Smoking laws in your area.

What really angers me (I am a smoker) is that is the hypocricy (sp) of our society.......they will blast you for smoking a cigarette, citing cancer, etc, etc, yet these "non-smokers" don't think anything is wrong in lighting up a marijuana cigarette and spend more $ on weed than I spend on cigarettes. I hope our lawmakers legalize marijauna then tax the hell out of it making it more expensieve than it already is.......
Most people that smoke Marijuana do it in private. NOT in a restaurant or some other public arena where others have to be subjected to it so that's a poor argument.

If marijuana smokers smoked as much marijuana as smokers do cigarettes then the health damage would be more severe. But the fact is they do not inhale as much into their lungs on a regular basis so the cost to SOCIETY as far as our health care is concerned is WAY greater then marijuana smokers could ever dream of being. Again, a poor argument.
Eating fast food may not be healthy, but it does not affect the health of anyone but the eater....PERIOD !!! My point is that while smoking is legal, it does cause health problems for anyone near them and causes an unsafe workplace.

Puff away and shorten your life, but please do not blow it my way and I will not sprinkle you with asbestose dust !!!
alcohol kills more people than smokers, i dont drink, it bugs me when im out to a resturant and a drunk or drinker stumbles by my table like the other nite at red lobster, and a drunk driver killed my father back in 1952,
i have saw drivers at races drink and get in their cars and make passes,
as we are bashing smokers i just had to add the boozers:rolleyes:
good luck oc,

Sorry your father was killed by a drunk driver odell.

If a drunk stumbles by, how does that affect your health? Even if a drunk pukes or pees upon you, it still will not affect your health, unless he has AIDS. While I do not condone it, a drunk driver does not affect your health, unless he runs YOU over.
What about the shiphead that has to stop right at the door to take that last puff before walking in.
What about other shiphead that has to stop right at the door to take that last puff before walking in and then clips the cig inside the store.
BTW both these shipheads exhale that last puff inside the establishment.:mad::mad:

Ya, that's typical. How about the a-holes that just got to light up before they walk outside and take that first puff before they walk out. I see this regularly on the shop floor. I inquired about this and was told that it is to windy ouside to start smoking or light-up, Another BS story. They just can't wait to start smoking and walk those few extra steps outside. Then dispose of there butts alover the sidewalk, in planters, in the stone work, in the woodmultch. Everywhere but the specified smoking butt recepticals.
Allan G.
if we started calling cigs "fags" like they do in some parts of Europe, think people would still be inclined to smoke as much:confused:
I just moved to Australia from Virginia and the sin tax here is insane. Going from seeing packs for around $4.50 to $15.00 or more is insane, but seems effective. Beer is also crazy. Prices from $13- $17 for a six pack.

Holy Turbo, Batman!!!!!!! :eek:I'd die down there!! There's nothing better than a cold one after a hot day mowing the lawn, cleaning the gutters, working in a hot garage, 2 hours of drum solos, 2 hours of guitar solos, and basically causing havoc around here in the sticks. :wink:

Why on earth is beer that expensive down there!????? That's incredible!!!!!

NO......I never drink and drive. If I have to go anywhere, the beer stays in the fridge. If I've had a beer......I stay in the house. Never, ever drink and drive for ANY damn reason. It's just that simple.:wink:

Bruce '87 Grand National
thats a good one

We had a pot head problem next door. The moron would sit on his porch and smoke pot and the smell would come INTO our house.
So i went over and told him to please stop smoking that ship in front of the house because of the smoke/smell coming over And that it if he smoked it in side of his car with the windows closed that he would get more bang for his buck as his smoke would not be blown away. So he started smoking in his car with his windows closed:eek:

Boy, do I understand you here. Four years ago a friggin biker and his bitch bought the house next door to us. It's about 120 yards from our house. On HOT summer days, they were cooking methanphetamine in the fireplace....I smelled something awfully chemical and looked over at their house and smoke was coming out of the chimney. Even at night...we couldn't sleep with our windows open due to the sickening chemical smells. He had his whole trashy biker gang over there all of the time, watched them do a bong out in the front yard before their "Big Man Biker Rides," stoned out of their minds. The house owner and his wife were giving their 15 year old son hits off of the bong. Incredible!

Once they were all gone stealing something somewheres, their I saw their 15 year old son getting high as a kite by inhailing gas from the propane tank off of a gas grill. Then he was dancing all around the yard setting paper airplanes on fire and following them to the ground, squirming around watching them burn. (I was working on my GN at the time in the garage and saw this through my MIRRORED windows, see out, but not see in)

Counted five times the owner came racing home down his driveway at full speed, late at night and whipped his truck or bike around the back into the woods then shutting off the lights. (we are surrounded by miles and miles of deep woods here)

Had strange car traffic, Mexicans and Latinos coming over, different ones all of the time almost every other day. Constant traffic over there day and night.

I wanted to report them to the cops so bad, but knew if I complained, they would (absolutely would) figure out who reported and come over to harm us. Or my GN, or the garage. That idiot one time came over when I was working on my GN one afternoon and looked all around the garage. I was hoping he didn't notice all the things I've done to try and make the garage safe from thieves.. He had heard my Vette come in several times and wanted to see it. I showed it to him. He laughed at the four prong bar I keep on the steering wheel, and, laughing also, I told him that five seconds he could cut it off is a lot slower than the .44 slug that leaves the barrel of my Smith and Wesson. I didn't at all mention the other 7 things I've done to the Vette to try and keep it from being stolen.

I discussed these creeps with my neighbor who was an FBI agent, and friends with our local police department. (like me) Boy, was he shocked.

Thank God, they lost the house due to non-payment of the loan. They came back about four months later and were stealing the copper pipes out of it as I was calling the cops on them. The cops gave chase, caught the trash, and so far, I haven't been shot, or my garage torched. But, I know for a fact they would do that to me if they knew who called. It's in their nature. I had a good friend murdered in cold blood by a motorcycle gang in the '80s. A girl. Good friend. She knew the details of another murder they committed, so they had her shot with a .44 Magnum, in the head. She was my best buddy's sister. And, they got away with it. Go figure.

Ever smelled crystal meth being cooked? Most sickening smell I've ever smelled, even more than a dead body.

On quiting for 15 years....congratulations.

Bruce '87 Grand National

Ever smelled crystal meth being cooked? Most sickening smell I've ever smelled, even more than a dead body.

On quiting for 15 years....congratulations.

Bruce '87 Grand National

Wow. I don't believe that you really do live in Heaven on Earth like you say you do.
Wow. I don't believe that you really do live in Heaven on Earth like you say you do.

Funny....after re-reading everything I wrote, I sure can understand your reasoning after a story like that. You can really believe me now, my friend, since they've been gone it has been Heaven on Earth for us. Trust me. Everything is wonderful and beautiful around here. The wife of my dreams, the cars of my dreams, and the garage of my dreams (except for the darn mosquitoes:frown:)

Bruce '87 Grand National
Why on earth is beer that expensive down there!????? That's incredible!!!!!

A lot of the Aboriginals around here like to stay drunk 24 hours a day and since they get government money and don't have to work, that is entirely possible. I think that's one reason they tax the piss out of liquor. I have started home brewing to circumvent this problem.
Lived in SW FL. No smoking in Restaurants but Bsrs were ok.
Moved to SoCal (San Diego)- No smoking anywhere- not even the beach! Last I heard, they would pull over and fine people smoking in their cars if there were children present. (awesome! I hate smoke- allergic-can't breathe)

Moved to Appalachian mountain area Easten, KY.... Smokers everyehere. Kids, adults... "baccy" is big business... Funny, it's a dry county but they have tobacco drive-throughs... :rolleyes:

Also, have seen first hand cigarette smoking in state and federal buildings (ie : court houses)... When asked about this, they claim that "as far as we're concerned, it's still America here!!!"):eek::cool:

On labor day weekend we had to get some gas at a local gas station where they sell some terrible fried garbage and everyone smokes (smell inside is indescribable)... We know not to go inside... Anyway, it was amusing to see all the out-of state people that had stopped there on their way to somewhere else walk in and run out.... You should have seen their faces.. Priceless.
Yeah, stinks pretty bad,huh?

Wait till you see everyone smoking the new "electric cigarettes." They have a little red light in the end to give the impression that it's lit, and the smoker exhails water vapor from the electric cigarette witch looks like smoke. PLUS, these things have nicotine in them to give them the nicotine kick. Smokers LOVE them, says they help them kick the habit. Jeeze, how cocamamie can you get? Kick the habit with more nicotine?

Anyway, that's the rage now, and available online or over in Europe. The health people over here don't even know if they are deadly, unhealthy or what. There's a big article about it in today's edition of "Stars and Stripes."

Bruce '87 Grand National
Wait till you see everyone smoking the new "electric cigarettes." They have a little red light in the end to give the impression that it's lit, and the smoker exhails water vapor from the electric cigarette witch looks like smoke. PLUS, these things have nicotine in them to give them the nicotine kick. Smokers LOVE them, says they help them kick the habit. Jeeze, how cocamamie can you get? Kick the habit with more nicotine?

LOL, yeah when I worked some of the nightclubs here in West L.A. I would see that a lot...funniest part is, as they drink more and it gets later, you see them scrounging around for a cigarette, and by closing time their all puffing on real cigs again! Los Angeles is a ridiculous place...
I'm becoming a ex-smoker by switching over to E-Cigarettes. A guy at work had switched over to the E-Cigs and was showing me this past week. He convinced me to try it out and I ordered a starter kit from a place online.

I just received my new E-cigs in the mail yesterday and all I can say is Wow! Feels like I'm smoking a real cigarette, but is missing a whole lot of the negative aspects. There's no smell, I can do it indoors, besides the startup cost it's cheaper and health wise it has far less of an impact. You're just inhaling water vapor with nicotine and flavoring.

The guy at work told me he could only run on a treadmill for 15 minutes before giving out when he was smoking cigarettes. He can now run on a treadmill for an hour since switching to the E-Cigs.