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The true 8 Second 109!
May 30, 2001
I have been fooling around with a customers car that we installed nitrous oxide on and wanted to get some input from the nitrous guys..

Here's what I'm working with:
PT67, Poston Headers, 72inj, Red's 106 chip, 24psi boost, dual 340 pumps, CAS stock location IC, 3800 stall with brake. Runs 7.2-7.3 in the 1/8th on drag radials and 0 PSI launch. Runs in the .780's w/o N2O, and in the .820's with N2O.

1. What O2 volts do you shoot for?
2. What jet sizes are you using? (46/30 100hp on car now)
3. Did you have to change the jetting for your combo to
get the desired O2 voltage @ WOT?
4. What is your combo?

I know someone has some information out there.. anyone?
o2 volts

Use fuel pressure to get your A/F ratio where you want it. O2's are not exact. Better off using exhaust temp gauge.:)
PM BOTLFED, he knows his stuff when he's not sniffing his bottles!!! He's supposed to come over tomorrow to check out my new bottle, I'll tell him to check his mail.
On all of the passes so far the O2's have been in the .820 range. I went up one size on the nitrous jet and the O2's did not change, so I went back to the original setup. We will run this weekend and see what et gains we'll have with different tuning.
Jason ,
I know when i used to play with spray you would have to jump 3-5 jets at times to see any type of change. I found this out only after contacting the NOS tech line many moons ago.

In my opinion i would try a min of 2-3 jets smaller on the fuel side. Let us know how this goes.
I don't really want to change the jets from what I have right now. NOS tech said the jets I should use are 46/42 and the local speed shop said to use 46/30 for 100hp. I asked the NOS tech why such a difference on the LC2 set up and he said that its been so long since they did the testing for that kit that he couldn't tell me anything.. My guess is to make up for a stock fuel pump.. So far so good on the set up, I ran a whole bottle through it with no more than 1-2 degrees knock from wheel spin in first gear. No knock through the rest of the runs. I did find out that the bottle pressure has to be at least 1100psi to work properly..

No headgaskets were hurt during this exercise. lol

All nitrous kits are jetted on rich side for safety sake.