rod bolt hits block!


New Member
Aug 20, 2002
well i started going together with my latest creation. i have fortified this turd in every way i could. i bought a set of ATR H beam rods with L19 bolts and as the title says, the #1 rod bolt hits the main oil pick up galley in the block. anybody ever run into this problem? it is only the outside bolt. i really dont want to grind on the block because it looks pretty thin. and i dont want to grind on the rod bolt because it would be my luck that it would break later on. i wonder if they(ARP) offers a domed head rod bolt with internal hex or torx drive? any info will be great. thanks, jeremy walters
Get out your grinder and relieve the area it hits. Be sure not to break thru or you may suck air. If you break thru, you can press a tube (copper)into the pickup passage and dimple in that area.

Very common on Stage 1 blocks running big strokes and carillo rods.
Hey, I have the EXACT same setup internally. And yep, that one damn bolt hit the oil passage. I just too a dremel and ground a little bit away on the passage and it works great. But I was very carefull not to grind too much, just enough for the bolt to pass by without hitting and gave a small amount of extra clearance for parts expansion/contraction, etc..

On another note, how did you determine which way the rods were to go in. I mean which is front and which is back? I was p*ssed they weren't marked. I ended up assuming the tang's for the bearings would be in the same orientation as the stock rods and installed them that way. It seems to work as my clearances were all in spec.


thanks you guys. i busted out the carbide bit on the die grinder a was extremely careful. it worked great. derrick, you are correct they go in the same way as the stock rods. the bearing tang goes to the outside of the block. well gotta go to work. thanks all. jeremy walters
Thanks for verifying that orientation for me. That was the only thing I had to go by without trying to convince the machine shop on how to measure and orientate them. And yep, I put mine in with the tang toward the outside of the block. Whew!! (of course it's been running like this for a year now). :) Just a little 'peeved' that $800 rods don't come with some type of marking for the front when it's for an offset rod setup.
