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Need Mr. Lubrants advice..


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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2005
And anyone else with the experience. I only posted here, so Mr. Lubrant would see it. I read an article he wrote, concerning octane. Well, since then, toluene went up 10 bucks a can. So, making our own high octane, takes a little more consideration. Back then, makin your own seemed to be cheaper than the pump race fuel. Now, I'm not so sure. I didnt quite see all the forumlas for what X amount of X octane will do to X octane pump gas already in the tank. My questions are these. What would 2 gallons of 110 do to 8 gallons of 94, and what would 2 gallons of straight toluene do to 8 gallons of 94. What would be my ending octane for each mixture?
I want to find out what would be the cheapest way to raise my octane for 10 gallons of gas.
go with alky inj. i ran 2 years with xylen mixture
too much pain in the a$$ you cant know how much octane you have
a alky kit is a same price as a set of head gasket blowing up
the razor kit work nice Alcohol injection | Alcohol injection systems | DIY alcohol injection kits


2 gallons of 110 and 8 gallons of 94

2 gal X 110 oct. = 220
8 gal X 94 oct. = 752

220 + 752 = 972

972 div. ( 2 gal + 8 gal ) = 97.2 oct.

toluen is 116 octane and xylen is 117 oct. or very near

hope it help


naww.. dont need alcohol. I just wanted to know how much 26 bucks of xylene or toluene will affect my gas tank thats all. Just like a quick octane booster ya know? Just curious. I think race gas is a better route actually. Though, if i had a hot air, id throw an alcohol kit on there immediately, if not sooner.

Oh yea, one more thing. What experiences have you guys had with the little 'octane booster in a can?
The fumes from running xylene/tolulene will kill those bumper fillers under the gas tank neck.

The octane boost cans are worthless unless your adding like 10 cans. Then your 10 per gallon Xylene will appear really cheap.
I did not know that. Makes sense though. Though, who uses that much xylene to actually ruin a filler though? Wouldnt it take quite a bit?

And I heard, that those 'octane raisers' in a bottle, are just chemicals, that SUPPRESS knock, instead of chemicals that actually RAISE the actual octane level. Did I hear this correctly? Does that make sense? I do know, that half of those bottles, are just injector cleaners. I read a writeup, that those things do work, but in a different way than we think (by raising the actual octane)

I do realize though, that theres nothing, that in 12 ounces worth, could effectively raise the octane of gasoline.
If you don't mind killing 02 sensors ( Denso recommended ), Lead Supreme 130 ( 32 ounce bot ) does work well. One full bottle added to 10 gallons of 93 will net you 101 octane.
$10 a bot if you get a case of 12.

I have been mixing 5 gals of 93 and 5 of 110 unleaded ( 101.5 oct ) for my Talon and it's been fun.
go with the alky

I used to play the fuel game all the time.

Have Razors Alky kit and no longer waste any time mixing fuel

Trust me just do it and be done with it.

26 pounds of boost on 90 octane:eek: :eek: 22 deg. timming, all day long, no knock!

KNOCK? WHATS THAT?:confused:
I used to play the fuel game all the time.

Have Razors Alky kit and no longer waste any time mixing fuel

Trust me just do it and be done with it.

26 pounds of boost on 90 octane:eek: :eek: 22 deg. timming, all day long, no knock!

KNOCK? WHATS THAT?:confused:
yep...what he said...saves you loads of time:)
TWO things

1. Open and/or get into a Contractor account at a Major Paint store in your area, Duron here in the PA area, it will be ~$7.00 a gallon.

2. The Bumper Filler thing is a myth, assuming you Cover it with a towel or something when filling...
Not to mention when you go into the paint store and buy that much tulene or xylene and no other paint supplies they think you're running a crystal meth lab :eek:
1 gallon of denatured alky+razors system = 24 psi with stock turbo and 26/24 timing on 91 octane pump. Can run more boost without knock but the car doesn't pick up more so why, ya know? Plus if I'm not under boost it's not using the alchohol so on a road trip or just cruising it's only costing me the cost of regular fuel. And I just fill up at the pump without worry of mixing, or funnels, or having to get xylene first cause' if I don't then I have no Idea the octane in the tank next time (due to leftovers) get the picture. IMO if you're currently mixing you should take a good hard look at alky. My .02. james
oh i understand the whole alchohol thing for sure. I do agree with it but i like mixing my own race fuel too. theres pros and cons to both i know. but one malfunction anywhere on that system, that prevents it from spraying, or spraying the correct way and boom. there she goes. Im good on that. Im a race fuel man myself.

"Plus if I'm not under boost it's not using the alchohol so on a road trip or just cruising it's only costing me the cost of regular fuel. And I just fill up at the pump without worry of mixing, or funnels, or having to get xylene first cause' if I don't then I have no Idea the octane in the tank next time (due to leftovers) get the picture. IMO if you're currently mixing you should take a good hard look at alky. My .02. james"

not using it while not under boost is awesome. i agree, but let that system go out one time, and see what happens. Im not brave enough to take that risk. sorry. and withouth worrying about mixing? mixing doesnt cause me to worry. funnels? its easy for me. and getting xylene? its all over the place. if im out of xylene, i just turn down my boost :) no worries mate. and you should always know the octane in your tank. its a simple formula, and i record what goes in my tank anways on a small tablet i keep in my console, along with my calculator. once well rehearsed, its simple after that. no worrying.

And what do you do with xylene with crystal meth? they actually use xylene in a drug? great way to kill themselves lol. not too smart imo lol.
Lots of solvents used in making drugs like meth and cocaine. That's just trivia though. I understand you wanting to be a gas only guy and I totally respect that. I say the following only in case you haven't thought about it. What happens when a fuel pump goes out under boost? Or what happens if an injector malfunctions under boost? Or if a fuel line, or regulator, f's up under boost. I guess the point is there's a ton of stuff that can go wrong and totally f up your engine/car and while the "Why should I add one more thing to that?" argument remains viable the fact that the additional fuel/knock supresion provided by spraying alchohol could save your engine in the event a fuel pump going also remains. Also, if you look at the failure rate of Razors kits vs the fuel pump failure rate on cars and do some math you might (I'm just guessing here) find that Julios alky pump is less likely to fail than your fuel pump. Of course you might find the opposite is true!:) (I doubt it though) If the first is true though, it would be utterly ridiculous to not run alky for fear of failure. In the end though it comes down to the individual and if you want to run straight gas then rock on. I sincerly mean that. The more Buick guys out there the better. james

just one quick add on upside to alky is that when you get bad gas from the pump (be it winter blend or just a bad batch) you can adjust your mixture from the drivers seat instead of figuring out how much more xylene to mix in.
Wide Band Commander - A complete picture for Air-to-Fuel Ratio Analysis

Set your RPM, set your TPS, car leans out past your set limit... trips a relay which you can activate anything from train horn to disco ball.

Cures the ailing my car leaned out and kaboom.. well you have to pay attention to the installed train horn and lift. And you have to spend money buying device.

Ya'll can keep mixing if you want.. its a personal choice thing.. I did it for a while before I got into alky. As soon as I had gone through 15 gallons of mix.. I said screw it.. its mod money out the tail pipe driving around.
And to add to Julio's suggestion, get a GenII Translator or Trans Pro with Wide Band feedback...set the AFR to your liking..if alky pump goes out, then more gasoline is added automatically and instantly. I'm amazed at how fast the Gen2 corrects the AFR..yes if your running 28+ psi it may not help, but I run 24-25# boost and with my IC and turbo, I can run 20# on pure 93 no alky with no knock, so if I lift at first sign of knock, I'm good to go. As so far, Julio's pumps are superior to any other pump previously on the market, so don't be afraid of that.
Oh i know the advantages trust me. but im not in the alcohol stages right now. dont need it. i have access to 94 octane here, and i dont mind mixing one bit. its not the least bit of trouble for me. I will eventually try alcohol in the future. just not now. i dont get on my car enough to warrant a 500 dollar alcohol system right now. I know the arguments of 'what if your fuel pump goes' would come up. but, i HAVE to run a fuel pump. theres no choice in the matter. i dont have an alky system in my car. but i already have a fuel pump. if it goes, than it goes. im screwed. but theres nothing i can do about that. there is however, something i can do about the alky system. not run one lol. hehe. Like i said though, i dont run her hard enough, often enough to run alky right now. if i think i may have a weekend to race the local mustangs, then ill just calculate my mix, throw some xylene in there, and turn up the mbc and watch the boost guage and scanmaster. till i get my desired effect. when im done racing, i just dial her down to 15 again, and drive home :) I live right by my racing strip too so im good. Thanks for the information though.

quick question though. how many qts of alcohol does your container hold, how long does that last with it fully on, and how much is it to buy a gallon of the alcohol you use?
quick question though. how many qts of alcohol does your container hold, how long does that last with it fully on, and how much is it to buy a gallon of the alcohol you use?
I run pure methanol, costs $2-2.50 gallon. 5 gallons lasts me almost all racing season, 6-7 trips to the track and the street use it gets, maybe 3k miles a year. The radiator resovior is the however much that holds. A full day at the track and 5-7 passes usually uses about 1/2 of that if that much. There's folks that use a lot more and go alot faster with alot more boost than I use though, but I think mines is typical for a street/strip use car, and great for a daily driver as you never know when that ahole in a stang is going to pull up beside you and rev the motor at you with their stupid Borla exhaust :)
so shoot me an estimate of how long that reservoir would last on you on the street. i have basically a stock setup, and would only run say, 19lbs max. maybe 20
so shoot me an estimate of how long that reservoir would last on you on the street. i have basically a stock setup, and would only run say, 19lbs max. maybe 20
You'll only need a small amount to run 20-22 psi. For a blast down the 1/8 mi it uses maybe 3oz or so. At 24 psi, I might use 6oz in a 1/4 mi blast at the track. I think Julio can give you a more acurate amount given maybe a ramp up set at about the 1/2 to 3/4 position.
So how ong it lasts on the street depends on how much boost you use, mines set to come on at 4# and then ramp up to full pressure depending on the knob setting on the controller.
I see.
Well for me, the most i run my car, is for about 6 hours a weekend. I race from about 9:30, to 12:30am on fridays and saturdays, for id say, may, june, july, august and september. thats 40 nights out of the season i try to get into a race. i averaged about 30 races last year. so thats 30 blasts, which lasts on average 5 seconds wot each time. (only lost 3 times last year too)
How long will one jug last me? It sounds as if your car barely uses any of that stuff. thats pretty cool.