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Active Member
Jun 1, 2001
After reading about stolen TRs & the Lojack recommendations, I did some research.

My city police department has never supported Lojack.
My county police department is phasing out Lojack support & not installing it on any of their new cars.
My state patrol apparantly does support Lojack, however I did not pursue the issue enough to be sure.

If Lojack is not supported by the local police, it's basically a very expensive accessory with no value.

I suggest, before dropping the $$$, do a thorough check of its support in your area. If the local police support Lojack, I suggest giving it consideration.

I called my local dealership & got a somewhat dissappointing answer to questions concerning feasability of retrofitting OnStar. I haven't completely given up on OnStar yet, however, it doesn't look as good as I want it to at this time.

I haven't yet looked into GPS, however, it is an option I need to explore.

Anyone have any input??

yep i think Lojack tracks by radio signal.... most newer tracking devices use sattelite tracking via global positioning sensors. There was a guy selling'em on this board just recently. or like posted the new viper alarm.
How about just insuring the car for it's true value, and forgetting the alarms, trackers, etc??
In most cases I've been aware of, the car is trashed, and generally FUBAR, if it's ever recovered. Why would you want that kind of a headache??
Agreed value coverage is CHEAP, when compared to the recovery nonsense.
My 6T5 Ply HEMI car is insured for $100,000, at a cost of $236/6 mo. This is FULL coverage, not some half baked policy that requires an atty to enforce.. It's lost? The co. writes me a check for 100G's...

Back to my rock..

I can't disagree with your logic. Would you mind revealing which insurance company you have your policy with? Your premium seems mighty cheap for 100K coverage and I might need to make an insurance company change at that rate. Thanks.

Here tis....


I can't disagree with your logic. Would you mind revealing which insurance company you have your policy with? Your premium seems mighty cheap for 100K coverage and I might need to make an insurance company change at that rate. Thanks.


The company is:
American National Property & Casualty
Springfield, Mo.
Also referred to as ANPAC

BTW, the full coverage on my 07 Silverado is $409.00/6 mo. A great rate, considering where I am forced to drive!!:eek:
