Pro-Pain: DPG.


motorhead mike
Sep 9, 2001
Is there any news on a digital pressure gauge for this set-up yet?

I have only found one and it was $150! :eek:

I hope that they can come in lower than this.

PS. For those reading this and haven't ordered a kit yet, do it and do it now! OGS' price increase hasn't happened online yet (unlike the other carriers of the Pro-Pain kit)... save the $30 while you still can. :)

Damn this is gonna be great,
You can find the pressure gauges we will be selling here. The owner of SpeedShop.Org will also be carrying the propane kit. We'll also be carrying his propane tank heater and have some more stuff we are working with him in developing.

As far as the price increase, it's coming. I think the decision has been made to sell out the kits we have at the current price and then the next shipment will sport the increase. Since we only have (Im guessing, dont quote me on this) 3-4 kits left, the increase will be immenent.. in a week or so probably, sooner if a dealer reorders.


I lied. Price increase has been added to the web page.
Originally posted by JayC

Darn it Jay. :eek: Those are the same ones I found. :( Guess that I am gonna have to hold off on the DPG until I have more capital. They are a great piece. :)

The piece we originally found was $300.00 or so. This is a great savings.
Follow up question

Jay, I plan to get a kit or two:) sometime soon. I know that the pressurization of the system is related to the bottle temp, and that you need a certain pressure for the system to operate best. My question is, what is the bottle temp range that is best, and what pressure range does that give for effective operating conditions?

It seems that as long as you had the bottle warmer, you could operate in colder conditions and not need to spend the extra money on the digital temp guage to moniter that. Or are there more variables involved dependant on actual bottle pressure that should be controlled with the systems controller? Maybe not since it seems to me from research that the propane would be easier to dial in than the alky systems. Thanks, Tim