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Hey, then it wouldn't be apples to apples. Of course he'd win at 25psi. We've been talking about 'what is boost' etc. Boost is resistance to flow, so in theory my combo will flow more and at a given boost level mine should make much more power. We're just testing that theory. There is also the theory about turbo efficiency. At 15psi, his turbo has already 'come alive' and is in its zone. But at only 15, mine is still 'sleeping' and hasn't begun working yet.

I respectfully disagree.... I think any aftermarket turbo that you could put on one of these cars are going to "wake-up" once you get close to 22- 25 psi. If you are still running small valves and stock heads.....they might make good power til 30 psi or more.

IMHO, they are all still sleeping at 15 psi.....even the stock turbo.

I guess the stocker is pretty much done by 20-21 psi..... but even a tiny TA49 "likes" mid 20's..... and it is about as "small" as you can go once you take the stocker off.
Interesting. I know at 12psi his car hauls the mail, but at only 12psi mine is dead. If we raced at 12psi he would probably win.
Interesting. I know at 12psi his car hauls the mail, but at only 12psi mine is dead. If we raced at 12psi he would probably win.

In theory and on paper, the winner is obvious.
You have more cubes, more flow, more rpm, better converter.
At 15 PSI, he may have the advantage of "Power under the curve over time".
If the converter even flashes close to the correct RPM, you "should" win . . . . provided the tune is good, traction is good, and driver is good. :tongue: