One of our members and a good friend to many of us passed away Sunday

that sucks..

that plain sucks, my condolences to his family as well, how fast was he going, was there any racing involved, you just dont blow a tired and roll over like that unless your going at a high rate of speed, i have blown tires before on the highway going 70 and i can control the vehicle and come to a full stop, any details as to what happen?
Truely sorry to hear that. I know the feeling and the pain involved when a loved one passes away from a car accident. My girl died in 2002, who i had been dating for 3 years, from a car accident. All I can say is think of the future and things will be more easily manageable as time goes by. ----Jeremy
you have my sympathy. i can relate.last winter a good friend of mine was killed on a snowmobile. it sucks but will get easier in time. just think of the good times. there isnt a day that goes by that i dont hink about him but just tell myself hes in a better place. :(
my condolences
this is about the worst news one can get. truly sorry to hear
I try to live each day to the fullest as said you never know whats in the plans and your maker comes knocking..

Wow, thats terrible. I'm really sorry to hear that.

I know its not the time or place, but congrats on your car being in GMHTP, its in the readers rides.
My condolences go out to his family, Jason aka Postal, as well as all his friends as well.........
Lost my college roommate to a single car wreck like that. Definately feel your pain and you and his family are in my prayers tonight.
I lost my nephew in an auto accident. He was 15. Loss is never easy to deal with but remember they're never really gone as long as they are not forgotten. My sympathy to his family and friends.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, this shows that we truly are going fast with class. I'm sure his friends and family appreciate all of this just as much, if not more than I do.
very sorry to hear. He was just starting to live his life:( Our prayers go out to his family
My condolences

My condolences to the family and you. I will add you all to my prayers.
So sorry to hear such a young life gone. I feel for you all bro.
This news is heart breaking.
I am so very sorry to hear about this life lost.
May God bless his family and friends and get them through this tragedy.

This is a good reminder of how precious life is, I am going to call my wife and tell her that I love her.
You never know when the last time is that you will get to express how you really feel.
Please don't take your loved ones for granted.
sorry to hear

sorry to hear. you and his family are in everyones prayers.

god bless.