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This has certainly got my attention! To an extent, I am somewhat dissapointed that some of you got as riled up as you did - not that anyone is wrong to defend themselves - but that's just my funny way of looking at the world. Alrighty then, Mr. Cutlass has made quite a lot of statements from behind the keyboard. Sure, so have others, but as a Buick board, a Cutlass owner would now be in the precarious position to back up their words, or pass into internet-warrior land. Of course, what I see is a 13 second cutlass on a good day, but I could be wrong. (I have been before) So, how does it go? Does Mr Cutlass materialize as a real person, or fade into obscurity as just another troll that came onto the board here in an attempt to rile up whoever he could.

I'm leaning toward the latter. Your mission (if you choose to accept) is to prove me wrong... :p

cutty's_grl, I've enjoyed reading your posts and sorry about some of the other comments that have been made previously. Please stay (and consider joining the dark side)

Why does your b/f call himself "bbcutlass" anyway?:confused:

and lastly, what else can you tell us about the two single friends you mentioned earlier?:)

snistrgn, I used to enjoy talking to you and thought that you seemed nice, boy, was I wrong. You're just like most of males out there and a complete a$$hole!!! I was having fun on this board, but I'm not even sure if it's worth staying now!!!
Originally posted by ncgreg231

Why does your b/f call himself "bbcutlass" anyway?:confused:


Oops, he's "BBcutlass403" right? (I'm still wondering what the "BB" is meant for, though)

cutty's_grl - so tell us a little bit more about yourself - What kind of car do you drive now, and if you are planning to step up to something with more HP, what would that be?

And what was it exactly that brought you over to

- you might have mentioned this stuff earlier, but there are bunches of posts and I'm not going back through and re-reading all of them. sorry.:p
Originally posted by BBcutty's_grl
Right soonergn, if you say so. Nope sorry I'm a real person living in Otsego, who actually does like cars. I know that it may all be hard to believe to you, but it's true and there are some females out there that are like me and have interest in cars!!!

If you are real, I appologize. I know there are girls like you because I've known a few. Everyone here took a liking to you but then your boyfriend showed up and rubbed everyone like sandpaper, which unfortuatly reflected badly on you since you took his side at first.

But, I still have my doubts. After all, this is the internet. What brought you here if you don't have a turbo car or a Regal and your boyfriend thinks V6's are for pussies? I'd like to see both of you logged on and replying at the same time. Still, I'll have a hard time believing until someone from this board actually confirms it. And I don't mean someone with with 5 posts. Accept a race challenge from someone near by. Can your boyfriend back up his mouth? Or are you guys just fiction? ;)
Well, lets see you're probably going to laugh at me for what I drive right now, but that's ok, I really don't care. Right now I am currently driving a 94 chevy s-10 5 speed, it's pink, that I bought from my parents for $500, I'm still driving my first vehicle. I'm still not sure what kind of cruising car I want, I'm, thinking an older model pickup with the side steps. I know somebody that has one that he totally redid, and it looks sharp!! Or a 72 olds convertible. Not sure which yet, but probably the truck, I got a thing for trucks. I like to just go around and read posts and one of the sites that I was on mentioned this one so I thought that I would check it out, then I came across this post and just had to register and post.
Well, if you had a hard time believing everything at first then you're really going to have a hard time believing this, right now I am at work I don't have anything to do so I am playing on the internet, my boyfriend is also at work except he works construction. We do not have a computer at home, and the only other place that with have access to the internet is his mom's house and we are not there very often. Therefore, it is alomost impossible for both of us to post at the same time. I am sorry but I cannot accept a race challenge from anyone for anyone. That is completely on him if he wants to race his car, I am sorry if you think that this is all fake, there's not really too much that I can do to change your mind about that!!
Well, your answers seem reasonable. If you are real I welcome you to this board. Your boyfriend, though, needs to check into our cars a little deaper before he shoots his mouth off. If his car is what he's into I can respect that and I commend him for keeping it all Oldsmobile and not putting a Chevy motor in it. We deserve the same respect, though. Hot rodding comes in all forms, even (choke, cough, cough) rice. But with his mouth he'll never have trouble finding a race. Or an a** woopin'.
Thank you for believing me!!! I was hoping that someone would believe that I am in fact a real person. Believe me I understand how you guys feel about bbcutlass!! I am not going to pick sides in this what has been said is between you guys and him. I know first hand that if there is one thing that he is good at it's shooting his mouth off. Don't get the wrong impression he has never done it to me, in fact he has never done anything to disrespect me. I just want to let you all know that I do understand where you are coming from and that just because my b/f says something it does not mean that I influenced or had anything to do with it fo that matter.
Originally posted by BBcutty's_grl
I'm still not sure what kind of cruising car I want, I'm, thinking an older model pickup with the side steps. I know somebody that has one that he totally redid, and it looks sharp!! Not sure which yet, but probably the truck, I got a thing for trucks.

"There's just something women like about a pick-up man!"

Ooh boy!! Um, not know! :D Is this where your two other friends come into play ? :eek:

I just wanted to apologize for ALL of my previous posts that may have offended you. I just wanted to get a rise out of your gay boyfriend and see if he would try and defend you. It seems to me all he cared about defending was his P.O.S. Olds. :rolleyes: Again I'm very sorry for anything said that may have hurt your feelings. I hope we can be friends again, but if not I understand:(

so you likie trucks could bag that s-10 and it would look pretty sweet...although i doubt that you are into that kind of thing.;) (im driving a bagged fulsize until the buick is done)

all i have to say is that i have lived in texas all of my life...and i dont think that i can use the word "ya'll" as many times in one sentence.

and i am 18 as well, so if you are ever in texas... j/k, i have a awsome g/f who tolerates my obsession, and we have been together for almost 2 years now.

I hope he still has the receipt for that Torker 2 because it isn't going to fit a 403. LOL

Intakes for SBO made by Edelbrock:

Performer RPM

Intakes for BBO made by Edelbrock:


Originally posted by BBcutty's_grl
I thought that you guys might like to know that he just ordered his edlebrock torker 2 intake, isky cam, and demon carb and cannot wait to meet a gn at the track.