turbo39151 said:
AF- 08
L8- 50
cc- was jumping all over the place (the car is running a new OEM O2, no cat)
Didn't get PL or sp #'s (?)
AF is the Mass air flow of air into the engine, 8 g/s is typical
L8 is a computed load on the engine from 0-255, its used with RPM to determine where in the timing table it should be at any instant, timing and fuel are each updated 80 times per second.
INT and BLM both at 128 seems odd. BLM is the long term average fuel trim the ECM uses. It calculates the fuel to put in, checks the O2 and adjust the trim if the the O2 is not oscillating about .450 V as it ramps fuel up and down using the fast INTegrator. Both at 128 means the ECM is calculating exactly the fuel needed which never happens. Given the coolant temp you are in open loop and warming up. Still the BLM should read something else unless you just reset the ECM memory before starting it up.
Once warm the decimal place on the right should go solid indicating its in closed loop.
clt-90 is deg F, your car is warming up.
Ats-61 air at just after the air filter is 61 deg F.
r-950, a somehwat high idle, but at that temp the ECM is using the IAC to keep the idle high and slowly drops it down as the car warms up.
tps-.44 throtle position sensor in volts. Must be roughly at .42-.48V at idle or the ECM thinks you are using the pedal and it messes up the idle routine.
IAC-50 Idle air control stepper motor is 50 steps out from the pintle being seated and blocking idle air off. Range is 0-180 steps. Warmed up in drive it should be around 10-30, the lower the better some say.