Question for the cops.......can I get in trouble?


i don't condone it, i used to do this back 20 yrs ago but these days it just isn't worth the ticket, jail or fines you face. It's hard to tell that to someone who thinks they rule the world but if your buddies with someone like this guy and they say it's cool then sure why not. we all know what can happen street racing and some of us have experiance in what happens when it goes wrong. if it's a controlled enviroment like the track or private property then may it'll be ok. But most of us are more concerned about costs of abuse then showing off. Regardless he just got his new toy and wanted to show it to those who helped him out with it. So do what you think is right, you have alot of opinions on here and i'm sure you'll make the right one. if you make the wrong one you can always right it, or so we hope you can. just relax and do what comes next. keep us informed if things change.
Go back and read what I posted and then explain to me how you get that twisted into what you just wrote above. I find it funny how I suggest people be honest in court (God forbid) and all the sudden I'm attacked. Go figure.

As for the master comment, the only thing I can say is you have clearly seen the inside of the local county jail a time or two. It shows in everything you post. You need to grow up and not be so angry. Life is short! ;)

again, a cop doing the expected... making assumptions about a person, and those assumptions are always negative.

Nice try buddy, but I have never been arrested, never been to jail, never done a drug in my life. Served 5 honorable years in the USMC, am a military contractor with a secret level clearance.

Your mistaken assumptions are not surprising. Rather than truly address the content of my post you attack my character instead. You really should stop posting on these threads, nearly every single one of your posts reinforces negative stereotypes about police officers. You aren't doing the good, educated, and just cops out there any favors.

and to GNBRETT, an apology USED to go a long way... but nowadays, in cases like this, it's merely an admission of guilt. I'm talking about protecting yourself, not trying to be a dickhead. By all means, in interpersonal relationships, and things that can't seriously damage you for doing so, apologies for missteps are the righteous thing to do.
In this case however, and in any case where legal ramifications might occur, it's a risk (making an apology). Do you think it's wise to take the risk that the manager is completely unreasonable and demands you pay for asphalt repairs or any other thing he may conjur up?
Maybe in small town america you can get away with this kind of stuff, but in the city, everyone is out to sue everyone and you need to protect yourself.
btw to put this into perspective,
A good friend of mine drives a stock, semi beat mid 90s 540 bmw sedan. The other day while leaving a stop sign with no cars around, he laid a little rubber. Turns out a cop was watching, pulled him over and was foaming at the mouth talking about street racing and how he could have killed someone etc.

He handed him a ticket for "exhibition of speed" here in california. That is a misdemeanor with serious legal ramifications for my friend. Even though the code the cop wrote him up for does not apply, my friend now has to get an attorney and pay out the ass to fight his presumed GUILT rather than innocence.

Im guessing that the law is nowhere near as draconian in IA, but this kind of thing is the reason why you need to protect yourself. Admission of guilt is nothing more than becoming an accessory to tyranny since the punishment far exceeds the "crime"
btw to put this into perspective,
A good friend of mine drives a stock, semi beat mid 90s 540 bmw sedan. The other day while leaving a stop sign with no cars around, he laid a little rubber. Turns out a cop was watching, pulled him over and was foaming at the mouth talking about street racing and how he could have killed someone etc.

He handed him a ticket for "exhibition of speed" here in california. That is a misdemeanor with serious legal ramifications for my friend. Even though the code the cop wrote him up for does not apply, my friend now has to get an attorney and pay out the ass to fight his presumed GUILT rather than innocence.

Im guessing that the law is nowhere near as draconian in IA, but this kind of thing is the reason why you need to protect yourself. Admission of guilt is nothing more than becoming an accessory to tyranny since the punishment far exceeds the "crime"

All I can say is you are an angry man, and it shows. You don't have to go through life like that, you know... :eek:
Why on Earth did this guy flip out if I didnt even leave marks on the property????:confused:

He was probably jealous because he doesn't have a GN to do burnouts with. :cool:

How old is this guy? Was he a baby boomer? If so ask if he never "did anything fun" when he was a kid. Some of those guys were out there laying rubber in their GTO's and Chevelles, yet now look down on the "youngins" that do it.

Burning rubber, egging houses, toilet papering's all kid stuff. Plain and simple. Some of us are kids at heart. Others just act like it every so often. But some get irate when you do kid stuff, even if it doesn't affect them.

You should give the manager a call and pull a Joe Dirt line on him:

"You like them squealing tires? Huh? Huh?" :biggrin:
He was probably jealous because he doesn't have a GN to do burnouts with. :cool:

How old is this guy? Was he a baby boomer? If so ask if he never "did anything fun" when he was a kid. Some of those guys were out there laying rubber in their GTO's and Chevelles, yet now look down on the "youngins" that do it.

Burning rubber, egging houses, toilet papering's all kid stuff. Plain and simple. Some of us are kids at heart. Others just act like it every so often. But some get irate when you do kid stuff, even if it doesn't affect them.

You should give the manager a call and pull a Joe Dirt line on him:

"You like them squealing tires? Huh? Huh?" :biggrin:

HAHAH!! Yeah I thought about doing a prank call or something to mess with the guy but he'd probably call the FBI or something! He's probably 45 and an angry 45 at that. I'm 27 so he probably thinks I'm jut some punk kid with a hot car all his boys are drooling over. He might be mad cause he wasnt god for a moment! What a doosh bag.
Could prank him from a pay phone in case they trace it. Just make sure no one sees you using the phone.
HAHAH!! Yeah I thought about doing a prank call or something to mess with the guy but he'd probably call the FBI or something! He's probably 45 and an angry 45 at that. I'm 27 so he probably thinks I'm jut some punk kid with a hot car all his boys are drooling over. He might be mad cause he wasnt god for a moment! What a doosh bag.

I had a similar incident with my GN. The difference was that my wife worked at O'reillys. We stopped by on the way to a car show one Saturday (wife was off). Some of the guys that worked with her wanted to see some action so I brake boosted a little (just hazed em a little). 5 min later her manager calls threatening her job. She is a real tool!! (female manager) Some people take their self way to serious and need to lighten up!!!

As for the people on here condemning who think they are Hollier than though you should go buy a Kia.

Last time I checked, a GN was a friggin BAD AZZ HOT ROD and was doin its duty as it should!!!