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Looking to upgrade my sound system


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No the one pictured at crutchfield that i put a link to was what i had.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
You're welcome, good luck on your search to put together a solid sounding setup.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Hey RobZ not tryin to hijack the thread but every descent stereo system really starts with the head unit and that Pioneer is a strong foundation on what you got goin on!! You can go from mild to wild real quick!!
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I went with Diamond Audio 6.5 " in the doors and put the tweets in the dash. Alpine head unit and 200 watt 4 channel bridge able amp. There were 2 8" Nakamichi subs in the car when I bought it. I had GaryK make an enclosure for them as I wanted crisp bass not thumping. ..
No rear speakers at all. The sound stage is very good and tge quality is awesome. It won't win any competition but that was not what I was after. I think Gary was a little shocked at how the subs sounded

I went with Rockford Fosgate for my lows and kenwood for my mids and highs!! My 87 Monte Carlo has the kind of system that makes your chest hurt lol!! Ive been installing for years!! Anybody looking for advice PM me!!
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I will be looking for more guidance in the near future. Right now I'm still trying to iron out a few other issues that have popped up and need attention before I attack the sound system.

I'm up in the air still on which components to use, but also on how to wire it cleanly and for the best sound possible [tune it] for what I end up with.

I do appreciate any and all input from those of you with more experience in this area than I currently have.

GaryK1970 is the board guru as well as the moderator still I believe , he can steer you if you need anything as well as making sub enclosures to fit your needs.

One question I have that hasn't been answered yet. Do these cars come wired for CSII and have wiring in the doors for it even if the car didn't have the CSII option installed when new??

It would make it much easier for me since I have a factory harness adapter for the head unit.

My car is a non CS , had to run the wires to the doors myself

I figured as much but hoped I was wrong.

Thanks for confirming that tidbit of info.

Going out to change the rad now [damn oil cooler blew apart in the tank] and also see if I can track down a miss/pop under boost around 4 grand.
Kicker makes a really nice speaker everything from sub to tweet they look nice and one solo baric sub even as small a 8 inch will be lots of kick and not as heavy as 2 10s or 2 12s
Going out to change the rad now [damn oil cooler blew apart in the tank] and also see if I can track down a miss/pop under boost around 4 grand.

Whenever those symptoms have popped up for me, it was always ignition related ie coil pack, module, or both. I went tr6 but have still gone through 3 coil packs in 3 years. They are only $60 though. No more module problems! Good luck with the car.
got any pics of 6.5 in doors? i was thinking about adding some.
I will have to hunt them down....It was very trying to get them to sit where the magnet would clear the window. Lots of cutting and grinding , test fit, over and over. Had to trim the window regulator ears. I got them to mount flush though ! I need to install the Concert sound covers to finish them off as I had to cut my door panels.

Whenever those symptoms have popped up for me, it was always ignition related ie coil pack, module, or both. I went tr6 but have still gone through 3 coil packs in 3 years. They are only $60 though. No more module problems! Good luck with the car.

I've been through at least three of each and plugs and wires to no avail.

It's definitely electrical as far as I can tell and will also step up to a TR6 in the spring when they become available.
I will have to hunt them down....It was very trying to get them to sit where the magnet would clear the window. Lots of cutting and grinding , test fit, over and over. Had to trim the window regulator ears. I got them to mount flush though ! I need to install the Concert sound covers to finish them off as I had to cut my door panels.


I would like to see pics also to see if I could make it work with less hassle.
I'd stay away from the knukonceptz wiring mentioned earlier. It's copper coated aluminum wire and not solid copper, I have some here that was bought for an odd purpose (color mattered) and its the cheapest crap wiring i've ever held.