Question for the cops.......can I get in trouble?

Pop in there and order a throttle spring. Tell 'em " I damn near wrecked my car when the throttle stuck the other day."

What did the cops say when they contacted you?

Actually I never heard a word from the cops so I would think I'm in the clear. I did think about that ordering something for my throttle body. Thing is, I'm personal not scared of the manager because i know I could smash his face if he ever tried to get into mine. I could just see this guy calling the cops while I'm up there. Thats trouble I dont need.
What you have is a he said, she said. No proof of anything. I would think that you don't even know if this "mgr" called the cops, just a report of some halfwit counter jockey. Depending on how bad you want to spend your money in there, I would go in and confront the "mgr" to find out just where he stands. Sounds like you are a loyal customer and in this economy, I wouldn't want to be running any business off. I think he should apologize to you for your mental anguish.

Other wise just start buying at AZ. Episode over.
Like Brett said, here in Nevada it has to be committed in the officer's presence. If we had capabilities that allowed us to write tickets for 3rd party citations i would have a ticket.:mad: I pulled over a guy last week with a 87 GN and told him to light it up and then someone came up to me and asked if i was going to pull them over. I said of course not, he is testing;)
Ask them to see the security tape that identifies you...:cool:

Heresay...the cops didn't see you. The manger might have a grudge against Buicks...whatever.

Deny till you die.
Yeah I cant blame my buddies for going out there wanting to see a burn out though!!!!:biggrin:

O'reily don't they advertise on the speed channel/spike TV? What do they expect someone to do if the employees egg them on? Tell the manager to control their employees.. I'm sure the manager of an autoparts store never did a burnout in front of people... Yeah okay... :rolleyes: There are other autoparts stores.. Not to do burn outs.
I would be like.. "DUDE!?! Save it for the track! lol... What do got under that hood?"

I ripped a badass burnout in the police station parking lot after rebuilding my stang and throwing a bad ass motor combo together. The guys I worked with wanted me to lite them up... Um so I did...WTF... I guess I should write myself a ticket.. :eek: Wait until the Buick is done.. 454 w/ 8-71 I better give myself a ticket now.. Then when I get to court.. I'll just dismiss it..

Trust me I don't condone street racing.. I do tell everyone that there is no speed limit at the track.. Sometimes talking to people will do and sometimes you gotta write them up.. I opt for the talking to first..
If I was the manager I would have had a stern talk with my employees asking someone to do a burnout in my store customer's parking area. What if you lost control, crashed and burned.........I would think the store would be liable for damage you may have done to yourself and or the store property....If you had crashed I would bet a dollar to a donut hole you would say " hey, the parts guy(s) asked me to do a burn out..I just did what they asked me to do". So, a judge and your insurance company would look to the parts store to pay for your car, hospital bills, etc, punitive damages your Lawyer would think you and he would get in a lawsuit you, I am sure you would file........
Duhhhhh, think before you act for god's sake.........

Motor vehicle laws can't be enforced on private property. Here in NJ, the only thing that can be enforced on private property is fire lanes and handicap parking.

You have nothing to worry about.

Billy T.
Motor vehicle laws can't be enforced on private property. Here in NJ, the only thing that can be enforced on private property is fire lanes and handicap parking.

Billy T.

Thats bull. They can be enforced, but its generally not worth their time to do so. Where I work, we have a huge lot, complete with crosswalks, stop signs, fire lanes, handicapped spots, etc.
Our signs don't say STOP-if you feel like it.

But people fly across the lanes, I've nearly missed being run over several times walking out to my car, since employees have to park at the very back of the lot. We just had an accident, where someone driving way too fast never stopped for the marked crosswalk, and hit someone in a motorized scooter. The driver sure as heck had the police there in a hurry. And I've seen our guys stop a few of the reckless drivers who zig zag across the lot at 50 mph. It may be private property, but the public uses it, and the store has the responsibility to protect their customers. Its up to them if they want to enforce things or not.

That said, I've done the same thing. Only, I had the manager's permission. Leaving the store, the manager said I should light em up a bit when I leave. There wasn't anyone else in their parking lot, so it was pretty safe. I had on my already bald street tires, so it wasn't really wasting anything. Well, I lit em up, for quite a bit longer than I think the manager had The next time I was in there he had picked up a chunk of the rubber I put down and chucked it at me when I came up to the counter. He says, that was cool and all, but don't ever do it
Thats bull. They can be enforced, but its generally not worth their time to do so. Where I work, we have a huge lot, complete with crosswalks, stop signs, fire lanes, handicapped spots, etc.
Our signs don't say STOP-if you feel like it.

But people fly across the lanes, I've nearly missed being run over several times walking out to my car, since employees have to park at the very back of the lot. We just had an accident, where someone driving way too fast never stopped for the marked crosswalk, and hit someone in a motorized scooter. The driver sure as heck had the police there in a hurry. And I've seen our guys stop a few of the reckless drivers who zig zag across the lot at 50 mph. It may be private property, but the public uses it, and the store has the responsibility to protect their customers. Its up to them if they want to enforce things or not.

LEO's can NOT enforce MV laws on private property. The signs have to be a certain size and type. To enforce MV laws on private property, the property owner has to petition the state to be included in the traffic laws. But when the do that, they have to have regulation signs, laws, sizes, sight of distance, surveys to be completed, etc, etc, etc.

Very large malls (Garden State Plaza here in NJ) is one of those malls - private/quasi public property that the local PD enforces the MV laws.

When the PD came down, did they issue any summons? Probably not. When that person called the PD, how would it look when the dispatcher said "We can't respond, you're on private property". A painted arrow on the pavement for direction is a legal sign?

That's another good one....speeding 50mph in parking lot. We get this same complainant, Joe Homeowner calls up the PD and says people are speeding on his block. Joe Homeowner is now an expert on speed detection. The PD sets up radar and doesn't issue anyone for speeding.

Billy T.
It depends upon the state involved. Here in Virginia it is reckless driving. Here is what the VA. code says:

§ 46.2-864. Reckless driving on parking lots, etc.

A person shall be guilty of reckless driving who operates any motor vehicle at a speed or in a manner so as to endanger the life, limb, or property of any person:

1. On any driveway or premises of a church, school, recreational facility, or business property open to the public; or

2. On the premises of any industrial establishment providing parking space for customers, patrons, or employees; or

3. On any highway under construction or not yet open to the public.
I wasn't going to get into the legal debate but...
Police can enforce summary violations not committed in their presense. This is based upon information received with a supporting witness or evidence. Check your rules of criminal procedure.
They also can enforce motor vehicle violations committed in parking lots if that lot is open to the public.
This is based upon my knowledge of PA law but I'm willing to bet this is applicable in most if not all states.
Actually, we have cameras in our lots that DVR everything. So its easy to catch someone if they have an accident.
Someone was driving too fast and swerved out and ended up hitting one of our employee's trucks. Its tough to see the outer edges of the lot, but anything in the middle 50% is easily identified on camera.

And it helps that the police station is pretty much adjacent to our lot at the back. The FD house is right across the street. The PD will sit right in front of the station house and clock people going across our parking lot.

No, we don't have painted arrows. Our lanes are all two way. But, there are intersections with posted STOP signs.

Tell ya what. I'll borrow my friends SRT4 (since it has a limited slip diff), and do a burnout in our own parking lot, in front of a LEO. Want to make bets that I get a reckless driving ticket?

Somehow I doubt parking lots are a free-for-all just because they are private property. If it was a private parking lot, (i.e. the gated pharmaceutical plant across town) I could see a difference. But we have an open lot, and anyone can come in or out of it.
Same reasoning why we have had to call the cops when we get the crotch rocket kids coming in and showing off in our lot. Same thing with the kids on bikes and skateboards in my receiving bays and ramps. If they hit a pothole, you know they'd try and sue us. Its part of the reason we put in lot cameras. If someone gets hurt on our property, we are the ones they will sue. If the police can't ticket them or stop them, just because they are on our property, who is going to stop them then?
In Connecticut motor vehicle enforcement can be taken on private property if the lot holds more then (10) vehicles and it open to the public (Malls, shopping centers, etc..) but that is different from state to state.

Private driveways or property not open to the public is different obviously.
good job jeremy, now you have the real cops and the wannabe cops arguing!

if you didnt get caught doing the burnout, then you are home free.
He did ask for the opinion of actual members of law enforcement. Dr. Boost however, spends alot of time in custody for indecent exposure, running prostutution rings, and .... well I think that case is still pending...., but he can offer good advice!:cool: J/K
The only ticket I ever got was in a parking lot. I got a reckless and careless ticket for doing a U-turn in a parking lot. The officer said I was doing a donut. The bad thing is that the guy that actually was doing the donuts didn't get pulled. He was in a Ford Fairmont and just giving it hell. I was in my '68 big block Camaro SS and taking it easy. Can we say profiling ????? :biggrin:

Also, don't ask SloGN about being ticketed for a violation in a parking lot that was not observed by the officer.......:eek: