuuming out my car when I bought it in for service..........also nice try on the "Oh Mr. Rezes your antifreeze shouldn't be this color and I can change it for $29.99".

Just as painful as turning down the extended warranty when buying a piece of electronics.
Oh and by the way nice job of vacuuming out my car when I bought it in for service..........also nice try on the "Oh Mr. Rezes your antifreeze shouldn't be this color and I can change it for $29.99".
You like that huh?? When I vacuum cars I always find hair but in your case it was (mr) clean....

I also gave you a "Special" additive in your anti freeze, tell us what you smell when you turn the heat on:p .

Anytime buddy boy.......anytime.......just bring it on.
You hide when I'm down @ #2 so don't even go there....
Just like B.A.

Now that your on the DL it could be a good time to get Jim to give you some pointers so when your back up on the skates you'll have that I can throw hands with the best of'em attitude.
Just make sure he puts the skates on first...:)

I was watching a vid of Igor Vovchanchin, he may not be the best, but I was impressed, very intense man.

When I was younger, you couldn't make jack at this type of stuff,
but you sure could have some fun at the bars. Now I'm just a little too old all I can do is watch.


Same Ole Pimp Ain't Nuttin Changed But The Limp
Wow - good luck. Tito for your first draw? Jeeze. Would think they'd have given you a dark match initially.

My bro trained with Renzo. I still have a left knee that hurts from 3 years ago!

Good luck.

I've met Tito Ortiz at a mixed martial arts seminar and he is a real nice guy but I wouldn't want to fight him. Good luck.