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sd-slider BBQ/ Spoolfool cool car show @ Bates June 2nd.


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Cali guys, we have 5 AZ cars in Escondido waiting for a race. where are you Chicken? ...............
sd-slider BBQ / Spoolfool Cool Car Show @ Bates June 2nd.

01) Eric.-----------------sd-slider-------San Diego, PRK-------’87 GN
02) Mike Barnard-----Spoolfool2-----Hntgtn Bch, PRK-----’87 GN
03) James---------------Squid4life------San Diego, PRK ------No car
04) Neal Steward.-----750H.P.V6-----San Diego, PRK-----’87 Turbo-T
05) Al Vargo------------AlVarog1983.-Somewhere, PRK-----’87 GN
06) sand1---------------Unknown------Phoenix, AR------------?????
07) John Saleeby------John Saleeby--Walnut, PRK-----------’87 GN
08) Lil Truck-----------Steve------------Hesperia, PRK---------’87 GN (TSA-87GN)
09) Scott----------------87GN4S&S------Agua Dulce, USA------’87 GN
10) Reg West, Jr--------Reg West, Jr---Temecula, PRK--------’87 Turbo T
11) Reg West, Sr-------Reg West Sr---Apple Valley, PRK------’87 GN
12) Luis------------------luisturbog-----Somewhere, PRK------’86 powered
13) Rafael Vasquez----Ralph----------Somewhere, PRK-------’87 Limited
14) Jorge Vasquez-----Jorge-----------Somewhere, PRK--------Monte Carlo DT
15) Javier Vasquez----Javier----------Somewhere, PRK---------T-Type
16) Sergio Vasquez---Sergio----------Somewhere, PRK---------GN
17) Lou------------------turbolou-------Lake Forest, PRK----------Vette ZR1
18) Chris----------------TType85-------Somewhere, PRK---------’86 T-Type
19) Nick Micale--------Nick Micale----Phoenix, AZ----------------??????????
20) AZMotorgod-------Robert----------Phoenix, AZ---------------’87 GN
21) Rodney87GN------Rodney---------Somewhere, PRK--------’87 GN
22) Gaby-----------------?????------------Somewhere, PRK--------’86 T-Type
23) Gilbert--------------EVRGL----------Somewhere, PRK---------?????
23) Mike Grauer-------Mike Grauer---Somewhere, PRK--------GN
24) RJ RENOLDS-------RJ Renolds-----Phoenix, AZ---------------WE4
25) RJ’s son-------------?? Renolds-----Phoenix, AZ---------------WH1
26) Guy Cunningham-TurboTGuy----Phoenix, AZ---------------Can’t make it
27) Rick Seltz----------02WS686GN---Hemet, PRK---------------’87 GN
28) Mikaljavian--------Mikaljavian----Somewhere, PRK--------’87 GN
29) Dave-----------------dpasadena-----Pasadena, PRK-----------’87 GN
30) Pete------------------????????---------Santa Clarita, PRK-------’87 GN
31) Alberto--------------Gran Beto------Hawaiian Gdns, PRK-----??????
32) Mike-----------------MyV68U--------???????----------------------’87 GN
33) Mystery guest-----????????---------Long Beach, PRK----------Ride-along
34) Javier…………………GNBUICK87----Somewhere, PRK--------’87 GN
35) Andrew-------------Drewster-------Somewhere, PRK---------’86 T-Type
36) Brent----------------Boost231-------Somewhere, AZ-----------No car
37) Tom Baird----------N/A--------------Phoenix, AZ---------------’64 Vette Stingray
38) Jesse-----------------2urbov6---------Ontario, PRK--------------‘87GN
39) Art Borrayo--------N/A--------------Rancho Cucamonga------‘87 GNX
40) Gary Wells…………Gary Wells------Compton, PRK-------------’87 turbo-T
41) Rod Ramsey--------Non-member-------San Diego, PRK---------’87 GNX
42) Brian King----------Non-member-------San Diego, PRK---------’87 GN
43) Steve Langenfeld--Non-member-------San Diego, PRK---------’87 GN
44) Kamil Gibson-------Non-member-------San Diego, PRK---------’86 T-Type
45) Unknown-----------Non-member--------Alpine, PRK-------------‘87 GN
46) Charles Artley-----Non-member--------So Central, PRK---------‘87 G
47) Chris Bell-----------Non-member--------So Central, PRK---------Turbo Buick
48) Juan------------------Non-member--------Hntngon Park, PRK----‘87 GN
49) no name------------Non-member--------Laguna Nigel, PRK----‘87 GN
50) Unknown-----------datquick6------------Bakersfield, PRK---------’85 T-Type
51) Aaron Micale........XLR8ONU............Phoenix, AZ..............'87 T-Type
What an awesome event! Was great talking to everybody, both old friends and new. Great turnout, great vendor raffle, perfect weather and perfect location! Thanks again Mike, Eric, all those who helped out, and all the vendors!

So when's the BBQ??? ;)
What an awesome event! Was great talking to everybody, both old friends and new. Great turnout, great vendor raffle, perfect weather and perfect location! Thanks again Mike, Eric, all those who helped out, and all the vendors!

So when's the BBQ??? ;)

This X 1000! Great event!
thanks Mike and Eric great event...nice to meet the guys that I did....some beautiful cars some ideas for my car. Also got some tuning advise . Thanks to all
This was a super event! I had a great time and the weather was perfect! :D It was really impressive to see this many Turbo Buicks in place, I don't think I remember a gathering this big in at least 10 - 15 years. I really had fun catching up with people and probably should have gotten there sooner because it seemed like it was over too soon. The raffle was over the top with some really nice prizes.

I want to thank all the supporting vendors including G body parts, RJC, Spoolfool, Nick Micale, TA, Alky Control, Highway Stars, and Alradco for all their contributions. I'm sure I forgot some so please forgive me. I wanted to give a big shout out to Mike (Spoolfool) and Eric (SD slider) for all their efforts in coordinating the venue and to Mike's buddy Devon and John Saleeby for all their work behind the scenes. :cool:

Last but not least I wanted to say thanks to Nick, Dennis and the crew from AZ and Scott Atkinson and his buddies from NV for making the trek out to CA to join in on the fun. I don't know about you guys but I'm already looking forward to next year! :)

It was great seeing everyone together again. I came away wondering if I hadn't been missing something all these years realizing its not the cars that matter at all cause they come & go it's the people you meet and the memories that really count. Thanks Mike & Eric for putting on a great event & not letting this all fade away.
This was a super event! I had a great time and the weather was perfect! :D It was really impressive to see this many Turbo Buicks in place, I don't think I remember a gathering this big in at least 10 - 15 years. I really had fun catching up with people and probably should have gotten there sooner because it seemed like it was over too soon. The raffle was over the top with some really nice prizes.

I want to thank all the supporting vendors including G body parts, RJC, Spoolfool, Nick Micale, TA, Alky Control, Highway Stars, and Alradco for all their contributions. I'm sure I forgot some so please forgive me. I wanted to give a big shout out to Mike (Spoolfool) and Eric (SD slider) for all their efforts in coordinating the venue and to Mike's buddy Devon and John Saleeby for all their work behind the scenes. :cool:

Last but not least I wanted to say thanks to Nick, Dennis and the crew from AZ and Scott Atkinson and his buddies from NV for making the trek out to CA to join in on the fun. I don't know about you guys but I'm already looking forward to next year! :)


Well said Neal,

Here are a few shots of the event area, tried to get all the cars but that was not easy. Great event everyone!
Great show and great turnout. Big thanks to Mike and Eric for bringing back Bates and making it bigger and better. Props to all the vendors that pitched in their products...those were some really nice raffle prizes, even if I didn't win anything;)

Great meeting some new folks too...looking forward to next year.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
I'll be writing up the article for SLTV on this, so stay tuned...

In the meantime, here are a few SNEAK PEEK shots that you may or may not see in the article - in all of their as shot, unedited glory...


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Ha ha, great pic of Lou. We should have one of those "quote this picture" contests. :)

"Where are the rest of the corvettes?"
Awesome event!!! Really glad Scott Atk. talked me to driving my GN to the event(and also represent the Vegas area). There will be more of Vegas GN's next year (that means you LV locals- John/Anthony/Kurt etc...get your Buicks running!) and Scott's Camaro will be there this time. Big thanks to Mike and Eric!!

Actually Scott was giving me some driving pointers. ( Sorry Scott couldn't resist ) lol ! Oh & thanks Mike for parking me under that tree took me two hours to clean the tree sap & bird droppings off my car. I had Brent detail it before the show. Just no respect ! :rolleyes: