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New Suzuki bike gets walked like a dog.


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Fiberglass bumper filler dude. (949) 433-1257
Staff member
Apr 4, 2002
The daily driver was in the shop, so I decided to drive the GN to work. I only do this a hand full of times per year, so it makes it feel kind of special when I do. After an uneventfull day at the office of paperwork, phone calls, and people trying to sell me frozen steaks out of the back of their car, I escaped to the black brick to cruise the coast home. I had just turned right onto the three lane, Pacific Coast Hwy, when I noticed a shiney, white bike waiting for the light accross the intersection now behind me. As I slowly accelerated away from the intersection I watched my rear veiw mirror. I was about an eighth mile away, and slowing down for the next light, when I saw that he was hauling ass up behind me. I stopped for the red light with one car ahead of me. As the bike approached, he split traffic to my right, to get to the front of the pack. As he passed, I could see that it was a brand new white Suzuki, with the dealer plates still on it. There were no other stickers, model, or cc. It looked to be about a 600 cc. The rider had nice new leathers, and helmet. No sooner than this, the light turned green and the bike rider took off like he stole it. I was trapped in this pack of cars that was slowly leaving the green light, thinking to my self that it would have been fun to get lined up next to this bike. Especially, since I still had my drag shocks, no sway bar, and (10.87 @122) race tune still on the car from the weekend before:cool:. I cruised with the pack for about half a mile before I was able to slide over to the far right lane of the three lane hiway. I could see the bike already stopped by himself, ahead in the far left lane, at the next light. As I slowed, I saw that all three lanes were clear for at least 1/2 a mile ahead. When I was about fifty yards from the intersection, the light went green. I was still going about 30 mph and started to roll my foot back into the gas a little, while watching to see what Rice-Rocket-Boy was going to do. The momentum that I had entering the intersection let me pass by him as he took off from this new green light. About the time that I got to the other side of this intersection, I could see that Suzuki guy was WOT, with his head on the gas tank, and had a run on me. He passed me shortly after this as I was also putting the pedal to the carpet. As he went by me, he never even looked over to see what the heck I was driving. I guess that he figured since it was quieter than his ride, it wasn't worth looking at. My grandpa car was just another car in his rear view mirror. Which was true! For about three seconds.;) I did notice that he decided to glance over at my car as I passed him though. I ended up putting five car lengths on him (and pulling away) when he'd had enough and shut it down at somewhere around 110 mph. When we got to the next light, he gave me a nod as he turned right. I grinned and gave him a thumbs up.

Maybe next time he'll pay a little more attention to the other cars at the stop light. Especially the "Black Ones".:biggrin:

Happy spooling.
Mike Barnard
mike, sounds like you had fun. now if i ever see a buick while im on my bike, its on ;) so far i have only seen one and he didnt want any. now you i can just toy with you. here is a picture of one of mine. this is the slower of the 2 i have. the other one has a turbo ;)

Baaaaaaaaaaaad Booooooooooooy!

Thanks for the story and good kill!

I've seen that movie too.

Although the big boy bikes (900's-1000's and up) are capable of winning if they know how to drive or have the guts to twist the throttle all the way. I've never had trouble with the scooters though.

mike, sounds like you had fun. now if i ever see a buick while im on my bike, its on ;) so far i have only seen one and he didnt want any. now you i can just toy with you. here is a picture of one of mine. this is the slower of the 2 i have. the other one has a turbo ;)


what a great looking bike!, i love the way it looks.

nice kill, :cool:
thank you. its stock except the exhaust and seat covers. got the covers for free thats why the are on the bike
Very nice.

It looked very close to yours. Just all white, with no "R" or anything else. All I could see was the big letters "Suzuki".

Mike B.
Good kill, Mike!
Thanks for holding down the fort while I get some needed work done on my GN. After nearly 20,000 miles and close to the same number of kills under my right foot with no self's time for Pappa Lou to fix 'er up a bit and make sure my head gaskets, etc. are good. I dropped it off tonight and asked him to take his time....he always does great work.:D
mike, sounds like you had fun. now if i ever see a buick while im on my bike, its on ;) so far i have only seen one and he didnt want any. now you i can just toy with you. here is a picture of one of mine. this is the slower of the 2 i have. the other one has a turbo ;)


Too bad you live so far away, Brent. We have alot of common interests. I'm a little older-school on the bikes though. I got out of the sport bike game when I wasn't scared of my 954RR anymore. I used to road race mine instead of drag racing....Knee draggin' and pinning the throttle at 115 mph exiting a corner was all the rush I needed. Nice Gixxer!;)