I just got the scanmaster hooked up today. Here are the values that were displayed. I do know I have a pass. side header cracked, and the scanmaster showed a code 15 which is a bad coolant temp sensor. PLEASE help...This is also the 2.1
The screen once started shows around 734 0.0
AF 06-07
L8 40-42
INT 128
BL 128
CLT -39 Bad accouring to scanmaster
ATS 61-63
R 850-900
TPS .42-.44
IAC 64-68
CC 01 & 65 were what I saw two different times.
Im sure some things are wrong here.
The screen once started shows around 734 0.0
AF 06-07
L8 40-42
INT 128
BL 128
CLT -39 Bad accouring to scanmaster
ATS 61-63
R 850-900
TPS .42-.44
IAC 64-68
CC 01 & 65 were what I saw two different times.
Im sure some things are wrong here.