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Pypes Install?


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Active Member
Mar 6, 2011
Anyone have pics or feedback doing Pypes exhaust install? Instructions are basic and vague. Definitely not a direct bolt on. Looks like I am going to have to shorten both the y-pipe ends and the front ends of the tailpipes, besides drilling mounting holes for the tail bracket.
I am sure others will chime in, but previous post say it is a direct bolt in. Albeit a tight fit, it will go. I believe the other pist indicate starting from the rear and working forward.
I have the Hooker system on mine. And i can say with certainty its a bitch lying on your back on the garage floor.
Start from the front, get it attached to your cat or test pipe loosely, use wire or other means to hold it up in the back then put mufflers on, at the end of the muffs I ended up making my own hangers used with the clamps,once your under there you'll see where you can attach these on the body. Get that stuff where you want it, then you'll have an idea where to attach tailpipes, I didn't have to trim or cut anything just took alot patience and tweaking mainly on the tailpipes not too much room between the upper control arms and springs, tweaking of both tail brackets were also needed, take your time you'll get it...Mike
I had to cut a little off of the Y pipe on mine. Although you need to start at the rear, dont bolt anything in until it is together and you have made whatever cuts you need. Doing this on your back will suck!! I did mine at Richard Clarks last May on one of his lifts.

My first thought was the PO put in a longer test pipe, but the flanges hit right at be stock hanger location. Really looks I'm going to be cutting.
Back end is up in the air aways and the fuel tank's out, so access isn't terrible.
I did one about 10 months ago, so a little foggy on the install. You do want to start at the back, hanging the tail pipes first. There are holes in the frame for the bolts.

One tip I got on here was for the tail pipe hanger bolts. Drop them down through the frame and use a lock washer and nut on them. Tighten them up to the frame only. This creates 'studs' to hang the tail pipes from.

I did have to shorten the rear ends of the Y pipe a little. Not much, but figured that since this car is so far from stock that it wasn't unusual. Besides, better a tad long then any amount of too short.

One thing I discovered _after_ the install was the stock GN tail pipes are black. So you may want to fit everything up then paint the tail pipe exit pieces before the final install.

IIRC, GM High Performance did a Pypes install, and has lots of pictures. A good look-see for how it fits up.

There aren't any holes in the frame. I found the GM HT article - they drilled holes. I have a gray T so not worried about the black :)
I may have drilled the holes for the tail pipes, it was a while ago. Be sure that they are close enough to one of the large openings in the frame to access the bolt head.

Good that you found the GM HT article, it is helpful.

Mine was pretty easy no cutting needed, the only thing I changed was I bought stainless band clamps in case I wanted to change anything later figured that would be easier. Was actually looking at the pics of the install the other day
Yes you still have to drill holes but don't untill you have everything where you want it...Mike
I did an install 2 months ago. I did not have to cut any of the pipes. I was able to position the mufflers and tailpipes by sliding the pipes into the muffler. I could not get the supplied muffler hangers to attach via the clamps and fit so I welded them to the back sides of the mufflers and bent them 90 deg to bolt to existing holes in the frame braces. Had to drill holes for the tailpipe hangers. It's a real tight fit but it works. Try to get the mufflers to hang exactly at the same height. I had a problem where one was slightly lower and it was causing the tail pipe to hang crooked. I will try to post a pic.
I am sure others will chime in, but previous post say it is a direct bolt in. Albeit a tight fit, it will go. I believe the other pist indicate starting from the rear and working forward.

Agreed! Start at the tailpipes and work forward.
monteperformanc said:
I also used stainless band clamps instead of the supplied clamps in the kit.

Thanks for the pic and feedback. My pipes do not "slip" into the muffler (either end) they were nearly the same size until I expanded the muffler fitting. Thought maybe I was missing something so mic'ed both inside /outside and there is no way the pipes will slide clear into the muffler. Doesn't make sense they would have included a wrong piece? Muffs are definitely Race Pro. Kit is a 550R.
Finally finished. Went and bought a tailpipe expander and widened the muffler necks. Started from the back and slid together. One muffler front didn't want to sleeve very far. Drilled tailpipe holders and bolted in. Took awhile maneuvering around to get it right. Twisted the provided mounting brackets 90 degrees so I could screw to the underbody.


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Good thread on the Pypes install. You have it looking good to me.

How much clearance around the driveshaft? Sorry about the sidetrack but I guess I want to ask if there is room for a larger drive shaft?
Thanks. It's close, but not as close as it looks in the pic. I will try to measure when I get back home later in the week.