Please read Rollin

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Originally posted by dconnor
Happens every winter....

The Yankees get jealous of the good racing weather down south & freak out from cabin fever

That's exactly what it is. My GN is covered and blocked in the garage by a snow blower, salt, shovels, and whatnot. Even if we do get some nice weather, it would take me half an hour to get to the point where I could get the cover off and the door open.

That and the caffiene. I need to lay off the caffiene.

Why is this a "Kills" thread again?

It's a "kills" thread because we're at each others' throats, ready to kill each other :cool:
I outran a dog on my bicycle one time cause it was trying to bite me ....LOL

you all look like your having fun in here ;)
Some of you guys have entirely too much time on your hands. I have no love for censorship, but you guys are really reaching for reasons to stir the crap. :rolleyes:
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