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Just so people don't think I was having a senior moment


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Alky V6

Let's go racing, boyz!
Jul 29, 2001
Good gracious. I'm still too young to have a senior moment.

Names have been left out to protect the innocent.

"I have done much testing; I put over 140,000 miles of pure abuse on my GN to give my customers a proven product. I have been doing this longer then anyone here and I have it correct since the early 90's. You do not need upgraded parts till you are in the low 10’s and high 9’s most of the time, it depends on the setup. How do I know, hundreds of trans builds over 16+ years and only a few problem children. I try to educate my customers to every aspect they need to know about the 200-4R trans, from installation, break-in and to driving it correctly. I offer my services and help to anyone who has asked for it. Everything I have done has been developed by me and I give thanks to my mentor and good friend Pat Barrett. I am no a guru of someone else. I developed what I do thru extensive R & D.

I do not condemn upgraded billet parts; I do welcome them when needed. I developed the first billet forward drum back in 1996 for our lock-up customers, but the cost was too high for a complete billet drum, and I didn’t think the cost of them would be acceptable to my customers, I was mistaken some.

I took a leave of absence for health reasons; I come back to a parts frenzy and a seriously confused Buick community. But I cannot educate those who have been brain washed by all this Hype. I understand how it has come about, business is business."

I don't know who stated this, and don't care. I do recall coming across it in the past.
This proves that my impression was founded. Thank you very much.
I respect your opinions, and your technical knowledge. You are always here to share your insight.
That being said. This is not meant "directly" at you... But, more in general terms.
What does this post prove to anyone? Someone made a comment. Move on.

This is the kind of pot stirring crap we need to stop in this forum.
I know we can all get a good chuckle here and there.... but really? Seriously.:o

Just to be clear. I mean no offensive toward you Don. Just a general feeling of enough is enough.

Names have been left out to protect the innocent.

"I have done much testing; I put over 140,000 miles of pure abuse on my GN to give my customers a proven product. I have been doing this longer then anyone here and I have it correct since the early 90's. You do not need upgraded parts till you are in the low 10’s and high 9’s most of the time, it depends on the setup. How do I know, hundreds of trans builds over 16+ years and only a few problem children. I try to educate my customers to every aspect they need to know about the 200-4R trans, from installation, break-in and to driving it correctly. I offer my services and help to anyone who has asked for it. Everything I have done has been developed by me and I give thanks to my mentor and good friend Pat Barrett. I am no a guru of someone else. I developed what I do thru extensive R & D.

I do not condemn upgraded billet parts; I do welcome them when needed. I developed the first billet forward drum back in 1996 for our lock-up customers, but the cost was too high for a complete billet drum, and I didn’t think the cost of them would be acceptable to my customers, I was mistaken some.

I took a leave of absence for health reasons; I come back to a parts frenzy and a seriously confused Buick community. But I cannot educate those who have been brain washed by all this Hype. I understand how it has come about, business is business."

I don't know who stated this, and don't care. I do recall coming across it in the past.
This proves that my impression was founded. Thank you very much.[/QUOTE]I didn't question you about your impressions. I quoted you for saying
" The fellas that say billet parts are unnecessary just haven't had enough experience."
I then asked you who said it and asked for a quote. Do you understand that the quote I'm asking for is this
"Billet parts are not needed"
"Billet parts are junk."
"I would never use billet parts.
The quotes you've given me are,
"You do not need upgraded parts until you are in the low 10's and high 9's MOST OF THE TIME,IT DEPENDS ON THE SET UP."
You know who said this and so do I and many others. Dave Husek.
Are these the quotes that qualify your statements about no billet and not enough experience?
Yesterday I said you jumped on a band wagon. Perhaps it was more like into a lynch mob. A mas of people ran by your house yelling,We're gonna hang some stupid sunuvubitch. He says billet part are for retards,or as the kids say,tards. When you dove in without asking questions,you became part of the mob moving with them toward the same goal. You ran with a statement that makes a dues paying upstanding pioneer in this community look bad witch could do damage to his reputation and business. After hearing about this ridiculous statement,you gave your testimonial about how stronger hard parts are needed as the stresses on them rise. The only problem is no one said billet parts are never needed. The other problem is that your offered quote from Dave"I welcome them when needed" says the same thing.

I,m going to have to ask you again to qualify the quote of your statement above. Please give us a quote from the person or persons who said this or retract your statement.

PS. Everyone knows who you were talking about when you said Marketing Consultant. I promise this will end it for me.
You guys didnt learn anything with the last thread being locked? This is going to continue on and people arent going to like the actions that get taken.
Sorry Don about your thread...

If this stuff continues I am going to get to the bottom and probably spill all the beans and let the truth be out there...

This forum is not for this pissing match that is going on. It is for TECH ONLY...

The vendors fees that are paid are not high enough for this to worry me any more...

I have a lot of decisions to make this weekend I guess:rolleyes:
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