SE Turbo, what a joke

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i dont want to take sides here but you shouldnt have posted his adres out there like that if you want him banned from purchasing products thats fine but thats not right to put his adress out there like that. also customer vendor relationships. i would assume that you would have better sense than to do that. why would i want to purchase something from somebody who gives my information out like that? I just think that he was out of line with his use of vulgar language but he didnt deserve you to post where he lives that information is confidential. Well at least where i work I work in the medical feild and giving out information like that is illegal. Just my opinion
i dont want to take sides here but you shouldnt have posted his adres out there like that if you want him banned from purchasing products thats fine but thats not right to put his adress out there like that. also customer vendor relationships. i would assume that you would have better sense than to do that. why would i want to purchase something from somebody who gives my information out like that? I just think that he was out of line with his use of vulgar language but he didnt deserve you to post where he lives that information is confidential. Well at least where i work I work in the medical feild and giving out information like that is illegal. Just my opinion

I disagree. If he acts like a 2 year having a temper tantrum others need to be warned. He was the one who threatened bodily harm, not the vendors. One thing i could tell you is that if he was standing in front of me he wouldnt have said any of that nonsense. This is an internet coward. Big balls in front of the computer and thats it. I would log his ip addy and prevent any further activity from it on this site admins. May have already been done. Maybe his car will be on ebay. Ill look for it, lol! As far as the cost of materials thing, i have actually started scrapping aluminum myself. I find aluminum rims during the spring and fall at swap meets and pay $5 a piece only to get $15-20 each at the scrap yard for them. I am by no means hurting for money. The reason i do it is because its well worth it for the time i put into it. I can only imagine how much a 6" billet bar stock costs these days. Nothing for a high performance car is cheap. 99ssconv, in the future dont be such a cry baby. It will get you nowhere with people. Happy trails!:tongue:
I disagree. If he acts like a 2 year having a temper tantrum others need to be warned. He was the one who threatened bodily harm, not the vendors. One thing i could tell you is that if he was standing in front of me he wouldnt have said any of that nonsense. This is an internet coward. Big balls in front of the computer and thats it. I would log his ip addy and prevent any further activity from it on this site admins. May have already been done. Maybe his car will be on ebay. Ill look for it, lol! As far as the cost of materials thing, i have actually started scrapping aluminum myself. I find aluminum rims during the spring and fall at swap meets and pay $5 a piece only to get $15-20 each at the scrap yard for them. I am by no means hurting for money. The reason i do it is because its well worth it for the time i put into it. I can only imagine how much a 6" billet bar stock costs these days. Nothing for a high performance car is cheap. 99ssconv, in the future dont be such a cry baby. It will get you nowhere with people. Happy trails!:tongue:

Yes all of thats true but i just dont think posting customer information was cool. i dont know how you can get so mad over the internet but thats just me
My Thoughts

I have been extremely busy back in the shop all week and have been given updates from Suzette. I have purposely stayed out of the conversation because I believe Suzette has done an outstanding job responding to the complaint.
After reading the entire post this afternoon I just skake my head, raise my arms and think just what is going on here? After thinking about this entire post I have come to the conclusion that Kent has some tremedous stresses going on in his life at this time. No adult lashes out in this manner without having multiple deeper issues much much bigger than the visible surface ones.

My brother, I sincerley apologize for creating such anger. We simply made an honest mistake and politely corrected it as soon as we were informed. I recognize that this can not be the only issue that has caused you such harm and pain, and I sincerely hope and pray that you can resolve them as quickly as possible. I can only imagine what stress you are under and wish you the best at resolving them.

To the rest of those reading this post, much like it is in our immediate families, we bring home our underlying stresses and take it out on the ones we love without understanding why or thinking about it. I am sure Kent is usually able to communicate in a more constructive manner, but other underlying issues have set him off.

I feel a need to explain how this entire event started. This all pivots on the timeliness in updating out inventory price increases. As most of you have probably figured out that Suzette is on top of things. Any updated prices are immediately entered into our accounting software and website updated soon after. RJC recently has had a price increase as Jason has explained earlier in the thread. Our updated RJC price list includes all individual items offered by Jason by part number. SE Turbo also offers the same multiple pulley package discounts offered by Jason for customer service. There is no individual RJC part number for pulley packages listed on the RJC price sheet. We recently updated all the individual RJC prices but did not update the multiple pulley package prices due to the fact that they are not listed on the new price list. You only make this mistake once!! Believe me!

I was certainly open to discussing this with Kent but he simply cancelled the order with Suzette and we thought that was the end of it. Suzette also offered Kent to call us back, unfortunately he chose a different path.

Jason Cramer and I are good friends and we publish the very same retail prices as he offers on his website. If there is a discrepency, we have made a typing error and would appreciate a friendly call. Not making any excuses for myself, with over 4500 inventory items in the computer we are bound to make some sort of typo errors. My job is to find them and keep them to a minimum.

Now let's all hold hands and sing "Cumbuaya!"

Paul Rogowski
Southeast Turbo Performance
And we wonder why the Turbo Regal community has a rep for being the biggest complainers and whiners in the car markets.

Sad to see the rest of us represented by 99ssconv.:(
I've been banned and yet here I am again, first of all I would like to thank Paul Rogowski for his comment, yes he is correct. Suzette, you did have a penny of mine 34500 to be exact, however they are back in my account. I was set off by some of you idiots (Mark E. and WE4) to be exact. Mark E. you crossed my line when you called me an ass. If you would have kept your smart ass comment to yourself then I would not have said what I did. I see how you posted my name in a comment, at least I am not afraid to post my full name. WE4, your comment of Double P.S. : If you EVER refer to an ADMIN on this board as an IDIOT, I will ban you myself. Yes I called you a idiot so deal with it. Threaten to ban me, who cares. You pulled the trigger not me. Any last but not least is the bison, your quote of "This is an internet coward" any time your ready come and see how much of a coward I am. Two words would not come out of your mouth if we were face to face. Vendors, the fact of not selling anything to me, I guess you don't think I could use another name or something, he's on my list, that makes me laugh.. Kent Hagler
WOW!! My man was fired up. lol
Now he needs to go. Cut him loose. This issue should of been handled
w/ pm's ,email ,or phone. The language ,threats etc.ridiculous!!
For what it's worth...

I agree with the actions taken by the admins here. 99ssconv (Kent)has been out of line. The way I see it, everyone is responsible for their own actions. If Kent wants to act like he has, thats fine, but their must be consequences. Everyone acts like a tough guy over the internet. Maybe his personal information should be left out there.

If it was posted by a vendor then there are confidentially issues. BTW Health Information Privacy and Protection Act has nothing to do with his personal info on the net, well maybe it does if he truly is a mental headcase. If not, then just forward it to all of the major vendors on an individual basis. It's easy to use a fake name, but fake credit cards, checks are a different story. Paypal is easy to get. There are check (checking???)service companies. There should be a customer checking service and Kent would be on that blacklist. Over time I think as E-commerce picks up this will be available, just not yet. Oh crap, I just gave away a multi-million dollar idea:eek:
GN Pride

RJC, SE Turbo, and WE4 are some of the most upstanding, reliable, and honest people that I have ever been associated with. I am sorry that you had to ban him, but you did what was right! Thank You to all of the suppliers for quality GN parts! God Bless!!!:) :)
There comes a time in life to be accountable for your actions. This is one of them.

I just reread the thread from the beginning and my comment stands. My only apology is using pg words on a g forum.

I also stand behind these comments:

The way I see it. If $55 is going to break you and you can't make your house payment, Maybe you need to rethink how you are spending your money.

If not, Shame on you.

Go reread it yourself.

Took me about 20 seconds to find your name on this site.

Mark E.
Hey...I know where Highland Village is. :wink:

This got out of hand. We all misplace our meds every once and a while.

Good job Admin.

If it was posted by a vendor then there are confidentially issues. BTW Health Information Privacy and Protection Act has nothing to do with his personal info on the net, well maybe it does if he truly is a mental headcase.QUOTE]

Well im sorry but it is called the Health Insurance Portability and Acountability Act of 1996 and you can not release any patient information with out written consent. And also why should it be okay for a vendor to release personal information? And yes if i had a patient and posted about him on the net i would indeed be in trouble. I was just making a comparision anyways so dont try to act like you know what your talking about.
yeah it was too late to edit my post i didnt mean to be an a55 i was trying to state the facts

i think this guy is way out of line and should be banned for making threats. People go to jail now for making threats:eek: .......................................Bob
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