***New DSR Member announcement***

hmmm, google says:

dynamic source routing
dirty south rydaz
donor sibling registry
development through self-reliance
detailed seller ratings
deep sea research
distributed speech recognition
dyno spot racing
division of science research
delta sigma rho
division of safety research
direction sensing radar

so which one is it? must be the development through self-reliance one...
Ok...that's for "MAGNA"...thanks for explaining!...As for JCC, DSR, OSABO, it seems as no one want to give a hint of what it means...:rolleyes: It's ridiculous...:eek:

Claude. :rolleyes:
JCC=Junior Coffee Clutch
DSR=Dirty Sanchez Racing
OSABO=Well thats another story
JCC=Junior Coffee Clutch
DSR=Dirty Sanchez Racing
OSABO=Well thats another story
Thanks, Otto for trying to explain, but maybe it's me who's dumb, but I still don't understand a single thing...
"Junior Coffee Clutch" ?? what the h**l does that mean and what does it has to do with GN's ? :confused
"Dirty Sanchez Racing"...Sanchez?...Who's he?...I never heard of him...
As for "OSABO", are you serious?...why such an evasive reply??...It seems as if you know what it means but you won't tell...:frown:

The only one making sense is the "MAGNA" name for "MID ATLANTIC GRAND NATIONAL ASSOCIATION"...but the other three seem more like a joke than serious...:rolleyes:

I think, or hope, the dirty sanchez racing is a joke name...

um, a dirty sanchez is a, well, try googling that one!!!
I typed "Dirty Sanchez" in Yahoo and did not find any usefull info, other than being a TV and film series...As for Osabo, nothing...

Claude. :frown:
The OSABO one is something started by the JCC(Crew of guys based in New Jersey)
I was not being evasive,I have no idea what it means short of one of the letter "O"s stands for Otto.
The OSABO one is something started by the JCC(Crew of guys based in New Jersey)
I was not being evasive,I have no idea what it means short of one of the letter "O"s stands for Otto.
I saw a few threads on numerous other Buick-related sites but I never was able to get a serious answer other than some evasive and unclear replies...Only Otto kindly replied to me that it is something started by the JCC Crew out of NJ... Now... what is that "JCC" thing???...and also, what's the "DSR" thing?? Are they related?...whew!...it's too much abbreviations for me...
Here's what I found out to date: Osabo appears to be some kind of intercoller made in Ghana ( ! ) sold by Anderson Performance or by Rich's Custom Auto...
C'mon...is that a joke or what??

Claude. :confused:
The DSR is the premier Buick racing club. Anybody wants in pm me or dsrturbo-t.

Adam you're already in, stfu!
I guess this is my all-time low posting!! But here's the first link on googling "Dirty sanchez" - hope you get the joke now!!


Sorry for the elusiveness, I really didn't want to actually explain what it was...

Well...now I understand more why you were a little "elusive"!...:biggrin: Seriously, having lived all my life in the mostly french speaking Montreal region, there was no way I could now what the "Dirty Sanchez" expression meant...:rolleyes:...but now I do. Thanks for explaining, or at least, finding a way leading me to an answer! :wink:

Ok, now I know what a "Dirty Sanchez" is, and that DSR seems to be a Buick racing club...but what about "JCC" and "OSABO"?...

Claude. :smile:
I guess the rest of us are members of the ARC "Affordable Racing Club"
I saw a few threads on numerous other Buick-related sites but I never was able to get a serious answer other than some evasive and unclear replies...Only Otto kindly replied to me that it is something started by the JCC Crew out of NJ... Now... what is that "JCC" thing???...and also, what's the "DSR" thing?? Are they related?...whew!...it's too much abbreviations for me...
Here's what I found out to date: Osabo appears to be some kind of intercoller made in Ghana ( ! ) sold by Anderson Performance or by Rich's Custom Auto...
C'mon...is that a joke or what??

Claude. :confused:

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Here's my take on it. If you want to be elusive about what DSR is then stfu and dont post three threads about it. If you dont want to discuss it in anything but a tangential manner then dont discuss at all. ;) Off my box....flame on! :D
Stickers will be ready for BG.

We're not being elusive at all. The DSR is the premier turbo racing club. That's it. Want in, pm me.