If you can find some Slick50 Slick 1 spray I can tell you from experience to spray the pistol down with it after you clean it Gary. I tried it years ago on some of the tight fitting actions and it made a huge difference in the way it performed. You spray it down, wait for it to gel up, and wipe it off. It's got teflon in it and will make it slick as snot if you get it where you don't want it.
Did it on my race gun and if you think your SG is tight I hand lapped that thing for weeks to get the proper clearence for the slide and barrel. Everything in that thing is match grade and I've never been happy with it so I'm looking at redoing the top half again. Slide and all.
Did it on my race gun and if you think your SG is tight I hand lapped that thing for weeks to get the proper clearence for the slide and barrel. Everything in that thing is match grade and I've never been happy with it so I'm looking at redoing the top half again. Slide and all.