Question for the cops.......can I get in trouble?

You guys crack me up. Every state has different laws concerning traffic codes, whether they are enforcable on private property, premises open to the public (parking lots), or upon highways (streets, roads, highways maintained by city/county/state/fed). I'll say it again....every state is different. Nothing like a bunch of street lawyers giving a guy advice. LOL!
In my township, local ordinance gets passed for the enforcement issues, so then it will be etched in the books... But anywhere a vehicle travels that is open to the public including quasi-public, MV law can be enforced. ( DWI in NJ is still considered MV unlike most other states where it is criminal. You can get busted in NJ as soon as you assume control over a vehicle for DWI, even if you are parked. Even in the local AppXXbee's lot)
It's the parking tickets that is usually what is contested the most in parking lots. Regulatory and No parking signs that are posted in lots 99.9% of the time can be enforced.
I did see a few strip mall stores with signs with other state MV codes printed on them.. (ie No cutting through parking lot, violation of MV code @#$@#$ ) Regardless.. you still cannot do it in NJ, posted or not.. The property owner is responsible for the maintenance and repairs/replacement of signs on their property. They need to comply with the law... there are some provisions that grandfather the business with old laws.
Spinning your wheels will get you a nice little fine and 2 points. If you put someone in harms way or do it with knowing disregard of safety, you can get the 5 pointer...
Not stopping for someone in a crosswalk will also get you banged.
Police officers will usually not sign for a violation they did not witness.. unless they have some pretty good evidence (crashes) or a statement from another witness ( very rare) and then the witness gets to go to court to testify.. for the most part, the witness will sign the MV summons at the court administrators office. Positive ID the violator is a must for a moving violation conviction.

bottom line.. you did it.. don't lose sleep over it..
I did a big burn out and then raced down a road,back in the day...Then I was outside washing my camaro when a cop pulled up and a car parked across the way(I guess to identify me)...

The cop walks up and says he got a call from someone about a car drag racing and burning up the roads...I said "it wasnt me"...He looked at me strangly and started walking around my car and said well they said it was a blue camaro with black stripes,dark tinted windows,chrome wheels and no tag on the back and a tach on the hood,kinda matches this car dont it...

I said well thats not a tach its a fuel pressure gauge and my camaro has alluminum wheels not chrome,needless to say he just told me to take it to the track,if you dont admit it was you driving or admit anything at all then its hard for them to prove it,even with the witnesses...
I feel like your pals are pullin your chain. I would drive right back up to the store and call their bluff.

Now, if the mgr IS really pissed, then I would tell him to take a hike, his employees asked you to do it in the first place. Also tell him you know all the local gearheads and you will be sure to tell them all to NEVER do business with him again up until you draw your last breath.

Besides, its private property. The cops aint gonna bust you for heating them up on private property.

So dont sweat it!

Yeah I actually was planning to appologize but after I heard there werent even marks and the guy still called the police, I wont appologize anymore. I did no harm to the property. Why call the cops and put me in a position to get a ticket when there was no harm done. AutoZone will get my money from now on. At least then I can use their rewards program!
He did ask for the opinion of actual members of law enforcement. Dr. Boost however, spends alot of time in custody for indecent exposure, running prostutution rings, and .... well I think that case is still pending...., but he can offer good advice!:cool: J/K

the indecent exposure charges were dropped , but i did have to file a restraining order on the old ladies that were grabbing on my stuff.

i agree with the are you going to be opening your wallet and helping me turn screws when it's down? seriously some people need to lighten up and all companies have their share of boneheaded managers. I used to manage a store and sure i had my days but most days i was beyond nice. If i had a customer who spent alot of money in my store do a sick burn out in my parking lot i would get it on youtube and milk that bitch for more clients. It just shows the expertise of the workers. Just my thoughts but i'm always looking at the money later on down the road. Who knows take the advise above and atleast talk to him, maybe he's hired the 10.00 whore and got the stress relief out of him.
Oh well what the hell, my 2 cents too.
Just apologize, you were in a public parking lot that everyone has access to and you said you were wrong. If I would have pulled up to my local Kragen and seen someone doing a burnout I would leave just for the fact I don't know what is going on or why some fool is doing it there. He could lose control hit me or my car or loved ones. Loss of business.
He may just be the manager but it is his job to ensure the store and his customers/employees are safe. If word got back to his boss that he was condoning this who's paycheck do you think would be affected?

You may think he was being a dick and you are probably partially right but he probably thought the same John Force.:wink:

Oh and I won't waste my gas or tires just to make strangers/aquaintances happy. If they can pay the maintainance then sure.

disclaimer; no ill intent meant just trying to toss out another point of view for you
Next topic.. I think you are okay..


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I took a mail order legal class one time. It was a real pain just to get past the entrance exam, too. I had to have my older brother fill out the forms for me. BUT......I now know ALL the rules of the court room now because of it. So here goes the best advice on how to ensure you never get into trouble over this.
Sell me you're car for $100 and I will PRE-date the sale agreement to three weeks before the incident. That way, if they ever question you, you have COMPLETE "deniability". (see one of those legal terms I learned in that mail order class. See...I told you I knew what I was talking about.) I'm doing this for you as a special favor, usually I charge by the hour, and I are real expensive. So, tell me where to meet you for this transaction that will change your life for the better. No more of that troublesome automobile. Buy a Honda Inbread errr, I mean Hybrid.

Actually, last week I couldn't even spell Lawyer, now, I still aren't one.
I find it more than a little dismaying that some of you think it would be perfectly fine to go into court and lie just to save a buck. If you do the crime you do the time. That is a very sad commentary on our society as a whole. :eek:
I find it more than a little dismaying that some of you think it would be perfectly fine to go into court and lie just to save a buck. If you do the crime you do the time. That is a very sad commentary on our society as a whole. :eek:

There's a huge difference between lying and not self incriminating yourself. It's still their job to prove the crime.
Wow, I just checked my email and this thread has really hit the charts!!! I havent heard anything about it since so nothing is going to happen legally. I just pretty much wont be able to go into the parts store for a while, if i ever go back. Just a bum deal some people get pissy about stupid stuff. I didnt leave and there were no customers there at the time so if the manager wants to be a hard a$$ then I'm pretty much just not going to spend anymore money there. Sucks becuase I have 5 friends that work there and it's a hang out spot for me and other fellow car guys so I guess we'll have to go elsewhere. Oh well.:redface:
Never, Ever apologize.

That might have been the right thing to do in another time. In this semi police state that we live in an apology might as well be an admission of guilt. Open yourself up to that and the door is open for a civil suit of some sort.

I find it funny (but completely expected) that SS sean, a police officer, is very quick to encourage people to incriminate themselves and pay to fill his master's coffers.

Just because a law exists does not make it moral. Most traffic law is completely outside of the scope of morality. Hence it is not morally objectionable to fight with every last ounce of energy against a system that presumes your guilt, stacks the cards against you, and designed as a revenue producer. I find it vastly more unethical that this relationship exists between the police, courts, and the treasury, than any ludicrous idea that a burnout is inherently "wrong"

My attitude toward this kind of stuff is never talk to the police, and when the time comes to speak, deny deny deny. If the facts are stacked against you argue the evidence, and if the evidence is stacked against you argue the facts.
If I was the manager I would have had a stern talk with my employees asking someone to do a burnout in my store customer's parking area. What if you lost control, crashed and burned.........I would think the store would be liable for damage you may have done to yourself and or the store property....If you had crashed I would bet a dollar to a donut hole you would say " hey, the parts guy(s) asked me to do a burn out..I just did what they asked me to do". So, a judge and your insurance company would look to the parts store to pay for your car, hospital bills, etc, punitive damages your Lawyer would think you and he would get in a lawsuit you, I am sure you would file........
Duhhhhh, think before you act for god's sake.........
:eek: :eek: :eek: :confused: Uuuuummmm correct me if im wrong but last time i checked TRs were capable of extreme tire shreading violence somtimes causing unknowing bystanders to call the fire dept!!!! :biggrin: All of this while NOT MOVING AN INCH !!!!! I see no prob with huge burnouts as long as you use your brain!!!!! If everyone thought like you mickey thomson goodyear hoosier ang bfg would go outta buisness!!!!:cool:
I find it more than a little dismaying that some of you think it would be perfectly fine to go into court and lie just to save a buck. If you do the crime you do the time. That is a very sad commentary on our society as a whole. :eek:

Does this go for cops that lie in court and on the incident reports? It's happened to me twice in the last 15 years.
I find it funny (but completely expected) that SS sean, a police officer, is very quick to encourage people to incriminate themselves and pay to fill his master's coffers.

Go back and read what I posted and then explain to me how you get that twisted into what you just wrote above. I find it funny how I suggest people be honest in court (God forbid) and all the sudden I'm attacked. Go figure.

As for the master comment, the only thing I can say is you have clearly seen the inside of the local county jail a time or two. It shows in everything you post. You need to grow up and not be so angry. Life is short! ;)
Never, Ever apologize.

That might have been the right thing to do in another time. In this semi police state that we live in an apology might as well be an admission of guilt.

Really? Have you been living on a deserted island or something? I hope you don't teach people close to you to think like that.

An apology goes a long way these days. Much longer then you obviously realize, especially for a minor incident like that. It's a form of respect which is all most people require to diffuse a situation.

People always remember the situation as it unfolded and think the person they offended is still thinking about it days or weeks later. Most likely a day later the person could car less. An apology at that point will usually smooth over most any situation like that. The reason that is so is because it's usually frowned upon and construed as weak so it's never done.
There's a huge difference between lying and not self incriminating yourself. It's still their job to prove the crime.
:eek: +1 were not talkin about murder here first of all and how many times do cops lie to people to get them to admit things they may or may not have done :mad: its not like they care about they time money and aggravation that it causes people its just a notch in their belt....Not all cops but most that ive encountered...