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Active Member
Sep 12, 2004
I was recently pulled over for "bald" tires (MT drag radials which were not bald at all)

He cited me for that, and he cited me for out of state license and out of state registration. The License and Registration are from Florida and I am in California.

Since I am a contractor for the Marine Corps and I can end up somewhere else at the drop of a hat I maintain my Florida residence at my home of record. When the officer pulled me over he asked me where I lived and I stupidly said the town I was in other than my home in Florida. He then asked me how long I lived in that town and I told him two months. I had my insurance card mailed to me at that address and it had that address listed on my insurance card. I did not tell him whether or not I spent the majority of my time in CA or in FL.

I was cited under violation (an Infraction) 4000(a-1) which he listed as calif. registration required. However all the websites that I have looked at list this violation as:

" 4000. (a) (1) No person shall drive, move, or leave standing upon a
highway, or in an offstreet public parking facility, any motor
vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, pole or pipe dolly, or logging dolly,
unless it is registered and the appropriate fees have been paid under
this code or registered under the permanent trailer identification
program, except that an off-highway motor vehicle which displays an
identification plate or device issued by the department pursuant to
Section 38010 may be driven, moved, or left standing in an offstreet
public parking facility without being registered or paying
registration fees."

The shorter version I have found on many ca state government websites is "No current registration"
Since I had current registration does this invalidate the ticket even though the registration is out of state?

The other thing he cited me for he listed as an infraction "12951(a) California driver license required"

the CA traffic code lists 12951(a) as:"12951. (a) The licensee shall have the valid driver's license
issued to him or her in his or her immediate possession at all times
when driving a motor vehicle upon a highway.
Any charge under this subdivision shall be dismissed when the
person charged produces in court a driver's license duly issued to
that person and valid at the time of his or her arrest, except that
upon a third or subsequent charge the court in its discretion may
dismiss the charge. When a temporary, interim, or duplicate driver's
license is produced in court, the charge shall not be dismissed
unless the court has been furnished proof by the Department of Motor
Vehicles that the temporary, interim, or duplicate license was issued
prior to the arrest, that the driving privilege and license had not
been suspended or revoked, and that the person was eligible for the
temporary, interim, or duplicate license.
(b) The driver of a motor vehicle shall present his or her license
for examination upon demand of a peace officer enforcing the
provisions of this code."

Since that also says nothing about where the driver's license needs to be from, does this also invalidate the ticket? It even goes on to say that if I were to produce a valid license then the charge is dismissed. Can I get out of this using this angle?

Worst case scenario, lets say I go to court and I tell them I am not a resident of CA. They say that I am because my ins. card had a CA address. I say I spend the majority of time in Florida and just had the ins card mailed here while I was here. Can the judge arbitrarily just decide that I live in CA and somehow have my FL license or registration negatively impacted?

Also, since I don't legally have to have a driver's license at all, can I just say I have stopped driving and shipped the car back to FL?

What kind of fine or legal repercussion am I looking at worst case scenario for these traffic infractions?
I think you need to find a good attourney. The representation will probably be expensive but if you wish to win you need an expert who knows the judge.
Before hiring an attorney or spending money, how much are the fines? Do you have to appear in court?

Billy T.
The ticket does not say what the fine is and I do have to appear in court on the 10th of august
All of the violations are checked as "correctable"

The back of the ticket mentions contacting the court for bail information (paying the ticket)

I have been doing research and may do a trial by written declaration

If the fine is low and there is no way for them to revoke or suspend my FL drivers license or registration, and it has no effect on my driving record (for insurance purposes) I would just pay the fine. For some reason I have this notion in my head that correctable offenses cant harm your driving record. True?
Sorry to have jumped the gun. Check it out and pay the fines. That sounds like a good plan of action.
Seems to me you could go to court, show that you are still a resident of FL and have both tickets dropped. I assume your bills are still being mailed to FL? You know how FL is loaded with snowbirds. I'm thinking along the same lines as if you were a part time resident down here. Watch out. CA might have some screwed up residency laws like we have here. You know how it says you have 7 days to get your DL, plates and insurance switched over? How do the old people down here get away with it? Drive through some neighborhoods and all you see are plates from NY,NJ,PA and OH.
It would appear that at least the license ticket was issued because he TOLD THEM HE LIVES THERE, yet still has a Florida license/reg, etc. If Kali is like NJ, you are "supposed" to change over within 60 days... Pay the fines and move on or maybe tell them you are going back to Florida or just that you are here temporarily as a contractor.. We get lots of people in our area from out of state working on the casino projects..
Only about 11% of all traffic tickets end up in courts. People usualy pleed no contest and pay the fines. The officers has to show up in order for the court to have a case. It's my opinion you could get out of most if not all of this by simply talking with the judge. Just explain your situation and try and show some paper work like bills for your Florida residence. As for the tires, Thats California for you. They really crack down on anything that makes a car fast etc. If possible, I would try and get the car inspected and get some kind of paper work from the inspector showing the car was the vert least, a receip for paying the inspection cost. I know California really doesn't get into inspections like they do emessions but who knows. The person with the most paper work usualy wins. Keep in mind, you still have a good chance the cop want show up for court...that pervided their justice system works anything like Texas etc.

Best of luck
It would appear that at least the license ticket was issued because he TOLD THEM HE LIVES THERE, yet still has a Florida license/reg, etc. If Kali is like NJ, you are "supposed" to change over within 60 days... Pay the fines and move on or maybe tell them you are going back to Florida or just that you are here temporarily as a contractor.. We get lots of people in our area from out of state working on the casino projects..

Well, I guess that depends on how you define "live" If say I am a businessman that has to attend to business 2 months out of every year in another state then am I required to change my license and registration every single time I live in that state for two months?

I told the officer that I had only been at the address in California for 2 months.

I looked up the fines, looks like the lic. and reg. tickets are going to be 260 dollars in total with 0 points. There is no sense in not fighting a ticket since you only stand to gain and the traffic court system is total joke and miscarriage of justice. Any system that presumes you guilty before proven innocent should be fought.
What type of residence are you residing in ? If you are just renting for a short time I think you can argue the case of being a temporary resident. If you have a 6 months or longer lease you probably are hosed. Good luck.
Bald tires are subjective and up to in interpretation of the Police Officer. Usually a Police Officer will send you for an inspection at your local DMV. Or he will simply issue you an infraction for the equipment violation. What one Police Officer considers illegal may be different from what another Police Officer might think. With DR's they start out with a very weak tread to begin with so it dosent take long before they are basically a weak version of slicks. Just because they say "DOT" legal doesn't mean they will stay that way for very long. Especially MT DR's which are the probably the softest DR compound
available. They are not like nittos which last a lot longer but don't hook as well. It's a trade off. Traction vs. longevity.

As far as where you legally reside? That too is always a grey area and subject to interpretation of the Police Officer. Most states require you to acquire a legal license and registration for that state by a given time after you establish residency in whatever state you have moved to.

Neither is a moving violation. One is equipment violation and one is simply an infraction for failure to properly register your vehicle. Neither should affect ur drivers license status. If you had no license and no registration you would be beat but that is not the case. But Cali may be different then my state so I cant say for sure.

Don't waste ur time and money on an attorney. When you go to court just explain to the prosecutor ur living arrangement and im sure they will nollie it. You can't blame the Police Officer for citing you for failure to register ur vehicle and acquire a Cali license. He only knows what you tell him. He can't check on his puter to see how long you have lived where you currently reside.

Those laws exist for a multitude of obvious reasons but a lot of people owe taxes in the town/city they reside in and can't renew their registration till they pay their property taxes which for some may go back several years and could be hundreds or thousands of dollars. This is why many people register their vehicles in another state by illegal means. Maine is a popular one but Florida really isn't. Cops are human to and usually say "If I gotta pay my taxes and register my vehicle here then so do you". It is unfortunate that someone like you gets the crappy end of the stick but he was only going by whet you tell him. Thats why he asks cause he cant verify where you live now and for how long.

It's just a complaint ticket just like all tickets issued are in every state. Your not guilty of anything yet.... lol

At worst you will pay a small fine in court. Don't get too excited about it.
I was recently pulled over for "bald" tires (MT drag radials which were not bald at all)

He cited me for that, and he cited me for out of state license and out of state registration. The License and Registration are from Florida and I am in California. /QUOTE]

The MT's are DOT legal as you know, but they also have wear indicators as do all street tires. Did he measure the tread depth, or are they actually worn out?:confused:

Kali enforcement, like many other places are all about revenue generating violations, good chance to get off on one, but the other..............???
He did not measure the tires, they were in fact about 1/16th within regulations. I can get off the tire ticket easy I just have to have a police officer sign off that I have remedied the problem.

The other two are the ones worrying me.