Not at all. my hands are full tuning suspension, 2-step, airfuel, timing, boost controller, methanol volume, etc.. its one more variable to deal with that to me has no immediate benefit.
Lets say best case/worse case scenario.
Best case scenario it reduces some temp coming out of the turbo and maybe makes a few HP.
Worse case scenario it screws up my turbo.
Maybe said this way, my air fuel is tuned at 10.5:1, my timing is 20 degree's.. IAT are at less than 20 over ambient at WOT through the traps.. if I want more power simply leaning it out more or increasing timing there you have it. Even upping the boost.. My goals are to stay conservative and at 160 passes on this motor.. i'm leaving well enough alone :wink:
There is a place and time for certain mods, this is not one I see any immediate reason to do, on my particular setup. Not that i'm against it, just need to make conditions that make sense to me.
Maybe when I get all my stuff figured and i'm bored

as I have plenty still to tweak out.