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Notice the shrinking vendor list!


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Staff member
Mar 1, 2005
Please notice the shrinking supporting vendor list. Had one vendor stop supporting the board today because I wouldn't remove a post from the Turbobuick members page on facebook. I do not own or control that page. A vendors ad on TurboBuick applies to only. I do not own the TurboBuick members page on FB. For future reference I do not take demands, orders, and sure as heck not ultimatums from anyone concerning this site...
Please notice the shrinking supporting vendor list. Had one vendor stop supporting the board today because I wouldn't remove a post from the Turbobuick members page on facebook. I do not own or control that page. A vendors ad on TurboBuick applies to only. I do not own the TurboBuick members page on FB. For future reference I do not take demands, orders, and sure as heck not ultimatums from anyone concerning this site...

Since you own the copyright and the domain, you may have recourse to petition Facebook to shut that group down or at least make them take out of the name.
I’d be down for supporting the site as well. I honestly think it would make life easier for all those involved. Need to come up with buy in packages!!

This sites for you, show it!! My car would be nowhere without this site!

Wait, what am I saying my car is nowhere (needs trans and cooling system swap)! Lol!

Seriously I’m down!!

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Yes i would support a fee based membership. This site has helped me and may others.
I would want to buy in at a level that there is no ads!
Another site I recently started visiting inundates you with ads. There is an option for paying members and not sure if the ads still show after payment.
I didn't see anyones name get called out, if they want to stop supporting the board because of that simple post over there, maybe the community should stop supporting their business !
I have a guess but I'll reserve the name. Saw a post where someone was making a product that a vendor also sells and it seemed to get heated. And it wasn't me this time! :D
I have a guess but I'll reserve the name. Saw a post where someone was making a product that a vendor also sells and it seemed to get heated. And it wasn't me this time! :D

Hmmmmm... I was thinking of grabbing one of those.... maybe I’ll hold off
Please notice the shrinking supporting vendor list. ..................................

In the "formative" early years of this board we had the motto of "Going Fast with Class", which also GSCA also where it was started.

In the past 20 years society has changed, and not for the better, and this attitude has also permeated this board.

Personal attacks were NOT permitted, language was suited to family and young kids, and real jerks were quickly banned on the board.

Sadly we have many jerks in cyberspace whose actions are to disrupt and start fueds instead providing information and helping people.

Shane has done his best to insure "quality" on this board and maintain integrity and honesty which the majority supports - thanks Shane!
Sad fact is the board is not near what it once was. Seems the Vendor list is shrinking along with activity the post count. There used to be literally pages of new posts in the forum each day.

Why ? A lot of reasons probably. Other boards and options, dwindling interest in these old cars, attrition, ego conflicts.

I'm not currently on facebook, but it seems many have gone there. My car in no way would be where its at without this forum and I would most likely pay a member fee to help support it. I don't visit a lot of forums but maybe their time in general is passing. Too bad.
Sad fact is the board is not near what it once was. Seems the Vendor list is shrinking along with activity the post count. There used to be literally pages of new posts in the forum each day.

Why ? A lot of reasons probably. Other boards and options, dwindling interest in these old cars, attrition, ego conflicts.

Also, a mature topic. Almost every question you could start a thread to ask has been answered already.

I'm not currently on facebook, but it seems many have gone there. My car in no way would be where its at without this forum and I would most likely pay a member fee to help support it. I don't visit a lot of forums but maybe their time in general is passing. Too bad.

The Facebook page referred to here is a frustrating place. I do not believe for a second the people posting there are regular posters here, or even lurkers. There's a lot of questions being asked that could be answered with a quick search here. The Facebook group isn't easily searchable, so there's no way to build a knowledge base on it (or anywhere on Facebook), so the same things get asked over and over again. And community standards are at Facebook levels, not civil society levels.

Facebook's sole purpose is to addict you to the product so you start it and it they can show you as many ads and collect as much information on you as they can. The users aren't the customers, they're the product.
Also, a mature topic. Almost every question you could start a thread to ask has been answered already.

The Facebook page referred to here is a frustrating place. I do not believe for a second the people posting there are regular posters here, or even lurkers. There's a lot of questions being asked that could be answered with a quick search here. The Facebook group isn't easily searchable, so there's no way to build a knowledge base on it (or anywhere on Facebook), so the same things get asked over and over again. And community standards are at Facebook levels, not civil society levels.

Facebook's sole purpose is to addict you to the product so you start it and it they can show you as many ads and collect as much information on you as they can. The users aren't the customers, they're the product.
I agree totally I don't know how many times has to be re posted:p