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Remembering 9-11


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New Member
Sep 21, 2001
Tomorrow is going to be hard. It will be quite an emotional day. The world as we knew it changed...the country as we knew it changed. That day will be forever burned into our memories. To some it didn't affect them much..others it changed their lives forever..many will never be the same. Many are still so wrapped up in depression it is not even funny. Families torn apart..businesses were many hopes and dreams of hard working people. I have never before been scared about living day to day life. Sure...if you go into a bad neighborhood you think, "Gee something might happen". But for the first time in my life I was scared to go to a mall, to the the city. The terrorists accomplished their goal with me. I was so angry,scared, full of hated...every emotion you can think of wrapped into one. From knowing that you just lost 3 wondering how many others had died because of those cowardly acts. I for one, will remember damn near every second of that day...I did not move from that TV for over 6 hours...not to eat..not even to go to the bathroom. I sat there, crying...yelling...then total shock...wondering how someone could do what they just did.

Below is a timeline, a timeline of what if you'd's pretty interesting.

To those that lost their lives, including my friends, may your souls rest in peace. May you watch over your friends and families...protecting are all missed.

To our service men and women, and our allies..thank you...thank you for doing what was right and taking action against the animals and scum that are responsible. Also for protecting this great country.

To those that are guys ALL will want your jihad? jihad this!

To the whiney liberals that think "talking" would've solved our problems...and that we shouldn't have taken any action for these're no better then those that protect the get a big :finger: from me as well. Its partly because of you faggots that this happened. We could've nailed some of these guys YEARS ago, but no...nooooo we didn't...

God bless this great country and everything we stand for...for those that are against a dick...those that don't like it that are living here...Canada is nice around this time of year
I couldnt have said it better. I thank God everynight that I am an American.
God Bless,
I wish I could put my feelings into words better...but here it goes again

As I sit here, tears rolling down my cheeks I think to myself "How could this happen, not to us, not to our country, not to people we know" Then the sorrow turns to absolute RAGE. The feeling of wanting to exterminate those ****ers, clense the world of their no mutha ****in mercy.....

Then the anger passes..and a big empty hole is left..nothing to fill the void. I may not be a "new yorker" but I've been up there much as I hate the city(it's a philly thing lol) I feel a love for it as has a certain aura to it that draws you close. That has been changed, not damaged..but changed. the skyline looks bare...lonely. Everytime I see it I can't help but to think about that day...the death and distruction. I cry...I feel the pain again...

It also makes me feel insecure..scared. It makes me angry at the whiney liberals as well...

I want life to go back to how it was...but alas, that cannot happen...we, as people, as a a global community will forever be changed..and I really feel for the worse..

I will never forget that day..for as long as I live...the pain still present...the sorrow and anger still there, still, I will never forget...
I have instructed all my managers that the dealership will be closed from 8.30AM-9.30 tomorrow to honer the victims and their families.

I told my techs if i hear a air tool they are fired and i am serious. Being in Jersey City we were so close and i have numerous people that lost family members.:(

We were at the liberty science center and watched people with binoculars jumping it still f..... my head up to this day, to feel so helpless and not being able to do anything. :mad:

If jumping was the best option how bad was it:(
I to this day have a real problem taking care of services issues with people who bought new Fords and I cannot see their face, not saying they all are bad, just a tough thing to deal with.

I will be playing the national anthem in the morning and my whole shop is saying a prayer.

And to think the master-mind of this is still at large. :mad: :mad:
I was reading your post...and just felt I should chime in, Just so you know we share your pain. Im a 19\m from california...who has never been out of state....I have no connection to NYC, but I too begin to cry everytime I think about 9\11. Thats because no matter how old we are...or where we live...were all connected....were all americans....I believe everyone who lives here feels that connection...whether they choose to admit it or not. Be strong....america will make it through anything. Here's a couple lines from a charlie daniels song that really get to me...really inspire me. I feel he words it's perfectly........"Now the winds of war are blowin and there's no way of knowing where this bloody path will lead.....we must follow to the end...or face it all again.....and make no mistake about it.....write it, preach it...shout it...across the mountains and the deserts and the seas......the blood of innocence and shamed will NOT be shed in vain!"

God bless and never forget!
I almost forgot

Until I walked out to get the paper this morning and saw the blaring headlines about the tributes and memorials going on today.

9/11 was a unique event for me, and I think a lot of people, in that it never leaves me. Sure, it fades to my subconscious but it's always there. Not a day goes by when I see something, read something, smell something, or for no other reason just think about that day. The event touched so many lives in so many ways that as an American it's impossible not to be affected by it somehow.

When I picked that paper up this morning I took a deep breath and stood there for a minute, in the darkness of the early morning and looked up at the sky. I don't know why. It felt like the day I first heard the news and saw the horrible footage on TV - the day the world stopped turning for a while.

To this day it is still difficult to comprehend exactly how heinous those acts were. I've been to Ground Zero. I've seen for myself that the Towers are not there. I still can't believe it. Man put them up, man took them down. But those Towers had so much more significance than just a pile of glass and steel. It was so awe inspiring to look at them - whether you were 30 miles away in NJ or standing beneath them. Their significance could not be ignored or overstated.

I'm not a religious person at all. But I can't help but think that while "time heals all wounds" that there is a deeper more meaningful reason why we can't forget the events of that day. God won't let us. The people that committed these acts are pure evil and the struggle we as Americans face to drag these cowards out of hiding and into the light of justice is right and just.

May all 3,000+ souls rest in peace and may their families find the strength on this day and every day to carry on in their names.

To this day it is still difficult to comprehend exactly how heinous those acts were. I've been to Ground Zero. I've seen for myself that the Towers are not there. I still can't believe it. Man put them up, man took them down. But those Towers had so much more significance than just a pile of glass and steel. It was so awe inspiring to look at them - whether you were 30 miles away in NJ or standing beneath them. Their significance could not be ignored or overstated.

I'm not a religious person at all. But I can't help but think that while "time heals all wounds" that there is a deeper more meaningful reason why we can't forget the events of that day. God won't let us. The people that committed these acts are pure evil and the struggle we as Americans face to drag these cowards out of hiding and into the light of justice is right and just.

Jimmy, that right there is how I feel. I've been to ground zero a few times...driven through the city and it just doesn't look right not seeing the towers...I still get that eerie feeling everytime I look at the skyline.

I am not a religious person..not at all but I did something a I haven't done in YEARS... sent up a prayer last night before bed...
I was MARRIED on September 11th 1999(a Saturday)!! So thats my Aniversary! Guess I'll never forget:)
last year i was in a remote location of afghanistan for sept 11, in support of a mission, working with the best guys in the service, this year i am in afghanistan again working with some special guys, and today we launched to intercept a few high value targets, and we got them, lets say that they will never pose a threat to the united states again, now if we can just bag a few hundred more, and for those not keeping up with the " other " war, we are very busy, bagging more guys that ever, and now we will have pakistan on our sides due to comments by old OBL, its open season on bad guys, and i got me a helicopter and machine guns, do the math.
Originally posted by n20junkie
last year i was in a remote location of afghanistan for sept 11, in support of a mission, working with the best guys in the service, this year i am in afghanistan again working with some special guys, and today we launched to intercept a few high value targets, and we got them, lets say that they will never pose a threat to the united states again, now if we can just bag a few hundred more, and for those not keeping up with the " other " war, we are very busy, bagging more guys that ever, and now we will have pakistan on our sides due to comments by old OBL, its open season on bad guys, and i got me a helicopter and machine guns, do the math.

you guys aren't getting the media coverage here back home but we know you guys are busy :)

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!
This is a very sad day for New Yorkers, and those that have lost family and friends there. We say we will never forget. If this is indeed our true thoughts, just remember that we are involved in a WAR. A war not like any we have had to deal with in our history. We, the people, need to direct our congressmen and senators that we do want these fanatics brought to justice, either alive, or dead. At this very time some in our government are playing politics with no regard for our wishes or safety by plotting to block funding for the continued war. Their motive is solely to discredit our President for political purposes and not for the security of the country. These people are not doing the job the Constitution has charged them with as their primary obligation, provide a common defense for the citizens.
Write, call, e-mail these people and demand they honor their oath of office. Hound them into submission. If they don't respond, then respond to them at the voting booth the next opportunity you have. They are "representatives" which means they are to represent. If they are not representing our best interest, we should not have them in power.
This war will take a long time to handle, maybe even longer than many of us will be alive, but it is a just and necessary duty for us to rid the world of the people that have no tolerance for us and our freedoms. By "those", I mean the enemies, and anyone that does anything to aid them. Including those in our own government that impede our progress in completing this duty
GOD BLESS AMERICA AND THOSE THAT HAVE LOST AND WILL LOSE THEIR LIVES IN THIS CONFLICT. Yes, I said God, the same one our forefathers built this government upon. We are being attacked because we believe in God. We are suffering because of fanatical religious zealots. The same zealots that have vowed to eradicate Judaism also.
Originally posted by n20junkie
last year i was in a remote location of afghanistan for sept 11, in support of a mission, working with the best guys in the service, this year i am in afghanistan again working with some special guys, and today we launched to intercept a few high value targets, and we got them, lets say that they will never pose a threat to the united states again, now if we can just bag a few hundred more, and for those not keeping up with the " other " war, we are very busy, bagging more guys that ever, and now we will have pakistan on our sides due to comments by old OBL, its open season on bad guys, and i got me a helicopter and machine guns, do the math.

light em up's actually a good thing that afghanistan isn't in the spotlight right now,gives you guys the freedom to do what needs to be done:cool: .

Grant, you guys aren't forgotten here, and i suspect not all around the country either. It's funny how the news decides what to put on and it's always the most spectacular. Good thing you have the ability to just quietly do you jobs and not have to put up with the specticle of the press being so judgemental on your every move. THANKS TO YOU AND ALL YOUR PARTNERS FOR SHOWING THE WORLD THAT YOU GUYS ARE THE CREAM OF THE CROP, BEST WE HAVE IN EVERY WAY.
God bless all of you and we, these generations of American, have an undying debt of gratitude for the sacrifices everyone there are making to secure a safer world. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS. Mark
For the last couple for years I get choked-up just from a simple thing like the opening credits of Barney Miller that starts with a view of the NY skyline. My eyes go right to the towers and a numbness falls over my body.

We will eventually win the fight. We can take the fight to them or face them here. I do believe that if we wait to face them here the costs will be much higher than taking the battle to their turf.

Maybe Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11, but I believe Iraq was a breeding ground for events that would be far more devastating if left alone.

Thanks to all the troops fighting terror there so we may be safe here!