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Killed a Harley


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gallo vicioso
Oct 6, 2007
I'm out testing out the new set of ported heads and port matched intake that Lou just installed for me.

Not sure what kind it was one of the ones with the obnoxiously loud I can do for ya.:rolleyes:

He was splitting the lane on the other side of the car next to me at a traffic light.

When the light turned green, I kinda rolled out with him until I heard him open it up, then I nailed it....completely wasted him.

A mile or so up the road, I was turning left, and as he went by on the right, he held out the thumbs up.

I dunno how quick Harleys are in the 1/4. I know they can't come close to a sprot bike, but they gotta be at least in the 13's right?
Harleys are TURD's the only ones that amount to anything off teh showroom floor is the VRod.

So you beat a 13-14 second bike. SHHHH dont tell anybody...LOL

Either way congrats on the upgrade.
Harleys are TURD's the only ones that amount to anything off teh showroom floor is the VRod.

So you beat a 13-14 second bike. SHHHH dont tell anybody...LOL

Either way congrats on the upgrade.

LOL:D...I knew he was no match....but always fun to smoke a two wheeler.

I live just a couple miles from a place called Cooks Corner. It's a popular Harley hang out, so there are always a handful of them running up and down every street with their exhaust echoing off the hills sides.
It's now official

The Chicken's back.

Funny, but public transportation doesn't sound so scary anymore.:D

Mike B.
Hehe F*gs.

Hey now, Harley's aren't that slow. The big baggers are, but the rest are in the 12's with a good rider (which most are not). Now Jap cruisers are the 14 to 13 sec pigs. The bad part is most idiot riders add loud straight pipes which kill low end, and they never rejet, so they think they have a race bike, but end up with a pig.
I had a guy with a 750 Virago tell me there isn't a car on the road that can keep up with him. Most bike owners are cheese balls, not just Harley owners.

I own 2 Harleys BTW. I am not a cheese ball. The one is in the 11's, and the other in the 10's. The weird thing is they both can idle at a traffic light, and I don't feel the need to race everything, or ride around in 1st for attention.
There is a simple explanation for loud pipes; They Save Lives!

Here in Houston, I litteraly got run off the road 3-4 times . . . it was than that I decided to take the OEM pipes back off the bike, reinstalled the hookers and problem solved.

There are always idiots who "don't see you", but ....... they stay away when the drone of the pipes hit the car.
I don't like it loud, just loud enough for safety.;)

Now, having been around bikes most of my life and around TR's a short time, I would think twice about running a TR . . . . . at the track of course :tongue:.
Than again, by bike is a bagger and I prefer comfort over speed at my old age.

Anyway . . . I have fun reading your stories. They crack me up!
Be carefull out there.
Mean 04 GTO

My brother also has a Harley.
He says the same thing.
Loud Pipes save lives.
I agree.

I share the road with bikes safely...they are the ones I normally look for. I'm one of those people who when I see one splitting lanes, I give them as much room as I can. Pisses me off when I see people start trying to block them.

I've riden bikes....just never liked the feeling.

Well...last night I went out to pick up some meds for my sick wife (flu). On the way home, I heard someone up ahead a few cars, light them off from a me interested.

A few lights later, I had a fix on him, and he was in the turn lane going onto the toll road, so I moved in behind him. Nice looking red 04 GTO and it sounded friggin' mean. The guy was eyeballing me in his rear view in the turn lane and started reving up his LS at me. Definitely not stock.

On the green, I stayed as close as I safely could to him on the sweeping left turn through the intersection and as we came out of the turn and he opened it up, I did too....kicked out a little sideways but corrected it pretty easily.

I had to peddle a little to keep from getting too close to him up until about 60-70 or so....but from that point on...we were both wide open and I just stayed glued to not gaining and him not getting any further away.

We were going well over 110 (last recall reading on the scanmaster) before we let out due to some traffic ahead, then we just cruised for awhile.

A couple miles later, we had a wide open toll road again, so from about 70, we both went into it again...same result...dead even.

He finally let off to get over and see who was glued to him, as I came along side, he was giving me the hang loose sign and me back at him. He throttled a little at me and I detected a supercharger wine...

He got off and I went to the next exit.
Sure would have been good to get him from a dig, I know I was quicker than him up to 60 or so, but beyond that, we were even.:biggrin:
not all baggers are slow, me and some friends all have harleys, my buddy's road king (bagger) scrapes the tail pipes when he wheeles it:eek:
Seems to me that most of the cruiser crowd thinks that they're way faster than they acually are :rolleyes:

I've even taken a few of them with my Ford Lightning that only runs high 12's.

Maybe it's because they feel faster because of the noise??
Seems to me that most of the cruiser crowd thinks that they're way faster than they acually are :rolleyes:

I've even taken a few of them with my Ford Lightning that only runs high 12's.

Maybe it's because they feel faster because of the noise??

Probably. Don't most sport bikes run 11s and faster right from the dealer?
Sport bikes

Yeah, sport bikes are another story lol It's amazing how much power they can get out of even a 600 these days...
That's why rubbing paint = racing:biggrin: let's the slower guy swing the advantage his way....
Saw a Harley Bagger on Pinks All Out last night.
Guy was claiming it's the fastest one on the road.
Uses squeeze to make 200HP and has done the 1/4 in 10.21 at 135 with a skinny guy riding it.
The owner said he built it for the sole purpose of sport bike hunting.:biggrin:

It looked like a handful.
It launches with the wheel in the air and they had one shot of the guy at the top end of the track with the rear wheel still getting all squirly on him.:eek:
Harleys suck !

There is a simple explanation for loud pipes; They Save Lives!

Here in Houston, I litteraly got run off the road 3-4 times . . . it was than that I decided to take the OEM pipes back off the bike, reinstalled the hookers and problem solved.

There are always idiots who "don't see you", but ....... they stay away when the drone of the pipes hit the car.
I don't like it loud, just loud enough for safety.;)

Now, having been around bikes most of my life and around TR's a short time, I would think twice about running a TR . . . . . at the track of course :tongue:.
Than again, by bike is a bagger and I prefer comfort over speed at my old age.

Anyway . . . I have fun reading your stories. They crack me up!
Be carefull out there.

While I have to agree now that I'm older & hearing is shot anything loud catch's my attention. But on the other hand nothing sounds worst than a Harley with loud pipes. My house is near a major street & especially on the week ends all you hear are those damn bikes.
So Chicken how much harder does the GN pull now vs. how it felt before? I agree with Lou. I think they are the most annoying things on the road!