Please read Rollin

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2speed 1day fast & faster
Nov 25, 2002
In regards to your post of “Please Read.” Let me start by saying I understand that you have a job to do and respect that. I thank you for your hard work in maintaining this site. However, I must say that this is the GOD BLESS U.S. of A!!!!! If you take away our rights, you call it privileges because of your precious bandwidth; I call it taking away our freedom, are freedom to choose what we read and don’t read, you will become like the people that complain about the noise from our tracks. These are the people that move next to our racetracks and then try to shut them down. There right is to choose where to live and our right is choosing to race. If you don’t like the noise, don’t move there. As in this case, if you don’t like the post, don’t read it!!!! Why control what others do when it does not affect you. The next thing that will happen is that we will be calling the county that I love the new USSR.

I know that this is a private site and it is within your rights to do what you like. Just think about what censorship means and I’m sure you’ll come to the right decision.

Okay not to be a total ass, but it is a privately owned board, you don't have any rights here. You don't have any rights to this board, it IS a priviledge. An outburst like this on any other board I am on would result in temporary bans all around.

That said, I don't have a problem with non-turbo buick kills, but I'm not paying for the bandwidth bill.

I apologize to the many toes I just stepped on.
shut live in Canada. This is America. Everyone should have rights whether it be by legallity or common courtesy. Go stick your nose up a mods butt at your OTHER boards.
I agree with Rollin

I hate reading about the dually, etc. that raced a ricer. This is a Turbo Buick Kill section. The more non buick related kills that appear the more it incourages people that have no interest in Buicks to leave posts. When I open up a post in the kill section I don't know what I'm going to get. I see alot more unrealistic kids posting about back to back races against every go fast model listed in the lastest car magazines, this is B.S. Let them use their own resources instead of shoving nickels into the quarters only slots. I use the whole TurboBuick site not just the Kills section, this is what seperates the enthusiasts from the wannabes, I have a true interest in improving my vehicle not just trying to brag about how great my car is and tear down anyone who dares to challenge me to a race. Let the deletions begin !
incourages people that have no interest in Buicks to leave posts.

trust me man no one who does not like buicks will post here, even the hemi guy wants to own one, heck i agree with you that for the most part it should be mostly turbo buick cars but i do like having a little variety its like the bop shows, there's like 30 gns and a few gsxs, sure i like the shows but with out some olds and pontiac's mixed in there truly rather boreing shows

As for the kids there is one kid that does that, so what he's young, he's just at that stage of invincibility, we all were there at one time or another.

Why don't you try to do what I do when I don't like a topic? dont read it, simple as that. If you get halfway threw the post and you find it to be bs just hit the back page button, if every one did that on the bs threads they would just be lost in the thousands of old threads in the back pages.
Ok ok time for me to step in

This is a private board. It is not run by friggin Canadians and I , of all people, support 1st amendment rights. We are not telling you what you can say, just what is relative to this board.
Now I have watched you bust Geoff's balls for awhile and he was just trying to convey what we as admin have asked him to do.

Now you guys know me and here is the deal. All the important buisness I got going on and I have to sit you loonies down and set rules? WTF? Can't you respect the wishes of us who run it? If not, why not? 1st amendment rights my arse. It states you have the right to say what you wish in public, not invade others private sites.

Equalizer442 : YOU got 24 HRS to email me a current email address and post it in a profile. If I hear any more crap out of you , You will be gone. On any ISP, at anytime. If you think I am screwing around, Test me, You WILL lose. I have had more complaints over you lately than any other of the 7000 members and NOT from Geoff. I went to him to ask what was up.

onlyneeda6? What is your problem? You got something to say, I am your man. Bring it on. Call me or email me. Here.... I will make it real easy for you both ......916-739-0510 / 916-952-9567
There you go. Any lip, contact me. If not, mellow out and go with the flow.

As far as other than Buick kills, Last time I looked it said on the home page. Until that changes the rules remain the same.

No more busting Geoff's balls. You got a beef , you find me. If not.... SHUT UP!!!!!!!! Sheesh.


In my last post to Rollin I stated that I wanted my feelings heard. I made them heard, but now I have new ones on this one.

It is a private board, which means we have to follow their rules. Though I think limiting the kill section(which is here mainly for entertainment) is kind of rediculous. I would not call it censorship or a politically motivated movement. There are a lot more important things in the world to worry about than this. Rollin is the Moderator, and he is only doing what he thinks is right. I don't think its really about the power trip or he would have just banned anyone that would disagree with him.

Like I said, we need to get as many members as possible together on this, make a properly composed email with all the members names who wish for this section to be a more open forum, and email Jason. Not send him 40 emails from 40 other people. Then it will be up to him, and he will tell Rollin what his wishes for HIS site is. Rollin answers to him, not us. Fighting with him will get us nowhere until he gets differnt instructions.
here here lp2,when you break a law you lose your priveledges should be no different here.It will be amusing to see the juvenile responces that follow this thread.
Originally posted by Kyle F

Like I said, we need to get as many members as possible together on this, make a properly composed email with all the members names who wish for this section to be a more open forum, and email Jason. Not send him 40 emails from 40 other people. Then it will be up to him, and he will tell Rollin what his wishes for HIS site is. Rollin answers to him, not us. Fighting with him will get us nowhere until he gets differnt instructions.

Rollin answers to ME you got me Baby!!! Jason, is not the issue. I am.!

AND... They are NOT going to change... so next subject please.....;)
Originally posted by WE4
Rollin answers to ME you got me Baby!!! Jason, is not the issue. I am.!

AND... They are NOT going to change... so next subject please.....;)

Well correct me if I am wrong because I want to make sure I have this right before I poost it any more.

Don't you ultimately answer to Jason since he is the administrator? Isnt he the one that would make a final decision?
If you guys think I post "unrealistic races" about racing "every go fast model in the latest car magazine", why do I post when I lose, or when people get pulled over by the cops? I don't recall posting anything unrealistic. Perhaps the NSX you might question, but like I said he started passing me at a certain point.
when you break a law you lose your priveledges

what laws? i have done every thing they asked me to. im going to lay off rollin only because i have been asked in such a kind way :rolleyes: i still fell that this is being handled all wrong and in essence is nothing but a huge ego trip, with them last words you will not have any more problems out of me, im backing off
Originally posted by Kyle F
Well correct me if I am wrong because I want to make sure I have this right before I poost it any more.

Your corrected.

Originally posted by Kyle F

Don't you ultimately answer to Jason since he is the administrator? Isnt he the one that would make a final decision?

Are you doubting my ability? If you think so you can try to "go over my head" but I really would recommend against it.

Ultimately? ROFLMAO!!!! Nice:D

I am gonna go out and buy a $10,000 Buick so I am GRANTED THE PRIVILEGE to post on Brucy's board.:rolleyes: LOSER.
Originally posted by WE4

Are you doubting my ability? If you think so you can try to "go over my head" but I really would recommend against it.

Ultimately? ROFLMAO!!!! Nice:D

You know, I dont remeber Rollin making any threats. I think this is a flex of the muscle, a show of power.

Honestly I dont give a Fu(k who you think you are, this is not your board. You are a Sr. Moderator, Jason is the Administrator.

What are you goign to do to me, make my life a living hell if I go voer you head. Nope, you are goign to cause me the inconvience of re-registering with a differnt user name and email. Which I have 8 different email accounts so good luck in keeping me off the board. Plus I have a differnt IP everytime I log on from home, plus my aunt's IP, plus my schools say 40,000 IPs and well you get ths pic. So I guess al you could do is wipe out my 300 or so post. :rolleyes:

What power you have:eek:
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