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rjc intercooler


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It was posted above,It is a bit rude for Jack to come in and give a little plug about his product in a thread about another vendors product,dont you think?

No one is saying Jack cant make his own post about his product,But its not right how he did this.

yOU ARE THE LAST PERSON THAT SHOULD MAKE THIS STATEMENT. You have been doing what you are accusing me of for a couple years now.... plugging your Hero while slamming me and a few others.

With the way the IC thing played out the last 6 months, I see nothing wrong with me responding in the fashion I have. It's not anything I have done in the past, but due to the "anything goes" attitude of you and a few others.... Keep trolling boys, you only add evidence to my and many others observations. By the way, I am only setting the record straight here...
Spongebob said:
I'm curious as to why you choose Jason's comparative findings :confused:

Why not use Jack's observations of size speak for themself? He makes no HP claim, only an observation of physical size. And a little plug for his new tanks.

The reason is because it contradicts Jason's previous observations. I'm pretty sure Jack has stated hp claims for his intercooler (1000hp comes to mind).

Spongebob said:
I doubt anybody is going to do an apples to apples comparison by swapping these expensive IC's on the same vehicle with no other changes. If they did, then there would have to be several vehicles at different HP levels to determine the effectiveness throughout the HP range.

Sorry, I disagree. People compare turbos and intercoolers all the time. I for one have tested 3 intercoolers and 5 turbos in the last year just on my own car, not to mention the testing I've done on customers cars. In fact, I've already spoken to Jason about putting his new intercooler on my car. I do this testing in attempt to get a competitive edge for myself and my customers.

FWIW: I won't resort to name calling (except for Billy and Chicklet :D ), or using 4 letter words to try and prove my point.
Ive dealt with Cal,Jack,and Jason.Spent the most with Cal and got the worst service so I dont know why he jumps at the chance to make someone look bad in public.
HighPSI said:
The reason is because it contradicts Jason's previous observations. I'm pretty sure Jack has stated hp claims for his intercooler (1000hp comes to mind).

Sorry, I disagree. People compare turbos and intercoolers all the time. I for one have tested 3 intercoolers and 5 turbos in the last year just on my own car, not to mention the testing I've done on customers cars. In fact, I've already spoken to Jason about putting his new intercooler on my car. I do this testing in attempt to get a competitive edge for myself and my customers.

FWIW: I won't resort to name calling (except for Billy and Chicklet :D ), or using 4 letter words to try and prove my point.

Very good Cal....... making a claim of HP rating is what the manufacturers do. Just as turbo manufacturers do, so do IC core manufacturers. What does it mean if a 1200hp turbo doesn't make 1200hp on one and does on another? The core I have been using isfrom Spearco, one of the most respected manufacturer in the IC market, it is rated at 1000hp, the same IC core PTE used for years for their frt mnt, rated at 900hp, differance being, mine is about 35% larger, those are facts.
This IC thing was started last summer with an agenda to "bring me down" I have seen no other company put under scrutiny like I have been. Jason was brought into this when comparisons, including pictures of my IC kit, next to Jason, were passed around the BB's with claims of it being larger.... indeed leading to better performance., well it just wasn't true. Now that that myth has been disputed......... you come here and speak of another bigger core from Jason.... it would appear to me, your goal is to do what you can, using your position in the community to hurt my business for your own personal gain, that is obvious here with your claim of being a distributor.. I have many customers with absolutely favorable results that have shared their info over the past 6 months, but you and your "gang" just won't let go. I will continue to stand up for my product and will not idlely stand by any longer. If you want me to continue with sharing my conversations with Jason this last year, I will do so if need be to support my position. I have spent the last year working on upgrading our IC's and am now feeling very comfortable with the results, testing will continue as well as sales of proven product.

I am sorry for the direction of this thread, but again, I am only defending myself and my product.
dollar_bill said:
Ive dealt with Cal,Jack,and Jason.Spent the most with Cal and got the worst service so I dont know why he jumps at the chance to make someone look bad in public.

You are jumping at the chance as well seeing as this is your first post and you joined today...
Let me start off by saying Please stop this bickering. most of it does not pertain to this thread at all.

Jack please start your own thread that introduces your new intercooler and it will address the original complaint about your post here. I have not ever posted negatively to any post about Jacks intercooler, any coments i have made were only positive. Please offer me the same courtesy.

As for the core size, when i designed my intercooler i designed it with certain criteria in mind. I could have made it any dimension i wanted. I did not look at a competitors and say If mine is a little bit bigger then I am best.

These are some of the disign criteria we had to consider;

Take advantage of all of the space in the front of the turbo buick, use as much surface area as possable to allow the largest core that would fit posable. (our competitors are now following suit)
Do not make the core so thick that no air can get through it. It is true that the larger the core volume the better it can absorb heat. But you have to calculate the amount of air that needs to be cooled and the efficency of that core and size it accordingly. According to our calculations we are a way over kill with the core thickness that we have.
Why not have a thicker core than 3.15"?
To thick on a car that does not need it is simply a waste of money, adds unnecessary weight and greatly reduces flow through the cooler. This last reason is particularly a concern with cars that you drive on the street. this is how most of us use our buicks. If you have to thick of core then not only does it block to much air going to the radiator causing overheating problems, it also keeps air from going accross the core adiquately cooling the core itself.
Tony dequick's v1&v2 cores were 2 7/8" thick.

If you have a 1/4 mi only car which i consider to be 8 sec car or faster then a thicker core is necessary and only then do you begin to benifit from a thicker core. kinda like this one
this is the IC460, it is designed for the select few that it will benifit from it.

there are many other things that go into designing an intercooler that must be considered. one of them is end tank design. As always i am looking at air distribution. how the hot air is distributed accross the core,of course it is best to distribute the air evenly across the core, We made several different temporary designs to see how the air was being distributed. What you design on paper and what actually happens is not always as it seems. We had low temperature probes on each tube measuring the temperature as we introduced hot air into the intercooler.We tried different shapes at the top end of the core to try and minimize uneven distribution. We tried having more area at the top, different angles, ect. most of the work we did focused with the top end of the tanks.

one thing that people don't really look at is clamp selection, the Standard T-bolt clamp i believe is lacking, although it holds the hose good there is more to sealing that hose than you would think. how close togetgher the ends of the clamp are greatly affects how it seals. the closer the better. We have spent allot of time trying to come up with a better alternative to these t-bolt clamps. This is something you would not see or even think about when installing an intercooler but if you are loosing boost through the clamps or any leak for that matter that means it requires more back pressure in the headers to create the same boost. this equals much poorer performance reguardless of MAT.

I could go on and on, Some people have accused us of releasing an intercooler without testing. that is simply not true. We have only not released all of our testing. every aspect of this intercooler from the clamps to the end tank design has been designed and tested and is the best possable design.

We always do our homework.
One thing i faild to mention is how an individual makes use of the air that enters the grill. This can affect intercooler efficency at the track and really affects it on the street. By simply blocking off the area between the front bumper to the core support will affect mats in the 5 deg range. this is significant.
Jack please start your own thread that introduces your new intercooler and it will address the original complaint about your post here. I have not ever posted negatively to any post about Jacks intercooler, any coments i have made were only positive. Please offer me the same courtesy.


I've said nothing negative, like you said, we are friends and I wish nothing less than success to you. But you are right, I do need to start a new thread, it is time to share the facts...... :cool:
Jason, What do you mean by your statement about blocking off the area between the front bumper and core support you affect temps by 5 degrees?
I mean put a piece of aluminum sheet, rubber mat, carpet or whatever and screw/bolt it between the radiator core support and the front bumper. This makes any air than enters the grill have to go through the heat exchangers instead of just hitting the face of the intercooler and blowing down under the car and being wasted.
JCotton said:
This IC thing was started last summer with an agenda to "bring me down" I have seen no other company put under scrutiny like I have been.
Was never an agenda to bring you down,The reason you are under scrutiny from me,This started after i found out you knew of a problem with it being sub par years ago and doing nothing about it.ANd before you say my car wasnt running fast enough anyway,You knew Ted was building an 8 sec car and he was sold one.Do you not find this wrong?How can i scrutinze Jasons cooler? I never used it,Yours i did and i have my results.
But i must admit i love your name calling,and such,Real professional.You keep saying everyone sees us for what we really are,Maybe its the other way around.And Cal is a good friend , But by no means is he my Hero.
Not enough nicotine in your system must being cluttering your mind.
Lets see so far i am a Troll,a pimple on the butt,Ive got internet heros......
Cmon you can do better than that.We dont call names,Just call it like it is.
Here we go with another ridiculous statement Otto. You really need to get your facts straight. Read above, 1000hp core for starters..... there was nothing sub par, take responsilility for blowing your stuff up, stop trying to pawn it off somewhere else...
No ridiculous statements,Just facts.My motor blowing had nothing to do with your intercooler,I had installed a methanol kit to keep my temps in check.Thanks Razor :)
I dont blame your cooler.So stop trying to make people believe what is not true.
Originally Posted by JCotton

Don't think anyone is knocking the results or performance Scott has achieved, personally, I think it's an accomplishment so far. Just goes to show how much an IC may affect performance, if you want to look at it from that perspective. I look at a guy like Phil M, and see a low 10 second car run a 9 with an IC upgrade to one of mine. I see Steve S. do exactly the same, I'll go on to say, **** K 9.40's, Disco S 9.60's, Roy and Laz 9.40's, Dave R 9.60's and I'm sure many more. All these with stock blocks!!!! Now that was done with my old IC core, we now have all new cores so anyone with concerns of not being able to keep up with performance requirements need not worry...

I see a bunch of 9 second car listed but where are all of the 8 second car you claim are out there running " The Jack" ?

How many of the cars listed above are still running "The Jack" in 2006?

Jack, can you answer this question that was locked to protect you on the other board?
No ridiculous statements,Just facts.My motor blowing had nothing to do with your intercooler,I had installed a methanol kit to keep my temps in check.Thanks Razor :)
I dont blame your cooler.So stop trying to make people believe what is not true.

Hey Otto, didnt you run your best ET and MPH in BG without methanol? Maybe you had a different intercooler then, I dont know, just asking.
EightSecV6 said:
Hey Otto, didnt you run your best ET and MPH in BG without methanol? Maybe you had a different intercooler then, I dont know, just asking.

Otto's 9.42 @146 is hardly a best pass considering he has a stage motor with a 76 gts turbo. The Cotton intercooler he was running at the time was putting out 192 deg mats which promoted detonation and hurt the crank.

My Precision intercooler was producing 95 deg mats on a 9.23 pass.
It appears that Ottos intercooler is hurting his performance and a change is in order.
Looks like this thread has ran it's course, perhaps the mods need to lock it.
HighPSI said:
Looks like this thread has ran it's course, perhaps the mods need to lock it.

Yep, looks like Jack has spun a simple comment into some big consipiracy.
Ted A. said:
Yep, looks like Jack has spun a simple comment into some big consipiracy.

BS.Looks like a bunch of you clowns attacking Jack and his product to us with a brain....I wonder if all those motors that Cal built that **** the bed were running Jacks intercooler too??Could the IC be the reason for them blowing up or Cals shoddy work?
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