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Lower back pain!


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Jan 31, 2011
I have never ever had a problem with my back.. I dont know what happened but i can barely walk! Serious severe sharp pain just shoots down my leg bone when i walk! Even standing hurts, sitting hurts i can barely walk i have to lay down and that will sort of take some pain away. I took 800mg ibuprofen and my back laughed at the pill.. This hurts so bad! Any advice ?! 3rd day with this pain still feels like day1! Dont even know where it came from ?! must have been in the gym..?
Getting old? LOL
Been there done that!!! Do yourself a favor and call a massage therapist. A good one will help to loosen the tight muscles and have you on your way.
Also, lots of stretching will help.
I have never ever had a problem with my back.. I dont know what happened but i can barely walk! Serious severe sharp pain just shoots down my leg bone when i walk! Even standing hurts, sitting hurts i can barely walk i have to lay down and that will sort of take some pain away. I took 800mg ibuprofen and my back laughed at the pill.. This hurts so bad! Any advice ?! 3rd day with this pain still feels like day1! Dont even know where it came from ?! must have been in the gym..?
Ahh, I know your pain all to well. Usually, if the pain is running down your leg, it is something coming in contact with the nerve at disc L4/L5. If it does not go away with rest in a couple of days or gets worse, you may very well have a disc problem. You will probably have to see a doctor and get an MRI. I have had three surgeries so far, the last on being a fusion. The other 2 types of surgery that may be involved is one that involves the disc or one that hacks of a wing of a vertebrae to make room for the nerve exiting the spine. You will know it's real bad when you stop standing to take a piss. The first thing I did 2 hours after surgery was to stand to go to the bathroom. I felt like a little kid peeing like a big boy for the first time. My back problems stem from lifelong bad hips. I had both hips replaced 27 years ago and they were right on when they said I would probably have back problems in about 10 years. The good news is I still carry a 200 bowling average, and golf 5 days a week. But, the days of touching my toes, picking something up off of the ground, and tying my own shoes are long gone.
hello turboheads; Sounds like sciatica if that's spelled correct. I get it and I have not found a real good way to relieve it. Standing helps as if I sit to long it hurts more. I started a sreatching thing and just started taking Aleive. But a co-worker went to the doctor that perscribed a steroid and it helped the best in his case. I get it most when I'm bent over working for some time.
It sucks.
goodluck and let me know what worked for you.
87chrisss said:
I have never ever had a problem with my back.. I dont know what happened but i can barely walk! Serious severe sharp pain just shoots down my leg bone when i walk! Even standing hurts, sitting hurts i can barely walk i have to lay down and that will sort of take some pain away. I took 800mg ibuprofen and my back laughed at the pill.. This hurts so bad! Any advice ?! 3rd day with this pain still feels like day1! Dont even know where it came from ?! must have been in the gym..?

I had some mean back spasms that did that to me. Couldn't walk, craw or even lay down without severe pain
Chris it is a syatic(sp?) nerve pinched. I had that going on & my heel was sending pain to my back & my back sending pain down my leg. Go to the hospital & they will get you a shot. It will not get rid of all of it but it will take away half the pain. I ended up getting a cortizone shot in my heel. That helped alot.
I have had back problems for a long time.
It feels, horrible! it's actually sharp pain on both legs tried some stretching & made it worse.
im going to try a heating pad
It feels, horrible! it's actually sharp pain on both legs tried some stretching & made it worse.
im going to try a heating pad

Won't help... BTDT.
The shooting pain is caused by an inflamed nerve bundle, as mentioned, likely at L4/L5 ans S1.
The pain is created by a phenom known as muscle guarding. It works like this:
Nerve is irritated, your brain see this, and tightens the muscle to guard against injury to the nerve. This sends a pulse that there's problems w/ the nerve...The process repeats itself.:eek:
An epidural steroid can reduce the inflammation. It's injected into the dural area, [the tube the nerves go thru.] it's injected above the injury, flows down, and relieves the inflammation.
I've had a bunch of them...Area is numbed, large, SQUARE needle about 6" long is used!:p
It's not really painful. Mine usually show drastic improvement in a day or so....
As mentioned, an MRI will probably be prescribed to verify the injured area.
That's exactly what i feel like a mix of pulsing constant sharp pain a few on the left leg then a few on the right leg. Sharp Sharp pain pulsing from my tailbone straight down into chin/ lower calf area wow, i have never felt this type of pain. lol I just sneezed real hard and it hurt like a *itch it hurt so bad i started laughing
Get an mri! Had same symptoms and had total herniated l4/l5 disc with nerve protrusion. Had surgery 5 weeks ago, now rehab for foot drop from pinched nerve. Trust me you dont want that. Been off 6weeks and will be atleast another 4weeks. Get an mri!
Had sciatica for about 3 months last year. Toes on my left foot were numb forever it seemed. Finally just went away on it's own. Just dealt with the pain. I usually spend at least one week a year flat on the floor when I throw my back out. Last time it came on after trimming hedges for an hour and a half.
If they try and "sell" you on X-rays first, refuse! One MRI will tell 100x's more about this kind of injury than multiple x-rays. I wasted 15 years on X-rays before my "new" doc did an MRI, needless to say, we were both amazed at the damage. I'm managing with pills, but there's no way I'd ever attempt bowling like Steve! :D
Had same symptoms and had total herniated l4/l5 disc
Same here. My symptoms sound the same as your feeling. Sever pain in my leg, cant walk, sit or stand. I spent a month laying on my stomach (sucked), couldnt even lay on my back. Herniated L4 L5. I was taking vicoden but nothing took the pain away but time. As mentioned, see a Doctor.
had it years ago. so bad I could not put my shoes on or turn my head to back up car or ride a motorcycle. 800 mg Ibuprofen and 2 Jack Daniels would relieve for a few hours. Last resort before going to an orthopedic which I knew would recommend surgery was trying a chiropratctor. I always thought of them as witch doctors. He had me do a bunch of whacky things. So much as I thought there must be cameras in the room and I would be on TV somewhere. He said he could fix me in 6 - 8 visits and sure enought, in 6 visits I was cured. 100% good ever since. Core muscles need constant exercise to keep the back in line properly also. May be worth a try. It cured me. In the mean time, ice pack on 20 minutes and off 30 minutes as much as you can do it. And don't forget your friend, Jack.
Try laying on your back and have someone push your leg as far as you can stand it then the other. Keep your leg straight. It will help stretch that muscle that is twitching on the nerve. Try the steriod shot. Takes a few days but will work. If that doesn't work then it's mri time.
I herniated t8-9 & t 9-10 with both pressing on my spinal cord. The only way to fix it is to go in from the front. Same procedere as open heart but they push everything to the side. No grnt it will work either.
I see my chiropractor when I blow mine out and she usually gets me going after a few visits. She recommends icing vs heat. The last time she actually had me come over to her house and go in her pool where I spent over an hour just hanging in the deep end with an inner tube. Actually worked. No extra charge either!

Bonus was she has beautiful in ground heated pool at her McMansion and it was on a beautiful day. She even turned on music for me. My fantasy of her joining me in her bikini didn't happen though!:rolleyes: That might have completely cured me.