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Police Confront Man for Open Carrying Firearm Legally


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Jun 30, 2008
I think he was being a wise ass but I'll give him credit for knowing his laws.

I know a few cops in Chicago that would have got the id and there would have been no video footage:eek:.
If I was the cop and someone comes walking up on me during a traffic stop sporting a pistol. They are going down .
Im not sure but I think its illegal to video tape a police officer in Chicago and maybe Il. I know Rahm was tring to get it passed. Man ,they can tape you but you cant tape them. Thats CROOK COUNTY for you.
I think I remember reading last summer that it no longer was illegal to video tape a cop in Chicago.
I know a few cops in Chicago that would have got the id and there would have been no video footage:eek:.
If I was the cop and someone comes walking up on me during a traffic stop sporting a pistol. They are going down .
Im not sure but I think its illegal to video tape a police officer in Chicago and maybe Il. I know Rahm was tring to get it passed. Man ,they can tape you but you cant tape them. Thats CROOK COUNTY for you.
It is no longer illegal to film cops in IL or Chicago. You can download a simple app too that uploads the video as you shoot so they can't delete it. Also the Supreme court has ruled you don't have to show an ID if you are not suspected of committing a crime based on the fourth amendment right to be secure in your papers, which they deemed meant your ID.
All those guys that go out specifically to prove a point piss me off...way too much free time on their hands. Save it for when it just happens naturally.....which it will
All those guys that go out specifically to prove a point piss me off...way too much free time on their hands. Save it for when it just happens naturally.....which it will

I see their point though. They are trying to break the norm of merely giving up your rights, like so many of us sheeple blindly do. Many people died to get us those rights, and if they could see us just giving them away they would probably roll over in their graves. These people that video record the cops are insuring the safety of the public that are in contact with the police. The police are overstepping their boundaries way too often, and if it goes to court with your word against theirs they will lie through their teeth and be believed. The videotaping will make sure they are accountable for their actions.
I see their point though. They are trying to break the norm of merely giving up your rights, like so many of us sheeple blindly do. Many people died to get us those rights, and if they could see us just giving them away they would probably roll over in their graves. These people that video record the cops are insuring the safety of the public that are in contact with the police. The police are overstepping their boundaries way too often, and if it goes to court with your word against theirs they will lie through their teeth and be believed. The videotaping will make sure they are accountable for their actions.

My point though is that they go out specifically to stir the pot, knowing the cops are going to be like we all know they are already. Don't get me wrong I can't stand 98% of police officers since all they do is serve their power tripping ego's and harass everyone most the time but the way these open carry guys prove a point in my opinion is just blah...especially since most of them sound like nervous little kids when they do it. These videos are usually just embarrassing to watch from both sides. You wanna prove this point..fine...walk around casually downtown or something but don't just blatantly circle around the officer in public until he reacts like most these guys do. To each their own I suppose..I simply think there is a better way to educate people on their rights then purposely poking the bear. :)
I agree most of the time it's pretty embarrassing from both sides, and it is extremely advisable to approach am officer from behind while carrying a weapon. They should try to be in the officers vision site as much as possible if they are going to pull a move like this. Now the bear we are poking...well we pay that bear to protect our rights, not take them away. It's a shame we have gotten to the point where we can refer to it as poking a bear. I just don't understand how some of these paid public servants can get away with mistreating the people that pay their salaries. Then again when most the time their "punishment" is a paid vacation I guess I could see why they would continue to act that way. What motivation do they have to stop?
I've seen good cops and bad cops we're all human. Sometimes they are a pain in the ass and other times you are glad they are there! The boyfriend is a freaking idiot! The cop is a whiner!
lol.... only here in new mexico.....

particularly in santa fe.... lol....

anybody else wanna come hang out in the wild wild west?
I know a few cops in Chicago that would have got the id and there would have been no video footage:eek:.
If I was the cop and someone comes walking up on me during a traffic stop sporting a pistol. They are going down .
Im not sure but I think its illegal to video tape a police officer in Chicago and maybe Il. I know Rahm was tring to get it passed. Man ,they can tape you but you cant tape them. Thats CROOK COUNTY for you.
Videotaping was ok in was audiotaping (eavesdropping) that was illegal until recently. Now people can video and audiotape the Chicago Police and all others in Illinois.
Those cops don't feel threatened? I would think that would be their first response and reason. Pardon me but I would feel threatened if someone walked into my yard unexpectedly with a gun on their hip whether I was carrying or not. I am surprised they did not draw on him.
Those cops don't feel threatened? I would think that would be their first response and reason. Pardon me but I would feel threatened if someone walked into my yard unexpectedly with a gun on their hip whether I was carrying or not. I am surprised they did not draw on him.

Agreed. I'm not the biggest fan of police, but this guy is a deusch. I would be concerned if I were the officer. They do a good job of walking the line between law and safety/common sense.
In all of my adult life I have never felt the need to carry a gun. I have been in some of the roughest parts of Chicago, in my Grand National, alone. Nothing has happened where I could say "If I had a gun it would have worked out better." Now on the other hand, had I been armed on several occasions...the fear of me using it against the other person may have drove them to doing something that should or would not have happened. Sense isn't common but I have gains quite a bit. That keeps me, my family and friends much safer than a pistol on my hip. With todays lawyers and detailed attention to laws and actions. The criminals get the victims in the court room due to over reacting. To each his own.