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Remote water pump ideas/suggestions wanted


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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2002
Looking for some ideas in remote mounted water pump mounting. I just got my Meziere remote pump and now need to mount it. I used my old Meziere pump housing as an inlet and made a plate where the old motor once was. I'm doing this because my new compressor housing will hit the pump motor.
I'm going to see if I can make a bracket and mount it as close to the radiator lower hose as possible but the frame jogs inward and also has the idler arm in the way so may be challenging. I also been considering mounting directly in the middle of the lower radiator support just behind the radiator if all else fails.

FWIW - my fans are mounted in front of the radiator so they are not in the way.

Allan G.

Mine is mounted on the frame near the lower radiator outlet, like your first idea. I'll try to remember to post a pic.
I did some work this morning and came to the conclusion that I really have very limited room for the pump. I decised to make a bracket using the idler arm bolts to hold it in place.
Between the turbo mounted almost directly above, the boost pipes, exernal oil lines everywhere, and the added complexity of being able to bend the actual water hose, I really don't have many choices. Would have a little more room maybe with steering rack over idler arm.

Allan G.
I believe I have mine mounted closer to the radiator than that, leaving the idler bolts clear.
This is a completely different pump then you have, but here is where and how I mounted mine. I'll make a stainless "hose" to connect the radiator to the inlet on the pump.

It's a CSR pump for a sbc with the machined elbows removed. I was going to make new elbows to mate up to the buick belt drive, but there wasn't any way to route the water around the bolt heads. The mounts for the pump have 1/2" npt threads in each end. One hose from each side to each port in the belt drive plate.
This is the best picture of the water pump mounting I could dig up out of the old pictures.
The water pump is not mounted right against the frame, but is extended out and angled away from the frame by its mounting plate so that the pump location is inline with the natural flow path from the radiator outlet to the engine. A short piece of rubber hose with about a 45 degree bend in it, connects the radiator to the water pump inlet.
As you can see, there is plenty of room to service the idler shaft mounting hardware. There is room to mount the pump tighter towards the frame if it needs to be.
The actual mounting bracket was very simple to fab up, as you can see from the picture. A flat plate with about a right angle flange bend at the frame end. I just drilled a couple of new holes in the frame to mount it.
You could mount the bracket off of the idler shaft mounting hardware, but then you're upsetting your front end alignment every time you play with that idler hardware.

thanks for the reply and suggestions. I mounted the pump on the idler arm bolts and had to make this comprimise because of the inlet ond outlet angle. I could have used Don's mounting method but the outlet would have been impossible with the current water inlet. I could have used a -20 AN fitting on the front of my new plate but decided to use the existing water inlet. I found that a factory replacment lower water hose had all the right bends and just cut one up and used the appropriate pieces.
Allan G.
Looks like a alot of work, BTW the stewart EMP inline pump flows more than the Meziere pumps 55 GPM, and might have been easier to install. If i were to do it again that is the route I would have taken.
Looks like a alot of work, BTW the stewart EMP inline pump flows more than the Meziere pumps 55 GPM, and might have been easier to install. If i were to do it again that is the route I would have taken.
The 55 GPH pump is way overkill compared to what is needed. Old pump was 42 GPH I think. Not familiar with the Stewart EMP pump...
Allan G.