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So,I finally get to make some passes with the G/N


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Jan 10, 2010
and I cant get the car to 60' better than 2.1,I had a little bit of a learning curve with launching the car,as I couldn't get the car to footbrake without spinning,as today I found I blew the axle seal on the pass. side and the brakes were covered in gear oil,well averaging 2.2 60' the best I could get was 12.50@113.50 ,I guessed I would get the car into the 11's by how it felt on the street,but will try again after the new brake job today,I can now get 5 lbs. on the brake,with that and playing with the tune,I am hoping to go 11.90.
And I had M/T 275-60 DR's on the car.and the air was bad,high humidity.
113 mph is almost near 11.80 With a god launch you should be fine.
113 mph is almost near 11.80 With a god launch you should be fine.

I was scratching my head on the m.p.h.,but I thought that was due to being a turbo,but must just be running hard after it gets up on the boost.??
Your 60 ft is killing you for every .1 you bring it down you can just about add .2 to your et. get that 60 ft down to 1.9 and you should be in the 11s or knocking right on the door. What rear tires are you running ?
275/60 is kind of a tall tire for a 44 unless u have a big stall .... i usta get 1.68 on slick tracks with 275/50/15's with my TE-60
275/60 is kind of a tall tire for a 44 unless u have a big stall .... i usta get 1.68 on slick tracks with 275/50/15's with my TE-60

I had thought about that,but I thought that is what most were running,I will see if I have anything shorter here.My stall in the Orange stripe is low 23-2400,but that I thought was due to the brake issue.
I run a 27" tire with stock converter and a te44 and it seems to pull fine. You should have 11s in your future though soon with those mph's.
mph is good enough for 11's with 1.6 60fts.try it with the brakes but i would switch out the converter and loosen the stall.i ran a 10.5 3200 lockup on a 49 down to 11.0's.never had any luck with the orange stripes and low stalls.
UPDATED E.T. after fixing the brakes and changing the fuel filter,I got in four runs at test and tune this morning,with a,

60'- 1.71.
330'- 4.78
1/8- 7.39
1/4- 11.61@ 115.65 m.p.h

I am sure I can break 11.50 ,but I had to go do something with my Son,so that was it for the day,I will get up there again in the next couple weeks after I do a little tweaking,with that said,what is left in this car? thanks.
Good cool air today. That's some nice times you got. Let us know when you're going up again.
Good cool air today. That's some nice times you got. Let us know when you're going up again.

Yes,it was good 40 degrees when I got up this morning @ 6:00,Was there by 8:00 and I could feel it was healthy on the ride there,the track was shut down yesterday due to the track being wet,and the left lane was still bad,but the right lane was prepped good.
That was a good turn around. Congratulations.
Whats next?
Race Gas w/more timing and boost? Include some weight reduction and you could dip into the 10s