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Tom, in the Alky Section look for a thread from Julio called Tuning The Alky Control. Everything you need to know is there from the Man himself.
Sound about right for my setup? thanks so much for all your advice.
please dont take this the wrong way but no.21psi should put a 49 car into the 11s with a 1.5/1.6 60ft.thats tuned in from the motor to the drivetrain.i would highly advise you to not run mix your methanol with water,the rear brakes are what holds the power,and call dave husek for a transmission upgrade,as your either slipping already or the converter is not et streets need a burnout= a light burnout regardless of tire pressure,the burnout cleans the tire and brings it up to operating of the funnest combos is a stockish 49 combo with a hard leave,time to work on the drivetrain and tune and nail down the 60/330ft.but make no mistake if you start leaving hard the tranny will give out,it will be more sooner than later.your 1/8 to 1/4 mile mph gains of 20mph are on the low side as well. yesterday was an optimal day for drag racing,it only went 108mph and barely below a 2.0 60ft on drag radials.
Using the Wallace racing calculator your torque convertor slip is 12.8 percent. I ASSUME it's a lock up convertor. I'm not a transmission mechanic, but I'm seeing 1.2 seconds for the intermediate band to fully engage 2nd gear. My recommendation would be to give the .016 file to a transmission mechanic and have him look at the 1-2 shift.

If you haven't already done so, tighten up your rear drum brakes for max holding power.
I suspect my original 110,000 mile transmission is getting "tired". I will look at tightening up the rear brakes and also next time out I will try to build power more slowly at the launch to prevent jumping out. I've reached out to a transmission wizard I know for guidance.
the NB/WB reading at the traps on the KR free run. 744/11.1
it means he got lucky and my thought is the lower intake charge temps and good air helped. nb 744 is lean on a 50/50 alky mix and pump gas,no cushion.770s/800 nb on his combo will give him a cushion and make more power because he can burn more fuel.if he goes to 100% m1 and burns more meth he can make even more power by burning more m1;)
You can get 1.5s out of those tires. Your trans is going bye-bye.
it means he got lucky and my thought is the lower intake charge temps and good air helped. nb 744 is lean on a 50/50 alky mix and pump gas,no cushion.770s/800 nb on his combo will give him a cushion and make more power because he can burn more fuel.if he goes to 100% m1 and burns more meth he can make even more power by burning more m1;)

I'm wondering if the 02 has gone south. I mentioned above I'd start seeing KR in the 750's with my engines. 744 is God awful lean. No KR on the file tho. I've seen alky save a crapload of engines. ;)
I'm wondering if the 02 has gone south. I mentioned above I'd start seeing KR in the 750's with my engines. 744 is God awful lean. No KR on the file tho. I've seen alky save a crapload of engines. ;)
I’m a little confused by attention paid to NB reading. I have always read of it’s inherent limitations in that it can only tell the computer if a/f is above or below 14.7. Also due to this limitation it is ignored by computer in WOT conditions. At WOT the chip goes to input parameters for guidance. What am I missing?
I suspect my original 110,000 mile transmission is getting "tired". I will look at tightening up the rear brakes and also next time out I will try to build power more slowly at the launch to prevent jumping out. I've reached out to a transmission wizard I know for guidance.
We hope the transmission wizard is one of the two we have given you. Either one can build your OEM and return it. Our send you a hole unit for the wizard to install. Transmission and Alky you MUST stick with a vary short list of people.
1. Julio and his tuning section and follow to the T NO deviation. Alky is the only thing that keeps these things alive above 15 lb boost. Do you have 100 octane near you ? In Tucson my friend can get it at local station.
2. The two builders I spoke of have fixed the foreword drum problem, number one weakness. Both use lots of special parts and tricks to keep this transmission under the car. Wizards wave magic wands and slide of hands, these two builders are nights with lots of lost and won battles.
In the FWIW dept.
We did considerable back 2 back tests, for the engineers at M/T. Surprisingly, the ET Streets did as well as the slicks.
One thing we made sure of, was a tire temp reading, once the car was staged.
We read the track surface, then the tire. They wanted to see the tire 10* hotter than the track.
On your burnout, without a linelock role through the water and without stopping go WFO it will spin the tires just enough.
This is a file of mine. You can see how clean the shift is both 1-2 and 2-3.
Look at my TPS flat 4.32 all the way. Mine is AEM, car a little rich will a lot rich. My 60 is off but with 3 months of CV19 I believe I found its problem , boost spike to 27 then falling to 22 losing me 100 horsepower and falling on its face. Its not a perfect pass but its safe with a small turbo. This is 11.6 @118


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I’m a little confused by attention paid to NB reading. I have always read of it’s inherent limitations in that it can only tell the computer if a/f is above or below 14.7. Also due to this limitation it is ignored by computer in WOT conditions. At WOT the chip goes to input parameters for guidance. What am I missing?

Tom, here's a writeup from Steve Wood for the 02 sensor. Basics

Tuning these cars for racing is easy...cuz it's all WOT. ;)
For those of you anticipating Eric’s views he responded on his own forum site. His opinion is that it all looks good except for the transmission shifts lacking crispness. Congrats to you eagle eyes who also picked up on that.
If you have a video of the run I bet you could hear the long shift.
If you have a video of the run I bet you could hear the long shift.
To be honest since my last one was a 66 2 speed GS I had no basis of comparison and couldn’t tell what’s normal and what’s “not crisp”. I will definitely get it crisper one way or another before my next outing.
A crisp shift will be instant and depending on the build firm to violent.
Well spoke to my transmission "guru". He advised that our 200 4R's are not the most robust transmissions and require a specialist to replace the most vulnerable parts with better. He agreed that slow shifting is one sign of wear and wear on a 110,000 mile tranny under a worked motor is not a surprise. Will get the ball rolling with Dave in coming weeks. Looks like he is in Long Island? He also said a line lock might help the launch. He thought that trying to hold back the converter with rear brakes could cause them to come unglued. Bigger converter might help that too. He thought also a sloppy shift from 1-2 could be at least part of the terrible 60 ft time problem. I will update this when things happen. Thanks again to all for your help
I'm wondering if the 02 has gone south. I mentioned above I'd start seeing KR in the 750's with my engines. 744 is God awful lean. No KR on the file tho. I've seen alky save a crapload of engines. ;)
I've seen alky save alot of engines too.when I ran c16 you could go below 750s without seeing knock but the converters were very loose and didnt load the high gear.nowadays with low slip numbers with cool stators and fin angles you cant tune that lean,as a matter of fact with the right combo the more fuel your burning and not slipping power away the faster you go ;)